British Food Journal: Volume 119 Issue 9


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Who is the purchaser of nutrition-labelled products?

Sinne Smed, Anna Kristina Edenbrandt, Pia Koch-Hansen, Leon Jansen

The purpose of this paper is to determine how the typical purchasers of products with nutrition symbols differ from other purchasers with respect to socio-demographic…

Package graphic design development: An experimental test of the validity of focus groups as a consumer research input

Robert P. Hamlin, Michael Gin, Fiona Nyhof, Joe Bogue

The purpose of this paper is to establish whether consumer focus groups can generate reliable data when used as a consumer research input to copy/graphic design development for…


Personal values and pro-social behaviour: The role of socio-economic context in fair trade consumption

Adele Coppola, Fabio Verneau, Francesco Caracciolo, Teresa Panico

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the role of socio-economic context in affecting the relationship between personal values and the purchase of fair trade (FT) products.


Do anticipated emotions influence behavioural intention and behaviour to consume filled chocolates?

Sara De Pelsmaeker, Joachim J. Schouteten, Xavier Gellynck, Claudia Delbaere, Nathalie De Clercq, Adrienn Hegyi, Tünde Kuti, Frédéric Depypere, Koen Dewettinck

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of anticipated emotions (AE) on behavioural intention and behaviour to consume filled chocolates and to give an indication on…


Trust in ag-related marketing claims: a segmentation with German consumers

Sarah Kühl, Lea Schlüterbusch, Achim Spiller

Agricultural-related food marketing claims are gaining in importance. The challenge for the industry is to claim real production characteristics while being in line with…

Consumer preferences towards healthier reformulation of a range of processed meat products: A qualitative exploratory study

Liran Christine Shan, Áine Regan, Frank J. Monahan, Chenguang Li, Fiona Lalor, Celine Murrin, Patrick G. Wall, Áine McConnon

In response to increasing public health concerns about processed meat consumption, many innovations in meat technology focus on health-oriented product reformulations. Processed…


Could new information influence attitudes to foods supplemented with edible insects?

Fanny Barsics, Rudy Caparros Megido, Yves Brostaux, Catherine Barsics, Christophe Blecker, Eric Haubruge, Frédéric Francis

Broader acceptance of entomophagy (i.e. human consumption of insects) will depend on factors that impact consumers’ perceptions of edible insects. The purpose of this paper is to…


Motives and barriers of organic food demand among Polish consumers: A profile of the purchasers

Julia Wojciechowska-Solis, Andrzej Soroka

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the intentions and behaviors of consumers of the Poland which recently puts emphasis on the promotion of organic food, healthy diet of its…

Modeling rice grain-type preferences in Bangladesh

Khondoker Abdul Mottaleb, Dil Bahadur Rahut, Ashok K. Mishra

The purpose of this paper is to examine the rice consumption by rice grain types under the rising income scenario in Bangladesh. Generally, with an increase in income, households…

Strategies for positioning animal welfare as personally relevant

Lenka van Riemsdijk, Paul T.M. Ingenbleek, Marleen Houthuijs, Hans C.M. van Trijp

Next to organic food products, an assortment of ethical products is emerging in the supermarket that targets the large market segment of consumers that are open for ethical…

The global competitiveness of European wine producers

Jeremiás Máté Balogh, Attila Jámbor

Comparative advantage is an important indicator in the analysis of international trade flow; however, in empirical studies on agriculture it is often neglected. The purpose of…


Value appropriation in Brazilian cattle industry

Gustavo Magalhães de Oliveira, Silvia Morales de Queiroz Caleman, Christiano França da Cunha, Morenise Puperi

The purpose of this paper is to examine the influencing factors on cattle breeders’ payment system choices using cross-sectional data collected in the Brazilian states of Mato…

Commercial extra virgin olive oils: Global Quality Index computation and pattern recognition by chemometrics

Lucia Giansante, Giuseppina Di Loreto, Maria Gabriella Di Serio, Raffaella Vito, Luciana Di Giacinto

The purpose of this paper is to guide the choice of consumers, putting on the label an additional claim, which can provide more information on the sensory profile and the…

Bioactive compounds by UPLC-PDA in different cocoa clones (Theobroma cacao L.) developed in the Southern region of Bahia, Brazil

Leonardo Fonseca Maciel, Ana Lúcia de Souza Madureira Felício, Elisa Yoko Hirooka

Many factors can influence the bioactive compounds in cocoa beans. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the bioactive compound profile of 12 cocoa bean clones produced in…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris