British Food Journal: Volume 91 Issue 5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The Responsibility of the Food Industry

A.E. Bender

Over the past few years the food industry has been criticised bythe press for a massive list of problems, including allergies,irradiation, food poisoning and food additives. In…

Food Regulation and Retailing

Stephen Ridge

Over the last six months we have seen an unprecedented number offood and contamination scares given wide media coverage. A result ofthis has been the launch of the Food Safety…

The Role of Inland Wholesale Markets in the Distribution of Fresh Fish in the UK

David Symes, Sarah Maddock

Studies of the marketing and distribution of fish have examined adeclining industry, which, in response to trends in fish consumption andmajor developments in the food retailing…

Evaluating Case Allowance Price Promotions for Food Products

Michael D. Geurts, Heikki Rinne

Intense competition for consumers′ attention and for theirexpenditures has forced manufacturers to seek different ways to motivateall channel members to push their products.

A Structural Analysis of the UK Grocery Retail Market

Robert C. Duke

Markets are characterised by distinctive patterns of competition,sources of threat or opportunity and, indeed, various levels ofprofitability. The author considers how significant…


Mystical Truffles – Nuggets of Sublime Taste Buried beneath the Earth

Nadia Luciani

Truffles are a type of fungus that grows underground in symbiosiswith the roots of certain trees, such as beeches, oaks and nut trees.The true potential of the British market is…

Fit to Eat?

Peter LG. Bateman

The evidence on sources of food poisoning is reviewed. Researchshows that many of the problems originate in the kitchen and three linesof attack against pests – exclusion…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris