British Food Journal: Volume 121 Issue 8


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Which food literacy dimensions are associated with diet quality among Canadian parents?

Melissa Anne Fernandez, Sophie Desroches, Marie Marquis, Alexandre Lebel, Mylène Turcotte, Véronique Provencher

The purpose of this paper is to explore associations between different food literacy dimensions and diet quality among a sample of Canadian parents and examine differences in the…

Characterisation and jelly processing potential of different fig cultivars

Paula Nogueira Curi, Francielly Corrêa Albergaria, Rafael Pio, Maria Cecília Evangelista Vasconcelos Schiassi, Bruna de Sousa Tavares, Vanessa Rios de Souza

The purpose of this paper is to characterise eight different fig cultivars with respect to antioxidant activity and bioactive compound content and to assess the influence of these…

Cultural values affect functional food perception

Saugat Neupane, Ranga Chimhundu, K.C. Chan

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between consumers’ cultural values and their functional food perception.


Consumption in fast-food restaurants in Croatia and Serbia

Srdjan Sapic, Jovana Filipovic, Jasmina Dlacic

The purpose of this paper is to explore the antecedents of product evaluations and behavioural intentions regarding fast-food restaurants. Research tests the moderating effects of…

From precision agriculture to Industry 4.0: Unveiling technological connections in the agrifood sector

Leonello Trivelli, Andrea Apicella, Filippo Chiarello, Roberto Rana, Gualtiero Fantoni, Angela Tarabella

Circumstances that are have a significant impact on it. In particular, environmental sustainability related to the increase of worldwide population, and market demand for…


Food information presentation: consumer preferences when eating out

Jeff Bray, Heather Hartwell, Sarah Price, Giampaolo Viglia, Grzegorz Kapuściński, Katherine Appleton, Laure Saulais, Federico J.A. Perez-Cueto, Ioannis Mavridis

Advances have been made in the provision of nutritional and ingredient information on packaged food, however, there is a need to translate this to eating out reflecting consumer…


Re-patronization at hospital healthy cafeterias: what does it take for the occurrence?

Abdul Rais A.R., Zahari M.S.M., Chik C.T., Hanafiah M.H.

The purpose of this paper is to confirm the inter-relationship between healthy cafeteria attributes, perceived value, eating behaviour, satisfaction and post-purchase behaviour in…

A comparative analysis of the attitudes of rural and urban consumers towards cultured meat

Elaine Shaw, Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire

The purpose of this paper is to perform a comparative analysis on the attitudes of rural and urban Irish consumers towards cultured meat.


Hydroponic cultivation: life cycle assessment of substrate choice

Giuliana Vinci, Mattia Rapa

Nowadays, hydroponic cultivation represents a widely used agricultural methodology. The purpose of this paper is to study comparatively on hydroponic substrates. This study is…


Modeling approach for releasing a frankfurter production batch

Ravipim Chaveesuk, Natthamon Konjanattham

The purpose of this paper is to model the relationship between 11 frankfurter physical properties and their sensory scores to classify a release of frankfurter production batches…

Information asymmetry: the case of cattle supply transaction in Brazil

Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira, Christiano França da Cunha, Silvia Morales De Queiroz Caleman, Roberta Luiza Gomes Maia

The purpose of this paper is to investigate information asymmetry in cattle supply transaction in Brazil. While the literature traditionally explores the seller’s information…

Sugar contents of ready-to-eat foods distributed at major amusement parks in Korea and their substitution with artificial sweeteners

Dong-Ho Bae

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the sugar contents of ready-to-eat foods distributed at amusement parks and suggested an appropriate food safety management strategy for…

Examining the relationship between chain governance structures and chain performance: An empirical evidence of the dairy sector

Joanita Kataike, Adrienn Molnar, Hans De Steur, Xavier Gellynck

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the influence of chain governance on chain performance among the chain members.

Total quality index of commercial oyster mushroom Pleurotus sapidus in modified atmosphere packaging

Wan Abd Al Qadr Imad Wan-Mohtar, Anita Klaus, Acga Cheng, Shardana Aiga Salis, Sarina Abdul Halim-Lim

The purpose of this paper is to identify the strain of oyster mushroom (OM) Pleurotus sapidus cultivated in a local (commercial) farm, and to generate a total quality index (TQI…

The conceptualization of novel organic food products: a case study of Polish young consumers

Monika Radzyminska, Dominika Jakubowska

The purpose of this paper is to explore young consumers’ attitudes toward novel organic food products by analyzing their acceptability and perception.

Price analysis of extra virgin olive oil

Idiano D’Adamo, Pasquale Marcello Falcone, Massimo Gastaldi

The price of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is highly subjected to variability. In this way, the consumer is not able to perceive a price of reference. The purpose of this paper is…

On-farm food safety knowledge, attitudes and self-reported practices of layer hen farmers

Kwanhatai Thongpalad, John K.M. Kuwornu, Avishek Datta, Songkhla Chulakasian, Anil Kumar Anal

The purpose of this paper is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of farmers regarding the on-farm food safety measures in the commercial layer farms in Thailand…

Do fisheries and aquaculture production have dominant roles within the economic growth of Pakistan? A long-run and short-run investigation

Abdul Rehman, Zhang Deyuan, Sehresh Hena, Abbas Ali Chandio

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and explore the connection between aquaculture and capture fisheries production and economic growth in Pakistan. Fisheries play an…

Examining prospective buyer attitudes toward four food product traits

Ronald B. Larson

Socio-demographic control variables are added to food attitude analyses to improve the understanding of consumer preferences. However, socio-demographics can provide an incomplete…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris