Transformation of Strategic Alliances in Emerging Markets, Volume II

Table of contents
(8 chapters)Part I Empirical Evidence
In this chapter, six cases are presented, four from Poland and two from Hungary. The Polish cases are Partec Rockwool, PLM, Bulten Tools, and Vattenfall, while Svedala and Getinge belong to Hungary.
The cases have been described in different phases following the conceptual framework, developed in chapter six. All cases we present in three phases except Svedala where there are two phases. In the later case, neither the alliance nor the partners could be traced. Among the cases, level of performance varied. Getinge is the only case where the partners continued with the same alliance and the ownership structure remained unchanged. In Partec, the foreign partner acquired the local shares to establish a wholly owned subsidiary, and in Bulten Tool, the foreign partner became the major owner to have control over the company. Partec Rockwool and Vattenfall had been sold to other companies after amicable settlement between the partners.
In this chapter, we have presented four case studies of the firms which are operating in the medium complete adapting countries. The four cases are Arvidsson Textile Share Company in Estonia, Partec Rockwool in Lithuania, Accel Share Company in Lithuania and Ragn-Sells in Estonia. The case studies are prepared following the structure of the theoretical framework applied in this book. We have found out that the performance of Arvidsson Textile Share Company is successful as it matches the expectations if the partners and it has remained to be more or less the same since its establishment. The performance of Partec Rockwool was also successful from the very beginning until it was replaced by the fully owned firm. Accel Share Company's operations in Lithuania was successful from the very beginning as it found the right people with the right competence in the local market. In the case of Ragn-Sells in Estonia, the alliance was successful but not up to the full expectation.
Part II Discussion and Conclusions
In this chapter, each case is analyzed in phases to reflect on the development of the business process between Swedish firms and local partners from the transitional emerging economies. Initially 20 cases were studied but the final number was 10 cases as other alliances or their continuation in some other forms cannot be traced. Transformation of the alliances shows how the partners have gained experience and grown over the years. Out of the 10 cases, three phases in eight of the cases can be identified. Only two phases are found in the remaining two cases. The analysis is done in such a way that cases can be compared in terms of the variables of the conceptual framework, which includes motives, resources, learning, network, performance, and business environment prevailing in the case countries. The analysis is in two steps: first, each case is discussed in different phases and second, all cases are compared together, also in separate phases. The result of the analysis is the starting point of the next chapter where general findings are discussed and related to the relevant literature.
In this chapter, the main research outcomes are discussed and analyzed in connection with relevant studies in the field. The ambition has been to focus on whether the result matches with the present body of the literature or not, and what new thoughts and ideas can be generated by comparing and matching the literature and the results of the underlying study. Emphasis is on the changes that have taken place during the operation of the ventures over a longer period. In the cases, the business operations have been discussed in three phases and sometimes in two phases. But for the purpose of the literature linkage, changes are analyzed in two steps. Step one discusses major changes in the beginning (mainly phase one), while step two covers changes that have taken place in the other two phases.
This chapter deals with how the research questions have been answered and what outcomes are reached through the longitudinal study conducted in the European transitional economies (Central and Eastern Europe)—a special region of the emerging markets. Preceding chapters on analysis and discussion and theoretical links with the results jointly make the foundation of this chapter to concretize main findings of the study. First, we go through the research agenda: (1) business activities; (2) environmental and institutional factors; (3) learning, network, and resources; (4) challenges and opportunities; and (5) strategies. It has not been the purpose to accept or reject any results or theories but to indicate the direction of growth in the region seen from the theoretical lens in the field of the relevant research. Then transformations of alliances are discussed in a separate section to point out what structural changes have taken place and what benefit the partnering partners have drawn from the collaborations. Finally, we take up the ever important issue of “emerging markets” by distinguishing different transition economies and their contribution to the growth of emerging markets.
In conclusion, the relevance of the research implications, managerial implications, and implications for strategies in emerging markets are assessed in this chapter. The findings show that future research should apply different research designs such as a focus group discussion, collect empirical data from the various levels of the chosen organizations, be quantitative, make use of hypothesis testing, do a comparative study, etc. Various managerial implications are also recommended based on the study and the conclusions drawn. Some of the implications are that management should develop a long-term learning and adaptive perspective. Management must be able to secure a full understanding of all the partners on the subject of joint venture, strategic alliances, and other forms of collaboration. Some of the implications for strategies in emerging markets are that the spectrum of competitive strategies developed by Hout et al. (1982), Jobber and Ellis-Chadwick (2013), and Ansoff (1975) is found to be relevant and applicable in emerging markets. The other strategies that deal with emerging markets were also found to be relevant and applicable in the Eastern and Central Europe market with some minor modifications and adaptations. The reader should keep in mind that some articles are referenced repetitively in research implications, managerial implications, and implications for strategies in emerging markets when they are found to be necessary for drawing implications. For the sake of clarity, implication is defined as follows: an implication is something that is suggested, or happens indirectly. It has many different senses: usually used in the plural, implications are effects or consequences that might happen in the future. When you left the gate open and the dog escaped, you are guilty by implication.

- 10.1108/9781800437487
- Publication date
- 2021-01-25
- 978-1-80043-749-4
- 978-1-80043-748-7