British Food Journal: Volume 91 Issue 6
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
For How Long will Cook‐chill Survive?
R.W. LaceySome of the disadvantages of the cook‐chill method of catering aredescribed. The technique has been developed in a haphazard and ratherunscientific manner and, although becoming…
Health‐responsible Food Marketing
D.A. BoothHealth‐responsible food marketing in the deepest and technicallymost challenging sense is more than legitimate marketing (complying withthe food regulations), marketing under a…
Developments in the Spices Trade: A Review
Hillary BoxAs with many other food industries, the traditional spice tradingmethods are breaking down under pressure of demands for increasedquality and quantities of ever more spices and…
Nutrition and Food Policy in the United Kingdom
Michael Kipps, Phillipe RossiterThe provision and distribution of food is an important subject andshould therefore be part of government policy, but there are majordifficulties in this regard in a democratic…
Food Irradiation: The Technological Fix of the 1990s?
Helen Blackholly, Paul ThomasThe advantages and disadvantages of food irradiation are discussed,and examples are given. Particular emphasis is given to its effect onthe nutritive qualities of food, especially…
Ethnic Food Business Revisited
Jim SakerSocial influences seem to be important in starting up small ethnicminority businesses in the food industry. Many do not use banks forinitial financing, but family or near family…
Bacteriological Examination of Sandwiches Sold from Petrol Filling Stations
Steven MillsSamples of sandwiches were taken from all petrol filling stationsin the Bolton area selling such foodstuffs. These were bacteriologicallyexamined and, when the results were…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris