Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: Volume 14 Issue 6


An International Journal

Table of contents


THE article by MR. J. H. STEVENS we publish this month on the machines in use by the Red Air Force is the third that has appeared in AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING on types of aeroplanes…

Soviet Military Aeroplanes

James Hay Stevens

THE spread of the war to the East in the summer of 1941 has disproved the opinions of Russian aeroplanes that were widely held outside that country and, at the same time, it has…

Compressible Flow Behind a Wing

D.I. Husk

THE changes in the relationship between the downwash behind a wing and the wing incidence in passing from flow at low values of Mach Number to flow at high values of Mach Number…

Research Reports and Memoranda

Owing to the number of variables to be taken into account in calculating the exposure time in aerial photography, an attempt was made to devise apparatus to determine the optimum…

Torque on Engine Mountings

C.D. Graham, N.R. Tembe

MODERN aeroplane design necessitates the use of high powered engines, frequently used in conjunction with large diameter airscrews and low reduction gear ratios. This, causes very…

German Radio Equipment: Official British Reports on the Me 109 and Ju 87 Installations

THE following is a report on radio equipment, type FuG 7, found in a Messerschmitt Mc 109.

Standards for Defence

C.E. Stryker

IN speaking of standards I should make clear my interpretation of the term.

Inspection of Bearing Surfaces

W.N. Twelvetrees

WHEN man invented the wheel, bearings were introduced into civilization and every machine since devised incorporates, in some form, means of sustaining a loaded member in motion…


British Standard Specifications

The British Standards Institution has recently issued new specifications relating to splines and serrations and their gauges.

U.S. Patent Specifications

In an arrangement of the character described, the combination with a main wing lying on one side of the fuselage, of a pair of rear Haps associated in laterally juxta‐posed…

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  • Prof Phil Webb