British Food Journal: Volume 108 Issue 4


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents - Special Issue: The impact of globalisation on the wine industry

Guest Editors: Gwyn Campbell

Introduction: Old World strategies against New World competition in a globalising wine industry

Gwyn Campbell, Nathalie Guibert

This introductory paper aims to place the contributions to this special issue within the context of the recent impact of globalisation on the wine industry, characterised by…


The secrets of a good winery: core competences

Emmanuelle Reynaud, Eric Simon

This article seeks to examine the ability of a French winery from Anjou (Pays de la Loire) to market its wine locally with higher value added than another local winery through the…


Network governance in marketing channels: An application to the French Rhône Valley AOC wines industry

Nathalie Guibert

This paper sets out to investigate the view that a firm's strategy in a marketing channel is contingent on the organization of its related upstream network of embeddedness.


How wine sector SMEs approach strategic questions: Some comparative lessons of causal representation of distinctive competencies

Tatiana Bouzdine‐Chameeva

Faced with major new challenges in a rapidly evolving world market, small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs) in the wine sector in the Bordeaux region urgently need to reconsider…


Risk management of the agricultural income: the inter‐Rhône reserve

Jean‐Laurent Viviani

Agricultural risks will tend to increase in the future, but risk management instruments and techniques at the disposal of wine companies are relatively limited. This paper aims to…


Wine and globalisation: changes in the international market structure and the position of Italy

Iacopo Bernetti, Leonardo Casini, Nicola Marinelli

This paper aims to offer an insight into the fundamental structural changes that the wine sector world‐wide is undergoing as a result of globalisation and mounting international…


The nature of the demand for alcohol: understanding elasticity

James Fogarty

The demand for alcohol is a well‐researched topic, yet the published literature regarding consumer responses to changes in the price of alcohol includes many conflicting and…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

Open Access:



  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris