British Food Journal: Volume 115 Issue 1
An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related researchTable of contents - Special Issue: Corporate social responsibility in food and agriculture
Guest Editors: Martin Hingley, Adam Lindgreen, Jon Reast
Corporate and consumer social responsibility in the food supply chain
Louise ManningThe purpose is to analyse the interaction between corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies and consumer social responsibility (CNSR) and then contribute to theory‐building…
Key CSR dimensions for the food chain
Sari Forsman‐Hugg, Juha‐Matti Katajajuuri, Inkeri Riipi, Johanna Mäkelä, Katja Järvelä, Päivi TimonenThis paper aims to identify and define the content of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the food chain.
CSR schemes in agribusiness: opening the black box
Katharina Poetz, Rainer Haas, Michaela BalzarovaThe rise of CSR followed a demand for CSR standards and guidelines. In a sector already characterized by a large number of standards, the authors seek to ask what CSR schemes…
The food system, climate change and CSR: from business to government case
Valeria Sodano, Martin HingleyThis theoretical research article aims to take an economics approach to set out the role of the food system and its importance in control of greenhouse gases (GHG) and…
CSR failures in food supply chains – an agency perspective
Anne Wiese, Waldemar ToporowskiCompanies implement corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices along their supply chains to fulfil stakeholder requirements. In doing so, failures in which CSR aspects are…
The impact of corporate social responsibility in food industry in product‐harm crises
Ioannis Assiouras, Ozge Ozgen, George SkourtisThe first purpose of this study is to analyse the impact of prior CSR information on the perceived degree of danger, attribution of blame, brand evaluation and buying intentions…
Consumers' awareness of CSR in the German pork industry
Monika Hartmann, Sarah Heinen, Sabrina Melis, Johannes SimonsAll food sectors, especially meat production and processing, has been in the dock over the last decades. CSR is considered as a way for an enterprise to increase its reputation…
Impact of corporate social responsibility claims on consumer food choice: A cross‐cultural comparison
Simone Mueller Loose, Hervé RemaudThe study seeks to assess the impact of two different corporate social responsibility (CSR) claims, relating to social and environmental dimensions, on consumers' wine choice…
Disclosure strategies regarding ethically questionable business practices
Ipek AktarThe author's objective is to reveal the consumer responses to information disclosure strategies regarding controversial ethical issues.

0007-070XOnline date, start – end:
1899Copyright Holder:
Emerald Publishing LimitedOpen Access:
- Dr Louise Manning
- Dr Robert Hamlin
- Dr Stefano Bresciani
- Prof Michael Carolan
- Dr Alberto Ferraris