Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 25 Issue 9


An International Journal

Table of contents

Essential Power

IT may be remembered that at this time last year, on the occasion of the last S.B.A.C. Display, we published an article by MR A. F. NEWELL, which brought together the history of…

British Progress in Propulsion Since the War: A Survey of the Development of Gas Turbines, Piston Engines and Other Power Plants Since 1945

A.D. Baxter

IT is well known that war gives a great impetus to development in many fields, not least of which is that of aircraft propulsion. Such was the case in World War II, when great…

Theoretical Aspects of Flame Stabilization: An Approximate Graphical Method for the Flame Speed of Mixed Gases

D.B. Spalding

An approximate graphical method of calculation is presented for evaluation of the flame speed of premixed combustible gases and its relation to the minimum size of burned gas…

An Experimental Single‐stage Air‐cooled Turbine: A Paper read to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part II: Research on the Performance of a Type of Internally Air‐cooled Turbine Blade

D.G. Ainley

A comprehensive series of tests have been made on an experimental single‐stage turbine to determine the cooling characteristics and the overall stage performance of a set of…

An Introduction to the Method of Characteristics: An A.R.C. Paper in which the Method is Developed from Elementary Physical Considerations

R. Harrop

The Method of Characteristics for two‐dimensional supersonic flow is developed from an elementary physical approach. Since the report is intended for use by those on supersonic…


Tension Pads for Structural Testing at Convair: Details of the Method of Application of Rubber Tension Pads to Distribute Test Loads

A.R. Vollmecke

IN order to simulate flight and landing stresses on the ground, a measurable load with a given distribution must be transmitted to an aircraft structure by some mechanical means…

Tools for the Workshop

Fig. 1 shows the Kerry G.C. lathe manufactured by Kerry's (Engineering) Co. Ltd., Grange Road, Leyton, London, E.10. The headstock is all‐geared with rapid speed selection from…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Under this heading are published regularly abstracts of all Reports and Memoranda of the Aeronautical Research Council, Reports and Technical Memoranda of the United States…

Trade Announcements

At the annual general meeting of British Messier Ltd., held on July 24, 1953, it was announced that the Rt. Hon. The Lord Hives, C.H., M.B.E., D.Sc., had tendered his resignation…

Month in the Patent Office

In order that the pilot shall not be forced to look downwards to consult his instruments during alighting, especially in the case of an aircraft landing upon an aircraft carrier…

U.S. Patent Specifications

An aeroplane wing including a fixed forward portion, a flap, a slot controller between the forward portion and the flap, a spoiler on the slot controller, control means on the…

Cover of Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology



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  • Prof Phil Webb