British Food Journal: Volume 122 Issue 2


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Examining healthy beverages in the hospitality industry: evidence from Australia and New Zealand

Rob Hallak, Craig Lee, Ilke Onur

The purpose of this paper is to report on a study that examines the sale and provision of healthy beverages across four sectors of the hospitality industry: restaurants, cafes…


Use of sodium metabisulfite and ascorbic acid as anti-browning agents in processed potatoes

Revenli Fernanda do Nascimento, Maria Helene Giovanetti Canteri

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the use of sodium metabisulfite (SMB) and ascorbic acid (AA) either alone or in combination as anti-browning agents in industrially…

Communication patterns to address the consumption of PDO products

Enrico Bonetti, Alberto Mattiacci, Michele Simoni

The purpose of this paper is to identify the communication patterns adopted by special organisations, called Producers’ Consortia, to promote Protected Designation of Origin (PDO…

Burnout, eating behaviour traits and dietary patterns

Helena Chui, Eleanor Bryant, Carmen Sarabia, Shames Maskeen, Barbara Stewart-Knox

The purpose of this research has been to investigate whether burnout and eating behaviour traits were associated with food intake.

Trust factors for organic foods: consumer buying behavior

Tsung Hung Lee, Chung-Jen Fu, Yin Yuan Chen

The purpose of this paper is to assess the relationship between trust factors and buying behavior among consumers in the organic food market in Taiwan.


Achieving organisational resilience through inbound logistics effort

Flávio Henrique De Oliveira Costa, Andrea Lago Da Silva, Carla Roberta Pereira, Susana Carla Farias Pereira, Fernando José Gómez Paredes

The purpose of this paper is to identify how the relationship between inbound logistics (IL) activities and elements of resilience (EoR) can contribute to organisational…

The role of consumer ethnocentrism, country image, and subjective knowledge in predicting intention to purchase imported functional foods

Li Xin, Sunhee (Sunny) Seo

The purpose of this paper is to examine the role of consumer ethnocentrism, country image, functional food image, subjective knowledge and health consciousness in predicting…


Smallholder farmers’ engagement in non-certified organic farming: a case from Southern China

Bing Zhu, André Habisch

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influences of smallholder farmers’ motivations, opportunities and abilities on their satisfactions of non-certified organic farming…

A consumer-oriented segmentation study on edible insects in Switzerland and Thailand

Thomas A. Brunner, Krittinee Nuttavuthisit

Edible insects might be the meat of the future. However, promoting insects as food, at least in western countries, is not an easy task. Segmenting consumers into various similarly…

Investigating young adults’ perceived effectiveness of textual information about food-related nudging

Ingrid Laukeland Djupegot

Perceived effectiveness of nudging has been established as one of the most reliable predictors of acceptance of nudging. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how source…

Comparison of spindle and stomacher efficacy for detaching biofilms from stainless steel, PVC, and green leafy vegetable surfaces

Wooju Kim, Ki-Ok Jeong, Ho-Lyeong Cheon, Dong-Hyun Kang

Biofilms are bacterial communities embedded in exopolysaccharide, enhancing the difficulty of detaching bacterial cells from surfaces. Due to structural properties, it is…

Unfair milk prices? Lessons from a split-sample choice experiment

Julia Höhler, Julia A. Schreiner

In times of “milk price crises”, “fair” milk prices are repeatedly demanded. Various studies indicate an increased willingness to pay (WTP) for the additional attribute of price…

Substitute or complementary: Relationship between U.S. farmers’ adoption of organic farming and direct marketing

Bo Chen, Sayed Saghaian, Mark Tyler

The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between US farmers’ adoption of organic farming and direct marketing, both of which are increasingly important practices…

Physical properties and organoleptic evaluation of gluten-free bread from proso millet

Joseph Woomer, Manjot Singh, Paul Priyesh Vijayakumar, Akinbode Adedeji

Gluten-free (GF) foods have gained momentum among consumers due to an increase in incidence and awareness of gluten sensitivity and intolerance. Millet is a GF grain with…

Cheese consumption culture in Central Spain (Madrid Region): drivers and consumer profile

José Luis Cruz Maceín, Maite Iriondo DeHond, Eugenio Miguel

The artisanal cheese industry in the Community of Madrid (CM) in Spain has recently experienced an increased development despite its traditionally limited cheese and milk…

Reasons for food losses during home preparation

Maki Nonomura

The purpose of this paper is to explore reasons for household preparation losses.

Kinetic study of extrusion cooking of corn-rice flour blend fortified with nutraceutical concentrates with respect to various physical parameters

Jasmeet Kour, Sukhcharn Singh, Dharmesh C. Saxena

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of residence time distribution in extruders along with the incorporation of nutraceuticals on the final quality of the…

Effect of storage on retinol content and total antioxidant capacity of human milk

Jaísa Oliveira Chaves, Angelica Maria de Freitas Fernandes, Paola Machado Parreiras, Gustavo Silveira Breguez, Maria Cristina Passos, Luciana Rodrigues da Cunha, Camila Carvalho Menezes

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of different times and freezing temperatures on the antioxidant activity of raw human milk (HM) and the impact of light by…

Effects of perceived brand authenticity in health functional food consumers

Jisun Lee, Lana Chung

The purpose of this paper is to empirically analyze how brand authenticity (BA) as perceived by consumers who take health functional foods (HFF) strengthen the brand relationship…


On consumers’ use, brand preference and equity of sports nutrition products

Joshua Wesana, Joachim J. Schouteten, Evi Van Acker, Xavier Gellynck, Hans De Steur

While trends of health and well-being have boosted the development of sports nutrition products, consumer research is limited. The purpose of this paper is to profile sports…


Consumers’ reactions to cross-border acquisitions: The role of psychic distance and acquirer’s corporate reputation

Riccardo Resciniti, Michela Matarazzo, Gabriele Baima

The purpose of this paper is to focus on consumers’ reactions to cross-border acquisitions (CBA) by exploring the role of consumer perceptions of the psychic distance between the…

Consumers’ attitudes and willingness to pay for organic eggs: A discrete choice experiment study in Turkey

Osman Inanç Güney, Luca Giraldo

The purpose of this paper is to understand consumer attitudes toward organic eggs by identifying their profiles and estimating the degree of their willingness to pay (WTP) for…


Phycocyanin as substitute for texture ingredients in ice creams

Ellen Francine Rodrigues, Luana Paula Vendruscolo, Kimberly Bonfante, Christian Oliveira Reinehr, Eliane Colla, Luciane Maria Colla

The phycocyanin is a pigment present in the microalga Spirulina that has been studied due to its applicability as food coloring; however, it can be used due to the ability to act…

Consumers’ perception of a traditional fermented beverage in Central Mexico: An exploratory study with the case of pulque

Edgar Rojas-Rivas, Felipe Carlos Viesca-González, Héctor Javier Favila-Cisneros, Facundo Cuffia

Pulque is a fundamental piece in the Mexican gastronomy and identifying consumers’ perception could help promote it and generate new opportunities of commercialization. The…

“Carne Fraca”: Crisis in Brazilian beef processing and the effect of the media on consumers’ purchase behaviour

Filipe Quevedo-Silva, Otavio Freire, Caroline Pauletto Spanhol-Finocchio

Over the last few years, several events have reduced the consumer confidence in relation to food safety. Recently, one event that triggered discussions and concern among consumers…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris