British Food Journal: Volume 104 Issue 3/4/5


An international multi-disciplinary journal for the dissemination of food-related research

Table of contents

The supply chain and conversion to organic farming in Belgium or the story of the egg and the chicken

E. Baecke, G. Rogiers, L. De Cock, G. Van Huylenbroeck

Organic products form a growing segment of the food market. Recent estimates speak about market shares between 1 to 4.25 per cent. In Belgium the share is only 1 per cent, but the…


Production and trade marketing policies regarding organic olive oil in Sicily

M. Crescimanno, S. Di Marco, G. Guccione

This research analyses the main structural factors of the organic olive oil sector in Sicily, and the effects of the European sustainable development policy (EEC Regulation…


A multivariate statistical analysis on the consumers of organic products

Gaetano Chinnici, Mario D’Amico, Biagio Pecorino

In recent decades there has been a tendency towards a “standardization” in the consumer habits of people living in countries with advanced economic development. This has been…


Consumers’ perception of quality in organic food: A random utility model under preference heterogeneity and choice correlation from rank‐orderings

Gianni Cicia, Teresa Del Giudice, Riccardo Scarpa

With this study we investigate the preferences of an important category of consumers of organic products (regular consumers of organic food or RCOFs) allowing for preference…


Distribution channels for Greek organic food in the domestic and international market

Johannes Eisenbach

Focuses on the growth in production and consumption of organic food. Uses the example of this growth in Greece to suggest a four‐stage model, relevant across Europe, that governs…


Food safety and organic fruit demand in Italy: a survey

Maurizio Canavari, Guido Maria Bazzani, Roberta Spadoni, Domenico Regazzi

Reports the first results of a study on how increased awareness of food safety can influence consumer behaviour regarding specific products. Looks into consumer attitudes towards…


Organic product avoidance: Reasons for rejection and potential buyers’ identification in a countrywide survey

C. Fotopoulos, A. Krystallis

The present study attempts to offer more insights into the Greek organic market. It examines the organic products as “eco‐products”, suitable for “green” consumers, conscious in…


Farmers’ participation in agri‐environmental schemes in Greece

Dimitri Damianos, Nicholas Giannakopoulos

The present paper examines the factors influencing the farmers’ uptake of agri‐environmental measures. Empirical evidence from Thessaly, a prefecture in central Greece where the…


The production and marketing of organic wine in Sicily

M. Crescimanno, G.B. Ficani, G. Guccione

This paper aims at a better knowledge of the organic wine sector in Sicily. In the last few years regulations 2078/92 and 2092/91 have had a wide diffusion in the agricultural…


Consumer perception of organic food production and farm animal welfare

Gemma C. Harper, Aikaterini Makatouni

This paper is derived from a larger scale project investigating consumer attitudes towards organic food in the UK. Presents focus group results on consumer perceptions, attitudes…


Policy implementations for organic agriculture in Turkey

Zerrin Kenanoğlu, Özlem Karahan

The legal and institutional infrastructure of organic agriculture in Turkey and the progress of the production and the marketing of organic agricultural products are analyzed. An…


The determinants of the price mark‐up for organic fruit and vegetable products in the European Union

Giovanni La Via, Antonio, Nucifora

This paper investigates the marketing and pricing policies for traditional and organic fruit and vegetable products of large food retailers in four European countries by means of…


Romanian consumers’ behaviour regarding organic food

Simona Antoaneta Lubieniechi

Ecological agriculture is a modern agriculture with a high degree of economic efficiency and determines a new life philosophy at the producers’ and consumers’ level. At present…


What motivates consumers to buy organic food in the UK?: Results from a qualitative study

Aikaterini Makatouni

The aim of the overall project is to understand in depth the behavioural process of parents with respect to organic food. Its main objectives are to identify: beliefs, with…


Irish consumer preference for organic meat

P. O’Donovan, M. McCarthy

The consumer of today places increased importance on food safety, environmental and health issues and quality, hence some are willing to purchase organic meat. Evaluation models…


Prospects and challenges for developing countries in trade and production of organic food and fibers: The case of Turkey

Erkan Rehber, Sule Turhan

Especially after the Second World War, both in developed and to some extent developing countries, agriculture became highly mechanized and specialized as well as heavily dependent…


Customers’ perspectives on the quality of organic olive oil in Greece: A satisfaction evaluation approach

Evangelia Sandalidou, George Baourakis, Yannis Siskos

Consumers’ increasing need for safe and quality food has motivated this market research study. A customer satisfaction approach is followed to examine whether the quality of…

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Emerald Publishing Limited

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  • Dr Louise Manning
  • Dr Robert Hamlin
  • Dr Stefano Bresciani
  • Prof Michael Carolan
  • Dr Alberto Ferraris