British Food Journal: Volume 124 Issue 2


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: Features, Drivers, and Outcomes of Food Tourism

Guest Editors: Marcello Mariani, Bendegul Okumus

Motivations, self-congruity and restaurant innovativeness as antecedents of a creative-food tourism experience: the moderating effect of first-time and repeat tourists

Mar Gómez-Rico, Arturo Molina-Collado, María Leticia Santos-Vijande, Anil Bilgihan

This study aims to analyze the drivers of a creative food tourism experience (CFTE) and its effect on the tourists' perceived authenticity and satisfaction. Specifically, this…


Not just food: Exploring the influence of food blog engagement on intention to taste and to visit

Giada Mainolfi, Vittoria Marino, Riccardo Resciniti

The present study investigates the impact of perceived enjoyment, blogger credibility and homophily on readers' engagement. Moreover, the study investigates the role exerted by…


Addressing sustainable food management in hotels: proposing a framework and examining hotel groups

María Eugenia Ruiz Molina, Sergio Belda-Miquel, Anni Hytti, Irene Gil-Saura

Sustainable food practices have been recognised as a key issue in efforts to improve and report sustainable tourism practices, given the importance of the social, environmental…


Searching memories of pleasures in local cuisine: how nostalgia and hedonic values affect tourists' behavior at hot spring destinations?

Janet Chang, Sean Hsin-Hung Lin, Li-Sheng Wu

Historically, hot springs have been regarded as hedonic and foodie destinations, yet the antecedents that affect tourists' intentions for local cuisine in hot springs remain…

Food tourism: opportunities for SMEs through diaspora marketing?

Robert Bowen

The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of the diaspora effect on food tourism. Focussing on the nexus of diaspora marketing, entrepreneurship and food tourism, this…

Profiling food festivals by type, name and descriptive content: a population level study

Muhammet Kesgin, Rajendran Murthy, Rick Lagiewski

This research aims to classify and describe food festivals and examine the patterns in food festival naming and festival descriptions in online media.

Application of the extended theory of planned behavior to street-food consumption: testing the effect of food neophobia among Indian consumers

Suvidha Khanna, Komal Nagar, Vinay Chauhan, Sheetal Bhagat

The purpose of the paper is to find out how food neophobia, perceived risk and perceived value affect their consumers' attitude and consumption intention toward street-food, when…


Who killed food tourism? Unaware cannibalism in online conversations about traveling in Italy

Alessandro Bigi, Fabio Cassia, Marta Maria Ugolini

A food tourism destination can fully exploit its competitiveness if food-related attributes are consistently highlighted both in its promotion and in user-generated content…

Defining risk reduction strategies for tourists with specific food needs: a qualitative approach

Laura Fuentes-Moraleda, Ana Muñoz-Mazón, Coral Santiago-Rincón, Alicia Orea-Giner

This exploratory study aims to identify the main risk reduction strategies when individuals suffer from coeliac disease (CD) or non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) travel. Based…

Seafood festivals for local development in Italy and Sweden

Lucia Pizzichini, Tommy D. Andersson, Gian Luca Gregori

The paper focusses on festivals taking place in coastal regions whose central element is seafood. The purpose is to analyse the role of seafood festivals as potential tourist…


The impact of COVID-19 on destination visit intention and local food consumption

Bekir Bora Dedeoğlu, Marcello Mariani, Fangfang Shi, Bendegul Okumus

This paper aims to investigate the relationships between motivation and intention to consume local food and between intention to consume local food and intention to visit the…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris