British Food Journal: Volume 91 Issue 8
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Introduction (Food Safety – Practices and Policies)
David J. JukesA summary of the issue of food safety is given, in the light ofrecent public concern over food hazards in the UK. The future of foodsafety is discussed and mention is made of the…
The Role of the Department of Health in the Microbiological Safety of Food
Michael Jacob, V.S. Billingham, Eileen RuberyThe various authorities concerned with food safety and thearrangements for detection and withdrawal of food which is hazardous tohealth are discussed. Suspect food can be removed…
Chemical Safety of Food: MAFF′s Role
D.P. Atkins, S.M. SmithThe scientific basis of MAFF′s policy on the chemical safety offood is described. Examples are provided of the independent advisorycommittee structure which depends on scientific…
Food Safety and Food Law Reform – The Environmental Health View
M. CorballyThe view of the Institution of Environmental Health Officers withregard to increased consumer safety is given. Food control is notrigorous enough in the UK and a series of reforms…
The Veterinary Profession and Meat Hygiene
W.J. ReillyThe history of the veterinary profession and its links with meathygiene are described. Most EC countries, and many other developedcountries, give veterinarians considerably more…
Food Safety in Perspective
Verner WheelockFoodborne disease and manutrition are the most serious threats tohealth in the UK at present. An overview of the current position isgiven and recommendations made for the…
Microbiological Safety – The Role of the Institute of Food Research
B.E.B. MoseleyEnormous changes have taken place in the manufacture, productionand distribution of food in the recent past. With this in mind, the foodindustry and government must be…
Implications of Food Irradiation for Food Safety
David KilcastDespite public unease, certain irradiated foods will be legally onsale in the UK in 1990. The irradiation process is outlined and itsapplications described. At present 36…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris