British Food Journal: Volume 91 Issue 2
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents
Problems in the Food System: A Comment
Richard BodyThe food industry is faced by a crisis – perhaps sooner thanhad been feared. The evidence of widespread salmonella among poultry, itis argued, is a warning. It is suggested that…
Salmonella Enteritidis and Eggs: The Position at the End of 1988
Richard W. LaceyIt is argued that food poisoning from salmonella‐infected food isserious and that there has been a dramatic and recent rise in theincidence of such poisoning which is accounted…
The Valuation of Brands
J. MurphyA storm of controversy has been created by Rank Hovis McDougall′sdecision to capitalise its brands, including those developed within thegroup. The case for capitalisation is…
Approaching 1992 – European Developments in 1988
David J. JukesA target date of 31 December 1992 has been set for the abolition ofmany of the present controls on goods passing between member states ofthe European Community. For foods, as with…
Ethnic Food Businesses – Success and Failure
Jim Saker, Bill BrookeResearch funded by the Barrow and Geraldine S. Cadbury Trust intothe ethnic minority food industry in the West Midlands is described. Thestructure of this sector and…
Beer Glass Hygiene – A Survey
B.S.C. HilkeneA bacteriological survey was conducted on beer glasses from threelicensed premises in South Somerset. A total of 120 glasses wasexamined, 40 from each site. It was concluded that…
Food Hygiene – The Missing Directive
Pauline GreenThe initial legislation to introduce a single market in foodstuffsthroughout the EC has been wending its way through the Community for twoor three years. The five major directives…
Food and Health – A European Perspective
T.R. Gormley, G. Downey, D. O′BeirneFood, health and consumer issues will continue to be a majorchallenge to all involved in European food production, processing andpolicy making into the next century. There is…

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris