Studying Teaching and Teacher Education: Volume 44

ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Table of contents
(32 chapters)Section 1 Tributes
Section 2 Self-Study
The teaching of teaching is sophisticated work although it is often viewed simplistically. To challenge simplistic approaches to teacher education, teacher educators need to actively articulate the specialist knowledge, skills, and abilities that underpin expertise in teaching and to do so through their practice with their students of teaching. In schools, teachers do not commonly experience a workplace culture whereby the explicit discussion and critique of pedagogical purpose and reasoning occurs. Therefore, it is all the more important that teacher educators bring such thinking to the surface in their teaching about teaching. Teaching is not just about the “doing” of teaching; it is also about the “why” – which leads to the development of informed and meaningful practice to enhance student learning. This chapter considers some of the principles that underpin thinking about teaching as more than transmission and therefore shapes what teacher educators need to know and are able to do.
Decolonizing the curriculum is an important topic in education but what does it really mean to decolonize the curriculum? In this self-study, I reflected, with the help of a critical friend, on what decolonizing the curriculum could mean in the context of my biology education classroom using the Pedagogical Content Knowledge model by Davidowitz and Rollnick (2011) as the guiding framework. From these reflections, I came to the conclusion that decolonizing the curriculum is not about erasing the known facts and principles of science but rather, it is about contextualizing it by replacing the Eurocentric stories, texts, and examples among other things, with our own Afrocentric ones. Contextualizing our curriculum is, however, fraught with challenges which include underdeveloped indigenous languages available to be used as languages of instruction, lack of locally produced teaching and learning resources including textbooks, and lack of documented indigenous knowledge that curriculum implementers can use in their teaching in order to make it contextually relevant. In this chapter, I share insights from my reflections.
In this chapter, we outline an approach to structuring a collaborative self-study that supports the sharing of individual experiences in a way that enables collective analysis and personal reflection. We share examples of how this approach enabled eight Brazilian teacher-researchers to work collectively to investigate their own social justice pedagogies. To do so, we used a four-phase process. First, each coauthor identified and wrote about a critical incident from their teaching that they shared electronically. In the second phase, We used email to comment on each other’s written pieces. Email exchanges scaffolded reflection. In the third phase, each person analyzed the comments and presented them back to everyone at a group meeting. Finally, through discussion, the group identified the recurring themes that permeated the different critical situations. The chapter provides a methodological overview based on our empirical work about teaching themes which are entangled with socially just PETE (Physical Education Teacher Education). We have found that being a teacher-researcher has some commonalities related to criticality whether one is teaching in K-12 schools or higher education.
In this chapter, we develop the “hall of mirrors” metaphor for practicum learning, introduced in Schön (1987) and expanded upon in MacKinnon (1989), as a heuristic for considering the ways in which we might claim that our practice has transformed through engaging with self-study methodology. First, we reconsider Schön's (1987) ideas about professional learning and their implications for our understanding of self-study, specifically, his claim that professional learning is unique in that a hall of mirrors is created “on the basis of parallelisms between practice and practicum” (p. 297). This parallelism is particularly relevant for teacher educators as we often aim to engage our students in the very practices we hope they will enact in schools. In so doing, we consider MacKinnon's cautions about over-simplifying any model of teacher education. Second, we use these ideas to each select excerpts from self-study work we have conducted in our careers to identify moments of transformed thinking about teacher education. Finally, we arrived at a new metaphor of a concave mirror for a retrospective look at the results of our self-study investigations. A concave mirror, unlike its planar counterpart, creates different orientations of images (right-side up vs. up-side down), depending on how far an object is away. We develop this final metaphor as a way of thinking about the differences inherent in treating self-study work at a distance, after some time has passed from the original moments when we were embedded in a hall-of-mirrors relationship with our students.
Section 3 Narrative Inquiry
This chapter addresses a sensitive topic in the field of education: the relationship between and among narrative inquiry, critical analysis, and critical theory. It argues that narrative inquirers are critical – but not in the same way that critical theorists are critical, although they may draw on the same literature and terms. To make our point, we unpack three of our peer-reviewed articles and highlight our theoretical frames and research moves to demonstrate criticality in narrative inquiry. We specifically discuss (1) titles and topics, (2) research frameworks, (3) historical and contemporary data, (4) use of participants' voices (words and feelings), (5) themes, and (6) new knowledge. We mostly argue that narrative inquiry exists because of experience. From experience, everything else unfolds – including criticality – depending on where the researcher in relationship with research participants, takes the inquiry. This chapter explicitly addresses a lived issue known both inside the narrative inquiry community and outside of it.
Our contribution to ISATT's 40th Anniversary Yearbook focusing on Studying Teaching and Teacher Education grows out of our experiences across time in diverse Lands/Place, situations, and relationships. The knowledge we center have grown through relationships and experiences of great violence and harm alongside experiences and relationships where we have experienced abiding commitments to wholeness and healing. Our individual and collective attentiveness to the spiritual dimensions in the stories we live, tell, retell, and relive about striving to live in good ways, in ethically relational ways, has connected us over time. Living alongside and thinking with one another has shaped our movements beyond the colonial and human-centric understandings of stories of/as experience and thinking with stories that often dominate in (research for) teacher education and development. Attending the spiritual dimensions of stories of experience expands the educative potential of thinking with stories. As humans who are composing lives as educators on Indigenous lands where the colonial project continues to be genocidal for Indigenous peoples and Lands/Place, attentiveness to the spiritual dimensions of experience feels imperative if the next generations of children and youth in schools, and adults in teacher education and development, are to experience these places as educative and non-violent, and as opening potential to interrupt the pervasive colonial narratives that continue to dominate.
This chapter features our innovative endeavors to inquire into an African-American student's potentially sensitive stories in a methodologically fluid and ethically delicate manner through two generative methods: digital narrative inquiry and musical narrative inquiry. Through a meta-level “inquiry into inquiry” approach, this work explores how we engaged in the digital and musical restorying of the participant's “Wounded Healer” narrative and uncovered its dynamism, cultural richness, and nuances. We subsequently represented the findings in humanizing ways using multimedia and music. Drawing on the insights from exploring these novel methods of digital and musical inquiry, our work illuminates noteworthy elements of narrative research: generativity, transformativity, interpersonal ethics, aesthetic ethics, and communal ethics. Additionally, the potential issue of trustworthiness in fluid narrative inquiries is addressed.
Section 4 Mentoring
The impact of Covid-19 on students and teachers, on courses and programs, and on schools and universities is unparalleled in the history of education. Indeed, many authors have gone as far as to contend that the pandemic resulted in a paradigm shift in education. This chapter explores this contention by first looking at the history of paradigm shifts in education writ large, and then the implication of those shifts on teacher education, in general, and on practicum mentoring, specifically.
This chapter examines the moral dilemmas mentors from three different groups (Jewish, Druze, and Arab) encountered in Israeli Arab schools, how they manage these dilemmas, and how the nature of particular dilemmas might connect to their management strategies. Given the multicultural and politically conflictive context of Israeli society, a cultural and political reading of in-service mentors' moral dilemmas reveals that mentors' encounter and management of recurrent moral dilemmas is embedded in cultural and political issues that seem to hinder their mentoring practice. Preparation programs need to highlight awareness of mentors' own culture and that of their mentees in order to implement a culturally and politically responsive practice.
Teachers in the initial stages of their career need support. The quality of their development will depend strongly on the kind of support that is given to them during induction. In this chapter, the author explains how the induction years need to be seen as a distinctive part of the teacher education continuum, building on initial teacher education (ITE) and feeding into continuing professional development (CPD). The University of Malta's Faculty of Education proposed national strategy for induction of newly qualified teachers (NQTs) stresses the need for an effective design of induction programs in terms of the type of activities, the involvement of teacher education institutions and the role of the mentor – all of which can vary, depending on the learning needs of the NQT involved. Such programs will ensure that the support provided creates opportunities to relate back to initial teacher education and to prepare teachers for career-long continuing professional development. The aim of this discussion is to evaluate the current state of professional opportunities available for beginning teachers in Malta, and to discuss an effective approach which facilitates experienced teachers to build their capacities to play a key role, through mentoring, in their new colleagues' professional learning journey.
This chapter offers an original conceptualization of co-mentoring – situated in the wider literature – together with evidence of its impact and factors facilitating impact across applications of co-mentoring in transnational schooling contexts. Co-mentoring is an alternative to more traditional, hierarchical, and unidirectional approaches to mentoring in education. Extending the extant literature on collaborative mentoring (or “comentoring”), co-mentoring is a collaborative, compassionate, and developmental relationship – informed by specific approaches to mentoring and coaching – that is intended to support participants' professional learning, development, effectiveness, and well-being, and potentially improve their workplace cultures. Detailing three different applications of co-mentoring across the United Kingdom and United States, the chapter evidences the realization of these intended outcomes (professional learning, etc.), and highlights factors found to be instrumental in facilitating the positive impacts of co-mentoring. We end with recommendations for undertaking research and practice that build human and organizational capacity through co-mentoring. A takeaway is that intentional approaches to co-mentoring can have value for participating parties and broader impact, as well as wide applicability.
Section 5 Excessive Entitlement
“Excessive teacher/faculty entitlement” is a nascent idea in teacher education. Ratnam chanced upon this notion of “excessive teacher entitlement” while trying to understand and find a language to characterize the perplexing paradox of teacher intransigence in the face of the adaptability required of them to address the intensifying issues of equity and diversity in this global multicultural world. The concept of the “best loved self” brought in by Craig as a perfect complement to “excessive teacher/faculty entitlement” helped them present the two in a yin-yang relationship. The authors in the five chapters of this section use the language of excessive entitlement to conceptualise and uncover the sources of oppression experienced by them in the situated dynamics of their institutional milieu. Their narratives tell how the naming of the phenomenon provoked them to become conscious of the presence of excessive entitlement in themselves and others accompanied by a liberating push towards realising their best loved self.
Teachers are generally interested in practical ideas for their classroom without being inclined to reflect on the theory behind them. Teacher aversion to theory has been a constant source of frustration for teacher educators who conduct in-service programs in the Indian context. Teachers' disinclination to think theoretically and recognize the need to change to create more equitable educational ecologies in a rapidly evolving multicultural world can easily be taken to signify an “excessive entitled attitude,” a personality deficiency. An investigation into understanding the source of what seemed to be “excessive teacher entitled attitude” led me to become self-reflexive about my own journey as a teacher. This chapter, which unravels my reflective journey as a teacher, uses narrative inquiry to make sense of my “stories of experience”. It is an intersubjective process intertwining teacher narratives with my personal narrative. Self-reflectivity facilitates the liberation from “excessive entitled attitude” by shining a light on it and paving the way for learning and the development of new attitudes toward the self, the other and the world. The findings show the complex recursive path negotiated by me in becoming aware of the way my “excessive entitled attitude” in my position of authority as a teacher blocked my connection to my students. It also shows the place of theoretical thinking in my transformation into a more thoughtful teacher agentively creating inclusive learning spaces for all students. The story of my transformation and the attendant change in my attitude toward myself and others helps others – teachers/educators/readers – retell their stories “with added possibilities.”
Excessive entitlement, the enacted belief that one's voice, opinion, or assessment holds more weight than that of others (even those of one's own kind), and how it unavoidably rubs against their sense of their best-loved self, is the focus of this chapter. Some define excessive entitlement as a kind of greed where individuals in academia elevate themselves and lord their perceptions/stances over others. This work is situated in the academy and involves relationships and situations that arose between and among graduate students and professors as well as between and among professors and other professors. Wedged between conflicting agendas, individuals feel pulled from pillar-to-post as they experience differing phenomena and images playing out within themselves, some seriously challenging their images of the best-loved self. This fine-grained scholarship illustrates that although strides have been made around gender, professional backgrounds, ethnicity, and race in society, room for significant improvement still exists, most especially at the micro-levels where aggressions can still take place. This research reveals intertwined hegemonies in academia. Narrative inquiry – a storied method that unpacks stories – deftly skirts research issues by including fictionalization as a fourth analytical tool, joining the conventional tools of broadening, burrowing and storying-restorying. Using these devices situates the inquiry, burrows into stories of experiences, and illuminates shifts taking place. Truth is established through employing multiple research tools over time and gauging the extent to which the intersecting narratives ring true to those outside the research situation.
This chapter addresses issues of power distribution in the context of doctoral research supervision. In this respect, manifestations of abusive practices constitute real problems for doctoral students in terms of the success and continuation of their research. A first reflection is made on the way this phenomenon is addressed in the literature and the explanations given. Then, it is brought into perspective with the notion of “excessive faculty entitlement” (Ratnam & Craig, 2021), to better understand how this asymmetrical power relationship between the supervisor and the supervisee is constructed and experienced. To provide exploratory answers on how to promote more equitable spaces for doctoral students, this study focuses on monitoring committees which represent an a priori more equitable way of addressing the issue of power distribution in supervision and which are therefore likely to help students in their doctoral journey. Our study of a recorded session of a monitoring committee is based on an analysis of the different discourses at work, discourse analysis being considered as a form of social action that has an impact on the lived experience and its foreseeable consequences (Fairclough, 2001). Characteristic features related to the specific detrimental asymmetries in this situation were identified. Several categories of power asymmetries detected in supervision were found to hinder the identification process at stake and thus the conditions for the doctoral student's success. It is suggested that awareness of these asymmetries could help supervisors to develop a more supportive and equitable relationship, leading to positive change.
A deficit view of teachers' daily practices and the message that teachers do not know how to teach diverse groups of students and need support is common. Excessive entitlement in teacher education is a topic that has been brought to the surface in somewhat a new way and from a new perspective. By using the term to conceptualize and uncover the sources of oppression, it is possible to understand educators' experiences in new ways. The purpose of this excessive entitlement research in the self-study-autoethnography-memory vein was to gain an understanding of teacher entitlement related to demands and pressures placed on teachers and teacher educators by different personnel as classrooms are becoming increasingly diverse.
This chapter links the emerging work on excessive teacher entitlement (Ratnam et al., 2019) with the ethical principle of inclusive professionalism: the right of all children to attend mainstream schools and therefore to receive accessible and appropriate teaching regardless of their educational needs (Armstrong, 1998). In the professional development process, teachers and educational leaders are confronted with numerous contradictions between prescriptions and facts, between means and ends, between intentions and actions, etc. They face numerous ethical dilemmas, which become more acute when they enter the professional field. The resulting uncertainties can lead to a defensive and inappropriate commitment to their prerogatives and difficulty in adjusting to the great diversity of situations encountered. This work reports on a multi-case study that involved a cross-case analysis of situations (Walton et al., 2022) observed by the researcher in an academic professional context.
Section 6 Comparative Education
In this chapter, we develop an argument in support of comparative framing in teacher education research with the purpose of strengthening the education profession and particularly the professional field of teaching and teacher education. There is little agreement in the field on the required knowledge needed to become a highly effective teacher and on how to know that teachers know enough of a subject to teach it. We argue that comparative and collaborative cross-national studies serve as ideal catalytic forces to develop much-needed ontologies to develop definitions and realize contrasts, possibilities, and limitations. The construction of ontologies supports the epistemological bases of the profession. Comparative studies help to understand what others with similar goals such as the education and support of teachers have been able to achieve under what conditions, resources, and contexts.
The prevalence and drawbacks of policy borrowing in teacher education are widely acknowledged. In England, there has been extensive use of research conducted in the United States as justification for a prescriptive approach to teacher education nationwide. This raises questions about evidence borrowing from different contexts as a key facet of policy making, with inherent concerns about how the contextual influences on that research influence its effectiveness in transitioning to new spaces. Through the use of spatial theory, this chapter examines this phenomenon and highlights how inferences made from research undertaken in one context, but applied in another, can be detrimental to the established practices and expertise of teacher educators.
Disciplinary school exclusion has negative consequences in terms of academic achievement, well-being, mental health, and future prospects. Permanent and temporary school exclusions rates in England are much higher than in the rest of the United Kingdom and disproportionately affect students with special needs, from care backgrounds, living in poverty, and from particular ethnic backgrounds. This chapter argues that looking at the issue of school exclusion is another way of looking at issues of inclusion and diversity in schools and that these are central concerns for initial teacher education programs. The chapter illustrates this argument by reporting some of the preliminary findings from the 4-year ESRC funded project The Political Economies of School Exclusion Across the UK (2019–2023) led by the Excluded Lives Research team at the University of Oxford. The main objective of this research has been to develop a home international multidisciplinary understanding of the landscapes of political economies and the experiences and consequences of school exclusion across the United Kingdom.

- 10.1108/S1479-3687202344
- Publication date
- 2023-08-10
- Book series
- Advances in Research on Teaching
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-83753-623-8
- 978-1-83753-622-1
- Book series ISSN
- 1479-3687