British Food Journal: Volume 112 Issue 8


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

Antioxidant contents of pre‐packed fresh‐cut versus whole fruit and vegetables

Umezuruike Linus Opara, Majeed R. Al‐Ani

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the difference in antioxidant contents of pre‐packed fresh‐cut and whole fruit and vegetables as sold in the market.


Effects of cooking methods on carotenoids content of Omani kingfish (Scomeberomorus commerson L.)

Umezuruike Linus Opara, Majeed R. Al‐Ani

Fish is subjected to different methods of preparation and a major challenge facing consumers is maintaining and preserving the nutritional quality of cooked fish. This paper aims…


The impact of power on information sharing in the Finnish food industry

Anni‐Kaisa Kähkönen, Mari Tenkanen

The paper aims to analyze power balance and collaboration in the value net context and to discuss the role of information as a source of power. The purpose is to find out how…


Tracking down trends in non‐meat consumption in Finnish households, 1966‐2006

Markus Vinnari, Pekka Mustonen, Pekka Räsänen

The paper aims to examine changes in household consumption behaviour through an empirical investigation of the decision to consume meat, to not consume meat or to consume only…


Biscuit (cookie) consumption: Cognitive suspension to experience moments of perfection in another world than this!

Charles McIntyre, Benita Schwanke

The aim is to investigate the choice and experience attributes of core – sweet (cookie) and savoury (cracker) – biscuits of a high premium, luxury or indulgent nature to…


Profiling European traditional food consumers

Filiep Vanhonacker, Valérie Lengard, Margrethe Hersleth, Wim Verbeke

The paper seeks to provide a picture of the profile of European traditional food consumers (TFC) in terms of their socio‐demographics, attitudes, life‐style orientations and…


Origin vs organic in Manchego cheese: which is more important?

Rodolfo Bernabéu, Mónica Díaz, Miguel Olmeda

The paper aims to measure the degree of influence that attributes such as price, origin, type and production system have on Spanish consumers when purchasing cheese, while also…


Factors influencing organic food purchase in India – expert survey insights

Somnath Chakrabarti

The paper aims to document the findings of an expert survey in the organic food category in India. It seeks to highlight the relative importance attached by the experts to key…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris