British Food Journal: Volume 125 Issue 13


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

A forecast of Cava wine sales applied to vine planting authorizations

Mercedes Teruel, Victòria Soldevila-Lafon, Mònica Martin-Bofarull

This paper aims to establish the determinants of production in the Spanish Designation of Origin (DO) area for Cava wine and forecasts sales to establish vineyard area variations…


Social media, brand communication and customer engagement in Michelin-starred restaurants during a time of crisis

Silvia Fissi, Elena Gori, Valentina Marchi, Alberto Romolini

The purpose of this study is to analyse the brand communication on social media (SM) made by two- and three-starred restaurants and the customer reaction in terms of engagement…


Food discourse: ethics and aesthetics on Instagram

Anna Rita Irimiás, Serena Volo

The aim of the study is threefold: understanding the interconnections amongst visual and verbal multimodal communication strategies used in food discourse; identifying the themes…


When less isn't more and more isn't less: is there an overlap between “protected designation of origin”, “mountain product” and “organic” in Italy?

Alice Stiletto, Samuele Trestini

Using a generic cheese as an anchor product, in this study consumers' preferences for different EU quality schemes have been investigated. Specifically, the study aims to…


Interests, motivations and gastronomic experiences in the world heritage site destination of Granada (Spain): satisfaction analysis

José Valverde-Roda, Miguel Jesús Medina Viruel, Lucía Castaño Prieto, Miguel Ángel Solano Sánchez

Gastronomy can be a key destination choice factor. As tourists, people will be able to learn more about the culture of the place through its culinary assets. This paper aims to…


Drivers for economic recovery: analysis of family expenditure on catering services

Javier de Esteban Curiel, Arta Antonovica, Beatriz Rodríguez Herráez

Catering services play important role in the Spanish economy, accounting for 6.2% of GDP in 2021. To overcome the adverse economic impacts of COVID-19, catering services are…


The effects of mandatory non-financial reporting on financial performance. A multidimensional investigation on global agri-food companies

Gianluca Vitale, Sebastiano Cupertino, Angelo Riccaboni

Focusing on the Agri-Food and Beverage sector, the paper investigates the direct effect of worldwide mandatory non-financial disclosure on several financial dimensions as well as…


Motives, propensities and consistencies among Swedish consumers in relation to the food choice concept of clean eating

Anna Kristina Edenbrandt, Carl-Johan Lagerkvist

The purpose of this study is to explore how consumers apply clean-eating criteria to a range of food characteristics, and the extent to which individuals are consistent in how…


What makes hot beverage vending machine cups eco-friendly? A research into consumer views and preferences

Alberto Bertossi, Stefania Troiano, Francesco Marangon

This study aims to gain a first explorative view on what intrinsic/extrinsic attributes a generic cup for hot beverage should possess to be perceived as eco-friendly, and how some…


Improving online food ordering and delivery service quality by managing customer expectations: evidence from Italy

Angelo Bonfanti, Chiara Rossato, Vania Vigolo, Alfonso Vargas-Sánchez

Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, many restaurants and catering businesses have introduced or improved online food ordering and delivery services (OFODSs). This study…


Financing innovation in agri-food industries: an analysis of the Italian micro, small and medium enterprises

Mauro Paoloni, Marco Tutino, Niccolò Paoloni, Valentina Santolamazza

This work aims to investigate the current financial structure of Italian agri-food micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to understand how MSMEs face innovation challenges…


Dealcoholised wine: exploring the purchasing considerations of South African Generation Y consumers

Markus Filter, Chris D. Pentz

This study contributes to the scant research on dealcoholised wine from a consumer behaviour perspective by providing insight and reporting on the attributes that South African…


Business and management research trends of sustainability assessment in the food sector

Carolina Nicolas, Valeska V. Geldres-Weiss

This study aimed to identify research trends and topics in sustainability assessment in the food sector within the scope of economics, business and management research.


Food entrepreneurship and self-employment in an island context

Paulina Ines Rytkönen, Pejvak Oghazi, Rana Mostaghel

The aim is to advance the conceptualisation of island entrepreneurship by investigating how the island context, for example, industry characteristics, social context and formal…


Investigating sustainable consumption behaviors: a bibliometric analysis

Donata Tania Vergura, Cristina Zerbini, Beatrice Luceri, Rosa Palladino

The research carried out a bibliometric analysis of the literature on environmental sustainability from a demand perspective by analyzing the scientific contributions published in…


Consumption of low pesticides food: implications for producers and policymakers. Results from a multi-attribute analysis

Paola Ferretti, Aiste Petkeviciute, Maria Bruna Zolin

This study aims to identify different consumer segments to address the strategies that can be adopted by companies and policymakers to increase the consumption of safer foods and…

Where was my cup of honey made? PDO honey and sub-regional ethnocentric consumer segments

Maria Teresa Trentinaglia, Daniele Cavicchioli, Cristina Bianca Pocol, Lucia Baldi

The goal of this study is to understand if ethnocentrism exists at the sub-regional level among honey consumers living in the same production area as a protected designation of…


Consumer preferences for rice in East Africa

Edgar Edwin Twine, Sali Atanga Ndindeng, Gaudiose Mujawamariya, Stella Everline Adur-Okello, Celestine Kilongosi

Improving the competitiveness of East Africa's rice industries necessitates increased and viable production of rice of the quality desired by consumers. This paper aims to…


The way we live, the way we travel: generation Z and sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences

Alicia Orea-Giner, Francesc Fusté-Forné

This research aims to examine Generation Z's perspectives of sustainable consumption in food tourism experiences, considering the drivers on food tourists' behavioural intents and…


Food interests, preferences and behaviours: a profile of the sustainable food consumer

Claire O'Neill, Mary Brigid McCarthy, Seamus O'Reilly, Frode Alfnes

Sustainability challenges are omnipresent. This study aims to identify consumer segments based on food consumption practices from purchasing to disposal. A priori work identified…


The perceived value of oat milk and the food-choice motives of young, urban people

Merja Halme, Anna-Maija Pirttilä-Backman, Trang Pham

Both governments and the food industry are interested in plant-based products. New products are advertised as climate-friendly, with plant-based materials increasingly replacing…


Natural wine as an expression of sustainability: an exploratory analysis of Italy's restaurant industry

Patrizia Gazzola, Enrica Pavione, Daniele Grechi, Federica Scavarda

Although not yet fully defined, natural wine represents a sector that has gained the widespread attention of final consumers and, therefore, also of the restaurant world, because…


Drivers of liking and value perception for a new apple cultivar in Italy

Sergio Rivaroli, Roberta Spadoni, Stefano Tartarini, Roberto Gregori, Bettina Riedel, Paola Draicchio, Luca Folini, Themistoklis Altintzoglou, Maurizio Canavari

Combining sensory evaluations and hypothetical valuation mechanisms, this study aims to investigate the impact of consumers' product sensory attributes on willingness to pay (WTP…

An econometric analysis of the demand for cigarettes in Italy after the introduction of heated tobacco products in 2016

Stefano Marzioni, Alessandro Pandimiglio, Marco Spallone

This article provides evidence of a long-term structural relationship between demand for heated tobacco products (HTPs) and for combustible cigarettes in a Marshallian demand…

Artificial intelligence and new business models in agriculture: a structured literature review and future research agenda

Alberto Cavazza, Francesca Dal Mas, Paola Paoloni, Martina Manzo

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a growing technology impacting several business fields. The agricultural sector is facing several challenges, which may be supported by the use of…


Impact of faith on food marketing and consumer behaviour: a review

Savino Santovito, Raffaele Campo, Pierfelice Rosato, Long Dai Khuc

The aim of this manuscript is to study the current scientific literature on food marketing and religion, by giving an overview of current knowledge and the possible future…


Unleashing the value of artificial intelligence in the agri-food sector: where are we?

Meriam Trabelsi, Elena Casprini, Niccolò Fiorini, Lorenzo Zanni

This study analyses the literature on artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for the agri-food sector. This research aims to identify the current research streams, main…


Increasing green leafy vegetable consumption through street food dishes in Lagos, Nigeria

Ireen Raaijmakers, Youri Dijkxhoorn, Harriette Snoek, Kikelomo Amoreoluwa, Adedola Adeboye, Olufolajimi Talabi, Christine Plaisir, Augustine Ehimen Okoruwa, Oluwole Toye, Coen van Wagenberg

Despite its health benefits, vegetable consumption is low in urban Nigeria. Interventions have been successful in increasing urban Nigerians' vegetable intake in the home…

The “milky ways”: emerging sustainable business models for sustainable value creation in the dairy industry

Silvia Cantele, Paola Signori

This study aims to analyse the components of sustainable business models (SBMs) in the dairy industry, in relation to firm-relevant organisational features (size, ownership…


Counteracting noncommunicable diseases with front-of-pack nutritional labels' informativeness: an inquiry into the effects on food acceptance and portions selection

Marco Francesco Mazzù, Angelo Baccelloni, Simona Romani

Front-of-pack nutritional labels have been extensively studied to support consumers in making healthier and more informed food choices. However, existing research has gathered…

Identifying the attributes of consumer experience in Michelin-starred restaurants: a text-mining analysis of online customer reviews

Ramón Barrera-Barrera

The main goal of this paper is to identify the attributes of consumer experience in Michelin-starred restaurants and to estimate their effects on restaurant ratings.

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris