British Food Journal: Volume 126 Issue 13


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Exploring the dynamics of innovation: patterns of growth and contraction in the local food industry

Paulina Ines Rytkönen, Wilhelm Skoglund, Pejvak Oghazi, Daniel Laven

The purpose of this study is shed light on the underlying forces behind entrepreneurship within a regional innovation system (RIS) in a remote rural region. The authors examine…


The effect of nutrition labels on lunch buffet consumption: a real-life experiment

Terhi Junkkari, Maija Kantola, Leena Arjanne, Harri Luomala, Anu Hopia

This study aims to increase knowledge of the ability of nutrition labels to guide consumer choices in real-life environments.


Can an apple a day keep COVID-19 away? A cluster analysis of the long-term COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on the consumption of apples in Italy

Carlo Giannetto, Angelina De Pascale, Giuseppe Di Vita, Maurizio Lanfranchi

Apples have always been considered a healthy product able to provide curative properties to consumers. In Italy, there is a long tradition of apple consumption and production both…

What constitutes food system resilience? The importance of divergent framings between UK mainstream and local food system actors

Jasmine Elizabeth Black, Damian Maye, Anna Krzywoszynska, Stephen Jones

This paper examines how key actors in the UK food system (FS) understand the role of the local food sector in relation to FS resilience.


Consumers’ valuation of blockchain-based food traceability: role of consumer ethnocentrism and communication via QR codes

Duc Tran, Hans De Steur, Xavier Gellynck, Andreas Papadakis, Joachim J. Schouteten

This study aims to investigate the impact of consumer ethnocentrism on consumers' evaluation of blockchain-based traceability information. It also examined how the use of quick…


Taste of success: a strategic framework for product innovation in the food and beverage industry

Mehrgan Malekpour, Federica Caboni, Mohsen Nikzadask, Vincenzo Basile

This paper aims to identify the combination of innovation determinants driving the creation of innovative products amongst market leaders and market followers in food and beverage…


Who is responsible for fixing the food system? A framing analysis of media reactions to the UK's National Food Strategy

Mehroosh Tak, Kirsty Blair, João Gabriel Oliveira Marques

High levels of child obesity alongside rising stunting and the absence of a coherent food policy have deemed UK’s food system to be broken. The National Food Strategy (NFS) was…


What does it take to close the loop? Lessons from a successful citrus waste valorisation business

Madhura Rao, Lea Bilić, Aalt Bast, Alie de Boer

In this case study, we examine how a citrus peel valorising company based in the Netherlands was able to adopt a circular business model while navigating regulatory, managerial…


Research on the matching effect between advertising appeal and product type on the purchase intention of organic food

Jiayuan Zhao, Hong Huo, Sheng Wei, Chunjia Han, Mu Yang, Brij B. Gupta, Varsha Arya

The study employs two independent experimental studies to collect data. It focuses on the matching effect between advertising appeals and product types. The Elaboration Likelihood…


Discovering the conceptual building blocks of blockchain technology applications in the agri-food supply chain: a review and research agenda

Soraya González-Mendes, Sara Alonso-Muñoz, Fernando E. García-Muiña, Rocío González-Sánchez

This paper aims to provide an overview of the application of blockchain to agri-food supply chains, including key issues and trends. It examines the state of the art and…


Generation Z and Millennials’ food-sharing behaviour: a cross-generational analysis of motivations, satisfaction and behavioural intention

Pimsuporn Poyoi, Ariadna Gassiot-Melian, Lluís Coromina

Posting and sharing about food on social media has surged in popularity amongst younger generations such as Millennials and Generation Z. This study aims to analyse and compare…


Properties of films and coatings added of tocopherol for food packaging: tool-based review for systematic reviews and bibliometric analysis

Danusa Silva da Costa, Lucely Nogueira dos Santos, Nelson Rosa Ferreira, Katiuchia Pereira Takeuchi, Alessandra Santos Lopes

The aim was not to perform a systematic review but firstly to search in PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus and Web of Science databases on the papers published in the last five years…

Exploring seafood choices at the point of purchase among a sample of Swedish consumers

Elena Costa, Penny Bergman, Jun Niimi, Elizabeth S. Collier

Seafood consumption in Sweden is below the national recommendations and limited to very few species. This study aims to explore the factors shaping seafood choices at the point of…

Seeding innovation: the role of internal and external digital data in agri-food product innovation

Moreno Frau, Tamara Keszey

Since previous literature provides fragmented and conflicting results about the use of digital data for product innovation, the article aims to comprehensively explore and shed…

Machine Learning for short-term property rental pricing based on seasonality and proximity to food establishments

Diego de Jaureguizar Cervera, Javier de Esteban Curiel, Diana C. Pérez-Bustamante Yábar

Short-term rentals (STRs) (like Airbnb) are reshaping social behaviour, notably in gastronomy, altering how people dine while travelling. This study delves into revenue…


The influence of aesthetics and emotions on reuse intention and compulsive behaviour in food delivery usage

Francisco Rejón-Guardia

This study addresses the impact of aesthetics and formality in Food Delivery Applications (FDAs) in evoking emotions, and how these influence the intention to reuse and compulsive…


Heterogenous social mechanisms drive the intention to purchase organic food

Jordi Lopez-Sintas, Giuseppe Lamberti, Pilar Lopez-Belbeze

This article explores the heterogenous social mechanisms that drive responsible environmental behaviours by investigating differences in the mean effect of the psychosocial…

Determinants of behavior towards hemp-based products: an application of the theory of planned behavior

Hannah Lacasse, Jeffrey Buzas, Jane Kolodinsky, Tyler Mark, Rebecca Hill, William Snell, Heather Darby

This paper examines how U.S. consumer intentions to adopt hemp vary across product types using the theory of planned behavior (TPB).

Food prices in the United States during COVID-19: generalized facts on price inflation and volatility

Richard J. Volpe, Xiaowei Cai, Presley Roldan, Alexander Stevens

The COVID-19 pandemic was a shock to the food supply chain without modern precedent. Challenges in production, manufacturing, distribution and retailing led to the highest rates…


The role of third actors in the dyadic business relationship initiation: an empirical perspective of sommelier in the wine context

Pier Franco Luigi Fraboni, Andrea Sabatini, Maria Rosaria Marcone, Valerio Temperini

Starred restaurants, as significant outlets for small wineries, present a unique business opportunity. In this context, the sommelier, as a third actor, assumes a pivotal role in…

Green Lean Six Sigma in the food industry: a systematic literature review

Olivia McDermott, Cian Moloney, John Noonan, Angelo Rosa

The current paper aims to discuss the implementation of Green Lean Six Sigma (GLSS) in the food industry to improve sustainable practices. The focus is more specifically on dairy…


Food waste reduction, corporate responsibility and national policies: evidence from Europe

Gianluca Biggi, Ludovica Principato, Fulvio Castellacci

This paper investigates strategies for addressing the global challenge of food loss and waste (FLW) within the food industry. It examines the relationship between corporate social…


How do emotions influence healthy food choice? Investigating an extended framework of the social-cognitive theory

Katrin Brückner, Agnes Emberger-Klein, Klaus Menrad

The purpose of this study was to investigate how and through which social-cognitive constructs, emotions influence healthy food shopping behaviors. Direct effects of those…

Blockchain applications in the agri-food sector: current insights, challenges and research avenues

Giovanna Terrizzi, Alba Marino, Maria Cristina Cinici, Daniela Baglieri

With the growing entrepreneurial enthusiasm surrounding blockchain, there has been a notable surge in academic discussions regarding the business implications of integrating this…

The country-of-origin dilemma: domestic bias or need for transparency? Assessing consumer’s value of information for country-of-origin labelling in Italy

Giuditta Farina, Mirta Casati, Paolo Sckokai

The main objective of this study is to analyze consumers’ willingness to pay (WTP) for country-of-origin (COO) labels of two processed food products, disentangling the value of…

The impact of the health star rating front-of-packaging label on preferences for food products

Muhammad Junaid Shahid Hasni, Luigi Mittone, Lucia Savadori

The Health Star Rating (HSR) is a front-of-pack labeling system that helps consumers understand the nutritional values of foods. In this study, we examined the effects of the…

Natural or organic? How framing impacts choices of sustainable food and wine products

Francesco Minetti, Simone Quercia

The paper investigates the choice preferences of Gen Z individuals between products labelled as “organic” versus products labelled as “natural”. While the former category…

Consumers’ perception and willingness to pay for hydroponic tomatoes: the effects of sustainability and quality attributes

Antonia D'Amico, Annalisa De Boni, Giovanni Ottomano Palmisano, Enrica Morea, Claudio Acciani, Rocco Roma

The agricultural sector is facing pressure due to concerns about its impact on the environment. Farmers must adapt to ensure high-quality, sustainable production. This requires…

Consumers’ attitudes towards healthy eating: a qualitative comparison between older and younger Chinese consumers

Jingyu Dong, Beth Clark, Wenjing Li, Shan Jin, Lynn J Frewer

Unhealthy diets are associated with an increased risk of non-communicable diseases and present a significant public health challenge. When developing effective interventions and…

Exploratory analysis of influential factors in the choices of using single-use or reusable cups in vending

Alberto Bertossi, Laura Rizzi, Stefania Troiano, Francesco Marangon

This study investigates the variables that play a role in the purchase intention of a hot beverage at a vending machine (1) served in a 100% recyclable plastic single-use cup, (2…

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on household food insecurity: evidence from the United Arab Emirates

Beshir M. Ali, Ioannis Manikas, Balan Sundarakani

The objective of this study was to measure the prevalence and severity of food insecurity in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) during May 2021 to June 2022, and to assess the impact…

Factors influencing business model change: a case study for the European crop protection industry

Liselot Bourgeois, Jef Van Meensel, Fleur Marchand, Steven Van Passel

This paper proposes a theoretical framework for the comprehensive study of business model (BM) change by taking different types of influencing factors and different levels of…

Optimists, moderates and sceptics – identifying consumer groups and their willingness to consume cultured proteins in Finland

Aino Heiskanen, Toni Ryynänen

It is suggested that the detrimental externalities of intensive livestock production can be reduced by manufacturing animal proteins with cellular agriculture technologies. This…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris