British Food Journal: Volume 113 Issue 1


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: Challenges for Central and Eastern Europe Food Industry

Guest Editors: Sanda Renko, Claudio Vignali

Young consumers' perception of functional foods in Croatia

Jerko Markovina, Jasna Čačić, Jasenka Gajdoš Kljusurić, Damir Kovačić

The goal of this paper is to explore the Croatian young consumers' perception of functional food, to investigate underlying attitudes and their willingness to buy functional food…


Web as a customer communication channel in the confectionery industry in South Eastern European countries

Blazenka Knezevic, Sanda Renko, Mirjana Pejic Bach

The main purpose of the paper is to investigate and to document the current level of web usage within the confectionery industry in the South Eastern European (SEE) region. Also…


What are the concerns of Croatian traditional food consumers regarding GM food?

Marija Cerjak, Damir Kovačić, Ivo Grgić

The purpose of this paper is to examine the knowledge of Croatian traditional food consumers, their attitudes as well as their concerns regarding GM food.


Implementation of food safety management system in Bulgaria

Zhelyu Vladimirov

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the factors for the implementation of the efficient food quality and safety management system in the food industry and the food retail…


Wine with geographical indication – awareness of Croatian consumers

Jasna Čačić, Miroslav Tratnik, Jasenka Gajdoš Kljusurić, Dražen Čačić, Dragan Kovačević

Quality and top quality wines (wines with geographical indication (GI)) have a larger share (59 per cent) on the Croatian market and this was one of the reasons for defining the…


SEE trade liberalisation – new opportunity for B&H agrobusiness?

Aleksandra Nikolić, Sabahudin Bajramović, Dragana Ognjenović, Davor Lalić, Mirza Uzunović

The purpose of this research is to analyze implications of SEE trade liberalisation for the B&H agribusiness sector and to provide policy recommendations for both the public and…


Consumer behaviour in the market of catering services in selected countries of Central‐Eastern Europe

Anna Dąbrowska

New member countries of the European Union such as Lithuania, Latvia and Poland are an interesting subject of study due to the fact that processes of changes in consumption and…


Differences between younger and older populations in nutrition label reading habits

Jasmina Ranilović, Irena Colić Barić

The purpose of this paper is to identify the socio‐demographic and health variables of a representative sample of Croatian subjects over 15 years of age associated with reading…


Polish consumer food choices and beliefs about organic food

Sylwia Żakowska‐Biemans

The purpose of this paper is to examine consumers' motives for food choice and to reveal beliefs about organic food.


Determinants of Polish consumers' food choices and their implication for the national food industry

Irena Ozimek, Sylwia Żakowska‐Biemans

The purpose of this paper is to reveal factors underlying Polish consumers' food choices and particularly their perception of food quality attributes in relation to selected food…

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris