Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education: Volume 43

ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Table of contents
(23 chapters)Section 1 Tributes
Section 2 Teaching Section
Identity is a disputed concept. A clear-cut, unitary definition of identity is impossible as it “bears a multivalent, even contradictory theoretical burden” (Brubaker & Cooper, 2000, p. 8). Existing literature shows that teacher identity or teacher professional identity is defined differently. In some cases, there is no definition at all. This chapter summarizes how research on teacher identity evolved in the last two decades. A total of 33 papers on teacher identity were reviewed. To analyze the data, we developed a conceptual framework on teacher identity based on the reviewed papers. In reviewing the literature, we found four lines of studies that have attracted more attention from educational researchers: (1) research on factors shaping teachers' professional identities, (2) studies highlighting the tensions and crises in teachers' professional identities, (3) approaches and models to the construction of teachers' professional identities, and (4) research on students' and beginning teachers' identities. Two different conceptions of teacher identity were found in these lines of research: strong and soft approaches. Strong conception of identity emphasizes sameness over time or across persons. Soft or weak conception of teacher identity, in contrast, is based on the premise that identity is flexible and unstable over time and across persons. Most of the research adopted the soft conception. Thus, the strong conception of teacher identity was understudied. Hence, we do not know what counts as the core professional values or meaning in strong conception of teacher identity. Relying on general pedagogy, we propose a framework based on moral, aesthetic, and rational foundations for developing a strong conception of teacher identity.
Teaching is seen as a morally significant endeavor, but there is a lack of clarity about the entire domain. While teachers usually do not develop a refined professional knowledge base or vocabulary of the moral work of teaching (Sanger, 2017) during pre- and in-service teacher education, there is a need to explore more in detail what kind of expertise is required and employed in the moral work of teaching, and how the components of that expertise are related to each other. The purpose of our theoretical chapter is not to present the “foreground,” that is the results of “what works” but instead to highlight the “background” of teaching profession. We note that the complexities of teaching can be structured through the relational viewpoints of ethical principles, moral judgments, and virtuous policies. From these three standpoints, which often appear separate and disconnected, we try out a constructive synthesis. Our framework denotes that teaching is a peculiar kind of relationship that brings with it special ethical guidelines, moral judgments, and constant considerations of how to realize human well-being in the real-world dilemmas of teaching.
Teacher professional development is a perennial topic in teaching and teacher education. While it is largely agreed that the professional development of teachers is a necessity, what that professional development entails and who decides its content and delivery is disputed. This chapter revisits critical issues in the professional development of teachers. Different forms of professional learning, the influence of collaboration, the pursuit of inclusion and social justice, and the role of technology are discussed. In the future, it is expected that professional development contexts and opportunities will be reimagined along with a new calibration of face-to-face and virtual pedagogies.
A growing number of countries have developed Teacher Professional Standards that describe how effective teaching is conceptualized and demonstrated. This article describes how initial teacher education and continuous professional development (CPD) is organized in Estonia, and what role professional standards have in the Estonian context. We demonstrate how the Estonian decentralized preservice teacher education and CPD system supports high quality and flexible teacher professional development throughout their careers. We will also pinpoint the biggest challenges that are currently experienced in Estonia regarding teacher education and professional development. Drawing on the international experiences, we will also discuss how Teacher Professional Standards could be further developed in Estonia to better serve as a guide for both initial teacher education and continuous professional development.
Teacher attrition/retention seems to be a wicked issue: it has strong face validity and common-sense meaning, but the literature does not provide a clear definition. In the first section, the author analyzes the different ways in which the issue of teacher attrition and retention is problematized as the basis for a definition: as an educational issue teacher attrition and retention refers to the need to prevent good teachers from leaving the job for the wrong reasons. Arguing that teacher attrition/retention constitutes both a problem and a challenge, he continues in the second part to foreground lessons learned. The conclusion outlines an agenda for teacher education, teacher induction, and school development to positively deal with the challenge to keep the good teachers in teaching.
This chapter highlights the underlying complexities of the concept of “curriculum” in recent decades and the different definitions given to the concept in curriculum studies by scholars of education in general and ISATT members in particular. After describing the fuzziness of the curriculum concept and seeking to resolve fragmentation through returning to its value and avoiding misunderstandings, this work briefly addresses the “curriculum design” concept and presents some recent developments in ISATT research – “curriculum making” and “vertical curriculum” – that reevaluate the role of teachers. The outcomes of the such investigations converge around teachers' roles as “curriculum makers” and not as mere “implementers”; specifically, they allow explorations of teacher's “best-loved self,” through narratives and metaphors to reaffirm principles – such as decision-making and collegiality – which are necessary for teachers' practices and teaching and teacher education research.
Although the emotion work of teaching has been part of the conversation for more than 30 years, it remains a side conversation, as sort of an afterthought to academics and the accepted mainstream point of teaching and learning. In this chapter, we reflect on what has occurred in the field in the decade since our book Emotion in school: Understanding how the hidden curriculum influences relationships, leadership, teaching and learning was published. We approach the topic through a lens of tensions that we perceive occurring in the field. Emotions in schools, for the most part, remain the hidden curriculum in that in many ways emotions are still downplayed in the classroom and have no space in teacher preparation programs. Teachers, students, administrators, and teacher educators alike are left to deal with the tensions that confront them that educational researchers have yet to resolve – tensions related to measurement (what are we measuring and why), related to how we define emotion and tensions related to practice. In this short chapter we do not have the space to address all tensions that might arise; we have chosen a few to provoke conversation and thoughts about where the field may go from here. Suggestions for beginning teachers and research for teacher preparation are offered.
Controversial issues characterize life in democratic societies, and they often arise unexpectedly in the classroom, without being planned for by the teacher. However, controversial issues are rarely addressed beyond a mandatory curriculum and are often avoided. The aim of this exploratory study is to investigate what teachers identify and address as unplanned controversial issues in the classroom and the content of such issues. Unplanned controversial issues identified fell into three categories (1) mainstream controversy, (2) teacher-initiated controversy, and (3) controversial pedagogy. The findings suggest that more attention needs to be paid, among other things, to the political dimension of education, teacher vulnerability, and who the person in teaching is.
Section 3 Education and Teacher Education With Marginalized Populations
To break the chains of inequality for access to education for marginalized groups across India and move toward an egalitarian society, where all people can live with dignity and fulfill their dreams, the need of the hour is to strengthen the education system and prepare teachers with secular and reformative thinking. This chapter attempts to examine the problems of various marginalized groups in Indian society and their educational provisions. This work also aims to analyze several issues and challenges related to preparing teachers for inclusive schools and to draw attention to the need to reframe and revise teacher education programs and enforce inclusive teacher education practices in India to promote inclusion.
Teacher education has existed in Nunavut, Canada, for more than 40 years, yet the programs offered have not been able to meet the demand for Inuit educators in the territory. The reasons for this are complex, but related to the history of education in Nunavut, the policies and employment conditions impacting educators and the conflicting values of colonial and Inuit ways of being and understanding the world. However dim the embers of teacher education programs may appear, when statistics on graduation rates from postsecondary or Inuit composition in schools are shared, there are many initiatives that reinvigorate the flames. This chapter outlines five such initiatives in which three critical factors emerge that offer suggestions for restructuring teacher education to support Inuit.
In Aotearoa New Zealand (Aotearoa), bicultural education has reinforced the privilege of settler colonial knowledge with te reo Māori, the language of Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand, used as decorative labels to create a bicultural étagère. Similarly, for inclusive education ableist notions of personhood have maintained approaches that attempt to assimilate the person into the educational hood. In this chapter, research findings from a doctoral case study highlight the intersecting nature of ableism and racism in the foundations of the Aotearoa education system. The author argues that Indigenous knowledge and customs in a bicultural Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program that prepares early childhood educators promote positive constructions of inclusion. Using the tenets of DisCrit and the Alaskan Cultural Standards as tools of analysis, key bicultural practices that support inclusion are identified and discussed. In addition, the inclusive opportunities and the fragility of meaningful intentions are highlighted.
This chapter frames the educational journey of an Iskwew, or Cree woman who has navigated the different spaces of settler education, sometimes reluctantly and sometimes eagerly. The author engages the usage of her Cree Nisgaa Methodological Framework that is framed by protocol, mamatowisin, or engaging inner mindfulness, and reciprocity. The author makes and holds space for readers to journey with her, offering an opportunity to bear witness to the experiences of First Nation (Indigenous) education, from her positionality as a Cree woman. The author engages, embodies, and enacts ethical relationality throughout the chapter as it is her pedagogical hope that this chapter contributes to a collective space where Indigenous and non-Indigenous relationships can be forged with respect, relevance, relationality, and reciprocity on behalf of students everywhere.
The present study provides insight on Roma students' understandings and experiences during their participation in a learning program under the aegis of Future Literacy Approaches and reports on the range of cognitive and social skills which can be cultivated through such literacy experiences. A case study research design was applied with an after-school evening class attended by 12 Roma students in a region of Greece. Thematic analysis of the qualitative data indicates that Roma students' engagement in the Future Literacy tasks of the program strengthened the acquisition of skills that could be useful for their daily lives, including the capacity to construct their own representations of daily life, and finding creative solutions to real-life situations. Activities provided students with the space and time to express their aspirations for self-empowerment and changed life conditions in the future. Findings provide one way to address the urgent need for Roma to challenge marginalization through leveraging their own active roles as citizens.

- 10.1108/S1479-3687202343
- Publication date
- 2023-08-10
- Book series
- Advances in Research on Teaching
- Editors
- Series copyright holder
- Emerald Publishing Limited
- 978-1-80455-467-8
- 978-1-80455-466-1
- Book series ISSN
- 1479-3687