British Food Journal: Volume 122 Issue 7


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The influence of food values on post–purchase variables at food establishments

Alicia Izquierdo-Yusta, Carmen María Gómez-Cantó, María Pilar Martínez-Ruiz, Héctor Hugo Pérez-Villarreal

The importance of food values for the post–purchase process has not been widely studied. Most previous research in this line has focused on examining either the attributes of…

Analysis of German wine consumers' preferences for organic and non-organic wines

Gergely Szolnoki, Katharina Hauck

This study investigates organic wine consumption and analysed the motives, preferences and basic characteristics of German consumers of organic and non-organic wines.

Exploring producers' motivations and challenges within a farmers' market

Rosario Michel-Villarreal, Eliseo Luis Vilalta-Perdomo, Martin Hingley

The purpose of this study is to explore food producers' motivations and challenges whilst participating in short food supply chains (SFSCs). This paper compares findings with…

Effect of the use of dry breadcrumb in meatball production on the formation of heterocyclic aromatic amines

Ahmet Korkmaz, Fatih Oz

Heterocyclic aromatic amines are mutagenic and/or carcinogenic compounds formed during cooking of meat. Therefore, the formation levels of them should be reduced. For this aim…

Agricultural product price forecasting methods: research advances and trend

Luyao Wang, Jianying Feng, Xiaojie Sui, Xiaoquan Chu, Weisong Mu

The purpose of this paper is to provide reference for researchers by reviewing the research advances and trend of agricultural product price forecasting methods in recent years.


A simulated annealing algorithm for the allocation of production resources in the food catering industry

Alessandro Tufano, Riccardo Accorsi, Riccardo Manzini

This paper addresses the trade-off between asset investment and food safety in the design of a food catering production plant. It analyses the relationship between the quality…


Hibiscus sabdariffa L. flower and date palm pollen fortification of date palm spathe beverage

Jozaa Z. ALTamimi, Nora A. ALFaris, Fatima Ail Alghamdi, Hind A. Abu-Hiamed, Nawal A. ALbadr, Lujain Abdulaziz Almousa

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of roselle flower extract and date palm pollen on the nutritional and sensory qualities of date palm spathe beverage (DPSB).

How to avoid the tragedy of alternative food networks (AFNs)? The impact of social capital and transparency on AFN performance

Paola De Bernardi, Alberto Bertello, Francesco Venuti, Enrico Foscolo

Alternative food networks (AFNs) have recently emerged in the food landscape as new ways of food production, distribution and consumption which are alternatives to the traditional…

Brexit-related food issues in the UK print media: setting the agenda for post-Brexit food policy

Helen Strong, Rebecca Wells

The purpose of this paper is to explore how Brexit-related food issues are being presented in the UK print media.


The influence of timing, location and social setting on hedonic and emotional evaluations of past eating experiences

Elizabeth Cassandra Nath, Peter Robert Cannon, Michael Carl Philipp

Our hedonic and emotional evaluations of the foods we encounter in daily life are predictive of whether we will choose to consume these foods in the future. Given the…


Attitudes toward food fraud in Israel and Germany

Inna Levy, Pamela Kerschke-Risch

The current research focused on attitudes toward food fraud (AFF) and examined the impact of types of food fraud, gender differences, and country of residence.

Profiting from (not too many) package designs: evidence from a firm-level design registration analysis in the food manufacturing industry

Tomofumi Miyanoshita, Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Daisuke Kanama

Researchers have pointed out that product packaging in the food industry has a significant influence on consumer decision-making. However, the impact of package development on…

Understanding customer loyalty in the coffee shop industry (A survey in Jakarta, Indonesia)

Prameswari Purnamadewi Dhisasmito, Suresh Kumar

The purpose of this study is to identify the drivers of loyalty model in the coffee shop industry in Indonesia based on service quality, store atmosphere and price fairness…


Enablers of halal food purchase among Muslim consumers in an emerging economy: an interpretive structural modeling approach

Waseem Khan, Asif Akhtar, Saghir Ahmad Ansari, Aruna Dhamija

This study aims at identifying a set of determinants that affect halal food purchase intention and measures the relative ranks of these determinants in purchasing halal food among…

The role of community: CSA member retention

Laura Witzling, Bret R. Shaw, Claire Strader, Carrie Sedlak, Erika Jones

The purpose of this paper was to better understand motivations for CSA participation with an emphasis on membership retention. Food-related and community-related motivations for…

Leading properties of GDT auctions for dairy prices

Jakub Olipra

Professionals from the dairy sector commonly believe that the results of Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auctions are a good leading indicator for prices of dairy commodities. The…

The effect of adding oat flour on the nutritional and sensory quality of wheat bread

Barbara Krochmal-Marczak, Renata Tobiasz-Salach, Joanna Kaszuba

Flour from oat grain is characterised by a high content of protein and β-glucans, with a favourable amino acid composition and a substantial content of fat, including unsaturated…

Organic wheat products and consumer choice: a market segmentation analysis

Tatiana Drugova, Kynda R. Curtis, Sherzod B. Akhundjanov

This paper examines determinants of consumer interest in organic versions of wheat products by analyzing differences in selected factors among groups of consumers, distinguished…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris