British Food Journal: Volume 122 Issue 10


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: The Future of Food: Emerging Trends in Food Science and Nutrition

Guest Editors: Seok Shin Tan, Seok Tyug Tan, Chin Xuan Tan

Antioxidant, hypoglycemic and anti-hypertensive properties of extracts derived from peel, fruit and kernel of Salak

Seok Shin Tan, Seok Tyug Tan, Chin Xuan Tan

Salak (Salacca zalacca) is an underutilised fruit. The bioactivities of this fruit have rarely been studied scientifically. Thus, the present study aimed to determine the…

Gender and body weight status differences in the consumption frequency, choice and sugar intake of ready-to-drink sugar-sweetened beverages

Seok Tyug Tan, Nur Ainaa' Najihah Abdullah Zaini, Seok Shin Tan, Chin Xuan Tan

Frequent consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) not only contribute to the incidence of dental caries but also a substantial risk for metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 2…

Factors affecting successful induced lactation process among Malaysian women: a qualitative study

Norsyamlina Che Abdul Rahim, Zaharah Sulaiman, Tengku Alina Tengku Ismail, Tahir Aris

This qualitative study was to understand the factors affecting successful adoptive breastfeeding among women who underwent induced lactation process.


High fat worsens olanzapine induced metabolic abnormalities in rats

Sahara Juita Jamaluddin, Kiran C. Nilugal, Nagaraj M. Kulkarni, Santosh Fattepur, Ibrahim Abdullah, Rajan Ethiraj Ugandar

Olanzapine is widely prescribed in the treatment of schizophrenia and various psychiatric illnesses. Schizophrenia patients have been reported to eat a diet that contain higher in…

Preparation and characterization of palm oil in water microemulsion for application in the food industry

Parichehr Fatehi, Ahmad Salihin Baba, Vicit Rizal Eh suk, Misni Misran

Red palm oil contains both tocopherol (∼30%) and tocotrienol (∼70%) with the latter having better antioxidant potency than the former by a factor of 60 times. The microemulsion is…

Teratogenic potential of traditional Malaysian vegetables (ulam) in the zebrafish model

Alya Hanisah Omar, Chin Siang Kue, Roza Dianita, Ke-Xin Yu

Traditional Malaysian vegetables, also known as ulam, are believed to have healing properties among the local community. Ulam is commonly reported to have high antioxidant content…

Heavy metal contamination in processed seafood and the associated health risk for Malaysian women

Pravina Jeevanaraj, Aliah Ahmad Foat, Halimah Tholib, Nurul Izzah Ahmad

Malaysians are the highest seafood consumers in the region; be it fresh or processed. Environmental pollution has put the safety of seafood at stake, heavy metals among others…

Associations of obstetrical characteristics and dietary intakes with iron status among pregnant women in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur

Meng Lee Tan, Yit Siew Chin, Poh Ying Lim, Salma Faeza Ahmad Fuzi

Globally, iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficiency and the most common cause of anaemia during pregnancy. To date, there is lack of established studies…

Antioxidant activity and zebrafish teratogenicity of hydroalcoholic Moringa oleifera L. leaf extracts

Nurul Fatin Syazleen Mohamad Shariff, Thangam Singgampalam, Chean Hui Ng, Chin Siang Kue

Moringa oleifera (MO) is a herbal remedy that is rich in essential amino acids and phytochemicals in the leaves, seeds and pods. It is becoming a famous food in various ethnic…

Comparative conventional extraction methods of ethanolic extracts of Clinacanthus nutans leaves on antioxidant activity and toxicity

Pei Ni Chuah, Dhalini Nyanasegaram, Ke-Xin Yu, Rasny Mohamed Razik, Samer Al-Dhalli, Chin Siang Kue, Khozirah Shaari, Chean Hui Ng

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the antioxidant activity and toxicity of Clinacanthus nutans leaves from three conventional extraction methods, i.e. maceration, Soxhlet…

Exploration on the Malaysian adolescents’ understanding towards concepts of physical activity, perceived facilitators and barriers in practising an active lifestyle

Sharifah Intan Zainun Sharif Ishak, Yit Siew Chin, Mohd Nasir Mohd Taib, Zalilah Mohd Shariff

This study aimed to explore the understanding of Malaysian adolescents towards concept of physical activity (PA) and their perceived facilitators and barriers in practising an…

Effect of overripe banana in developing high dietary fibre and low glycaemic index cookie

Yee Vern Ng, Tengku Alina Tengku Ismail, Wan Rosli Wan Ishak

Demand for dietary fibre-enriched and low sugar bakery products is increasing rapidly due to current high incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Overripe banana has been discarded…


High traditional Asian vegetables(ulam) intake relates to better nutritional status, cognition and mood among aging adults from low-income residential areas

Yee Xing You, Suzana Shahar, Hasnah Haron, Hanis Mastura Yahya, Normah Che Din

Aging adults from low-income residential areas were found to have poor nutritional status and mental health based on National Health and Morbidity Survey Malaysia (2015). Good…

Comparison of total phenolic content and antioxidant activities in selected coloured plants

Pei Yun Wong, Seok Tyug Tan

Literature has consistently reported that coloured plants are rich in dietary bioactive compounds. Therefore, this study aims to compare the total phenolic content and antioxidant…

Feasibility study for the analysis of coconut water using fluorescence spectroscopy coupled with PARAFAC and SVM methods

Haiyang Gu, Kaiqi Liu, Xingyi Huang, Quansheng Chen, Yanhui Sun, Chin Ping Tan

Parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) coupled with support-vector machine (SVM) was carried out to identify and discriminate between the fluorescence spectroscopies of coconut water…

The influence of food trucks' service quality on customer satisfaction and its impact toward customer loyalty

Bagyalakshmi Gopi, Nusrah Samat

Service quality has been highlighted as the vital element in fulfilling customers' needs, which contributes to the customers' evaluation on the services given. As food truck…


Effect of hydrocolloid addition on batter properties and quality of deep-fried banana (Musa spp.) fritters

Sharmila Vengu, Haswini Paniker Ravandran, Sri Puvanesvari Gannasin, Kharidah Muhammad

Deep-fried banana (Musa spp.) fritters is one of the frequently consumed fruit based snacks in Southeast Asian countries despite its substantial amount of oil content. Consistent…

Parental child feeding practices and growth status of Orang Asli children in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Jovita Raymond Leprince, Sarina Sariman, Rahmah Begam Basir Mohammed

The purpose of this paper is to determine the relationship between parental child feeding practices with growth status of Orang Asli (OA) children in Negeri Sembilan.

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris