British Food Journal: Volume 120 Issue 10


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

A cross-cultural consumers’ perspective on social media-based short food supply chains

Ahmed Elghannam, Julian Arroyo, Ali Eldesouky, Francisco J. Mesias

The purpose of this paper is to get a consumer’s cross-cultural insight on the potential of using social networking sites as short food supply chains.

Corporate governance and food firms’ unethical production practices?

Chia-Yi Liu, Cheng-Yu Lee, Hsin-Ju Stephie Tsai

Although a number of studies have researched food firms’ unethical practices, the mechanisms used to prevent these practices remain underexplored from the perspective of corporate…

The psychological effects of fast food consumption on body image emotions

Hatice Aydin, Zeliha Eser, Sezer Korkmaz

The purpose of this paper is to examine the arousal of negative consumer emotions as a consequence of fast food consumption among individuals with restrained food consumption…


Prevalence and growth characteristics of Bacillus sporothermodurans in UHT milk

Frederick Tawi Tabit

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the prevalence of Bacillus sporothermodurans in UHT milk brands in South Africa and to analyse the level of proteolysis in UHT milk due to…

The content of selected nutrients and minerals in some cultivars of Cucurbita maxima

Anna Czech, Anna Stępniowska, Dariusz Wiącek, Agnieszka Sujak, Eugeniusz Ryszard Grela

The purpose of this paper is to compare the content of nutrients and minerals in various cultivars of Cucurbita maxima.

Ethical food and the kosher certification: a literature review

Valentina Della Corte, Giovanna Del Gaudio, Fabiana Sepe

Increased awareness about the importance of a safe, healthy nutrition has changed human interactions with food and increased worldwide demand for high quality and ethical food. In…


Exploring factors on customers’ restaurant choice: an analysis of restaurant attributes

Pei Liu, Eliza Ching-Yick Tse

The purpose of this paper is to identify the importance and performance of customers’ full-service restaurant selection factors in the USA using the importance-performance…


How knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs impact dairy anti-consumption

Shannon Allen, Ellen Goddard, Anna Farmer

The purpose of this paper is to examine how individual’s health beliefs, nutrition knowledge (NK) and attitudes towards food technologies play a role in the anti-consumption of…


Antecedents of farmers’ willingness to participate in short food supply chains

Chrysanthi Charatsari, Fotis Kitsios, Amalia Stafyla, Dimitrios Aidonis, Evagelos Lioutas

Despite the increasing consumers’ intent to support short food networks, the expansion of short food supply chains (SFSCs) remains limited. The purpose of this paper is to…

The use of food quality and prestige-based benefits for consumer segmentation

Morten Heide, Svein Ottar Olsen

The purpose of this paper is to identify consumer segments based on the importance of food quality and prestige benefits when buying food for a special occasion; dinner party with…

Drivers and barriers to food waste reduction

Isadora do Carmo Stangherlin, Marcia Dutra de Barcellos

The purpose of this paper is to analyse main drivers and barriers to food waste reduction in the consumption phase and analyse pathways to anti-wastage behaviours.


Determination of histamine levels in commonly consumed fish in the region of Fez: The effect of heating and enzymatic treatments

Najlae Mejrhit, Yousra Azdad, Ouarda Azdad, Lotfi Aarab

The purpose of this paper is, first, to evaluate the quality of commonly consumed fish species in Fez region (Morocco) by quantifying the levels of histamine in fresh fish samples…

Innovating out of the fishmeal trap: The role of insect-based fish feed in consumers’ preferences for fish attributes

Isaac Ankamah-Yeboah, Jette Bredahl Jacobsen, Søren Bøye Olsen

The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential market impacts of the use of insect-based protein for fish feed as an innovative approach out of the fish-meal trap.

The role of environmentally conscious purchase behaviour and green scepticism in organic food consumption

Ursa Golob, Mateja Kos Koklic, Klement Podnar, Vesna Zabkar

Despite numerous scholarly attempts, there is a lack of consensus regarding the relevance of various factors used to promote organic food consumption. The purpose of this paper is…


Comparing German and Italian food banks: Actors’ knowledge on food insecurity and their perception of the interaction with food bank users

Meike Rombach, Vera Bitsch, Eunkyung Kang, Francesco Ricchieri

The purpose of this paper is to investigate food bank actors’ knowledge of food insecurity in Germany and in Italy, as well as interactions between food bank actors and food bank…


Consumer comments about meat anti-consumption

Petek Tosun, Merve Yanar Gürce

Controversies about meat consumption mainly stem from health and environmental concerns, and as a result a substantial number of consumers avoid consuming meat. Meat…

Parental attitudes toward weaning practices and weaning foods for health in Malaysia

Hajar Mohamad, Miranda Mirosa, Phil Bremer, Indrawati Oey

The purpose of this paper is to gain insight on parental attitudes towards weaning practices and weaning foods for health in Malaysia using Q-methodology.

Business model innovation for sustainability: a food start-up case study

Maria Vittoria Franceschelli, Gabriele Santoro, Elena Candelo

The purpose of this paper is to investigate and present the way in which a food start-up can develop business model innovations, taking into account the importance of social and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris