British Food Journal: Volume 123 Issue 13


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Consumers’ awareness of the EU’s protected designations of origin logo

Alexandra Goudis, Dimitris Skuras

Protected designation of origin (PDO) and protected geographical indication (PGI) products form the core of the European Union (EU) quality food policy. Low and fragmented logo…


Simultaneous production decisions in agricultural contexts: an experimental investigation of pesticide use, animal welfare and wheat production

Julia Höhler, Jörg Müller

Farmers often decide simultaneously on crop production or input use without knowing other farmers' decisions. Anticipating the behavior of other farmers can increase financial…


Combining online market research methods for investigating brand alignment: the case of Nespresso

Silvia Ranfagni, Monica Faraoni, Lamberto Zollo, Virginia Vannucci

The purpose of this paper is to propose a research approach to investigate brand alignment by exploiting textual data from online brand communities in the coffee industry…


Food security and trade policies: evidence from the milk sector case study

Maria Bruna Zolin, Danilo Cavapozzi, Martina Mazzarolo

Milk is one of the most produced, consumed and protected agricultural commodities worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to assess how trade-opening policies can foster food…


Developing a matrix framework for protein transition towards more sustainable diets

Ari Paloviita

The purpose of this study is to propose a matrix framework to understand the interdependencies of domains and scales of protein transition towards diets based on plants and…


Consumer appreciation of a shark-free eco-label for small pelagics

Luca Mulazzani, Laura Piredda, Marija Cerjak, Luca Camanzi

The objective of this study is to assess if Italian fish consumers are sensible to shark protection and if they would contribute paying more for small pelagic fishes coming from…


Fulfilment of technical and hygienic requirements among street food vendors in Slovenia

Vanja Prevolšek, Andrej Ovca, Mojca Jevšnik

This cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the compliance of hygienic and technical standards of street food vendors in Slovenia with the requirements of the general hygienic…


Food literacy and food choice – a survey-based psychometric profiling of consumer behaviour

Leopoldo Trieste, Andrea Bazzani, Alessia Amato, Ugo Faraguna, Giuseppe Turchetti

The purpose of this paper is to explore the associations between food literacy, consumer profiling and purchasing behaviour in a sample of Italian consumers.


The role of sugar products and non-alcoholic beverages in the food budget: change across birth cohorts and between socio-economic groups

Antti Kähäri

This study investigates how the consumption of sugar products and non-alcoholic beverages has changed across birth cohorts. In addition, this study examines how the socio-economic…


Premium, popular and basic olive oils: mapping product segmentation and consumer profiles for different classes of olive oil

Giuseppe Di Vita, Raffaele Zanchini, Giovanni Gulisano, Teresina Mancuso, Gaetano Chinnici, Mario D'Amico

Urban metropolitan consumers react to the different qualitative categorizations of the product thus creating homogeneous market segments. The aim of this paper is to identify…


A roadmap for sustainability assessment in the food supply chain

Verónica León Bravo, Antonella Moretto, Federico Caniato

To develop a roadmap of sustainability practices and assessment mechanisms to advance in the sustainable supply chain (SSC) performance assessment in the food supply chain. The…


Linking brand attitude to word-of-mouth and revisit intentions in the restaurant sector

Pantea Foroudi, Maria Palazzo, Asfia Sultana

Following the planned behaviour theory, the aim of the paper is to analyse the role played by brand attachment, brand characteristics and congruence in enhancing brand attitude…


QUICKSERV: a service quality assessment tool for the quick-service restaurant industry

Mario Mendocilla, Paloma Miravitlles Matamoros, Jorge Matute

The purpose of this study is to empirically develop and validate a practical, consistent and specific scale to assess perceived service quality at the service encounter at…


Measuring food inflation during the COVID-19 pandemic in real time using online data: a case study of Poland

Krystian Jaworski

The purpose of this study paper is to focus on developing novel ways to monitor an economy in real time during the COVID-19 pandemic. A fully automated framework is proposed for…


The impact of the perceived risk of COVID-19 on consumers' attitude and behavior toward locally produced food

Ramon Palau-Saumell, Jorge Matute, Belén Derqui, Jan-Hinrich Meyer

This study analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the consumption of locally produced food. In particular, it examines an extended model of the theory of planned…


Street food handlers' food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices and consumers' perceptions about street food vending in Maseru, Lesotho

Ponts'o Letuka, Jane Nkhebenyane, Oriel Thekisoe

Food safety knowledge and hygienic practices by food handlers play an important role in the prevention of contamination of food prepared.


Sustainability and short-term profitability in the agri-food sector, a cross-sectional time-series investigation on global corporations

Sebastiano Cupertino, Gianluca Vitale, Angelo Riccaboni

This paper aims to investigate whether being sustainable is also profitable for agri-food companies in the short-term.


Measurement of consumer awareness of food waste: construct development with a confirmatory factor analysis

Shahid Rasool, Roberto Cerchione, Jari Salo, Alberto Ferraris, Stefano Abbate

This study aims to examine the role of hunger, environmental, economic, landfill and water shortage concerns as significant dimensions of consumer social awareness marketing in…


Dynamic analysis of source-based preferences: the case of imported beer in China

Andrew Muhammad, Anthony R. Delmond, Frank K. Nti

Chinese beer consumption has undergone major changes within the last decade. The combination of a growing middle class and greater exposure to foreign products has resulted in a…


Hidden flows assessment in the agri-food sector: evidence from the Italian beef system

Vera Amicarelli, Mariantonietta Fiore, Christian Bux

The study proposes Material Flow Analysis (MFA) methodology as a tool to measure and qualify food waste in the Italian beef supply chain in each stage of the food supply chain…


Food education in Finnish primary education – defining themes and learning objectives using the Delphi technique

Aija Liisa Laitinen, Tanja Tilles-Tirkkonen, Leila Karhunen, Sanna Talvia

The importance of food education in primary schools has been globally recognised. However, more detailed definitions of its learning objectives are rarely found. The study aimed…


Relationships, sustainability and agri-food purchasing behaviour in farmer markets in Italy

Vera Teresa Foti, Giuseppe Timpanaro

The study aims to demonstrate that farmers' markets can represent a model of environmental, social and governance reference for modern agri-food systems facing the challenge of…


Targeting millers to improve rice marketing in Uganda

Edgar Edwin Twine, Stella Everline Adur-Okello, Gaudiose Mujawamariya, Sali Atanga Ndindeng

Improving milling quality is expected to improve the quality of domestic rice and hence the competitiveness of Uganda's rice industry. Therefore, this study aims to assess the…


Pictorial warning labels as deterrents of alcohol abuse

Luigi Piper, Antonio Mileti, M. Irene Prete, Gianluigi Guido

The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the effectiveness of pictorial warning labels that leverage the risk of obesity as a deterrent against alcohol abuse. It evaluates…


Why are geographical indications unevenly distributed over Europe?

Sofie Joosse, Pepijn Olders, Wiebren J. Boonstra

Through geographical indications, the European Union aims to stimulate economies, especially in lagging rural regions, and to help consumers recognise and locate quality products…


Exploration of constructing the catering quality indices of university canteens in China from the viewpoint of food safety

Yugang Ji, Wen-Hwa Ko

This study used the literature review and the modified Delphi method to evaluate the importance of the catering quality indices of university canteens in China. In order to…


Improving poultry meat and sales channels to address food safety concerns: consumers' preferences on poultry meat attributes

Dikky Indrawan, Accesstia Christy, Henk Hogeveen

This study explains Indonesian consumers' choice of poultry meat attributes and the willingness to pay (WTP) for these attributes using a discrete choice experiment.


A bibliometric analysis of greenwashing research: a closer look at agriculture, food industry and food retail

Antonio Montero-Navarro, Thais González-Torres, José-Luis Rodríguez-Sánchez, Rocio Gallego-Losada

This paper aims at providing an overview and synthesis of the existing body of knowledge about greenwashing. Special attention is paid to the articles directly linked with…


Beyond the authenticity–standardisation paradox in international gastronomy retailing: Twisting the hosting city brand with the place of origin

Cecilia Pasquinelli, Mariapina Trunfio, Simona Rossi

This study aims to frame the authenticity–standardisation relationship in international gastronomy retailing and explores how and to what extent the food place of origin and the…


The impact of geographical indications on farm incomes in the EU olives and wine sector

Kathrin Poetschki, Jack Peerlings, Liesbeth Dries

Geographical indications (GIs) are expected to stimulate rural development by increasing the viability and resilience of farms in disadvantaged and remote areas. However, little…


A cross-cultural analysis of the motivation factors and profitability of online wine tastings during Covid-19 pandemic

Gergely Szolnoki, Moritz Nikolaus Lueke, Maximilian Tafel, Marvin Blass, Niklas Ridoff, Calle Nilsson

The pioneers of online wine tastings have set a new standard and introduced an innovative tool that combines various goals: contacting existing and recruiting new customers…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris