Complexity in International Security

A Holistic Spatial Approach
Table of contents
(13 chapters)Abstract
The chapter describes main world problems and possible crises during the current transition from liberal to so called post-liberal order, like nuclear war, climate change and technological disruption, where the world should accept new realities and search for new ways to ensure peace and stability. The definition of international security is given along with highlighting the urgency of finding radically new ideas, concepts and technologies for the support of world safety and security. Two main approaches are briefed in this way: the newest DARPA Mosaic Warfare concept, and Spatial Grasp Technology (SGT) being developed for decades with numerous applications, both described in detail in the following chapters. Organization of the rest of the book is also explained.
The chapter explains the notion and meaning of international security, also global security, as an amalgamation of measures taken by states and international organizations to ensure mutual survival and safety. It provides description of different world areas with existing security problems which include disease epidemics, world religious diversity with emerging tensions, environmental dangers, refugee crises, armed conflicts, terrorism, etc. Also briefs some existing international security bodies and measures like United Nations, Security Networks and security oriented technologies. An urgent need of radically new approaches for effective analysis, management and support of world security is also highlighted.
The chapter describes the basics of developed high-level spatial grasp technology (SGT) and its spatial grasp language (SGL) allowing us to create and manage very large distributed systems in physical, virtual and executive domains in a highly parallel manner and without any centralized resources. Main features of SGT with its self-evolving and self-spreading spatial intelligence, recursive nature of SGL and organization of its networked interpreter will be briefed. Numerous interpreter copies can be installed worldwide and integrated with other systems or operate autonomously and collectively in critical situations. Relation of SGT, with capability of holistic solutions in distributed systems, to the gestalt psychology and theory, showing unique qualities of human mind and brain to directly grasp the whole of different phenomena, will be explained too, with SGT serving as an attempt to implement the notion of gestalt for distributed applications.
The chapter offers complete details of the latest SGL version particularly suitable for dealing with large security systems and emerging crisis situations. It describes main types of constants representing information, physical matter or both and five very different and specific types of variables operating in fully distributed spaces and even being mobile themselves when serving spreading algorithms. Also given full repertoire of the language operations, called rules, which can be arbitrarily nested and carry different navigation, creation, processing, assignment, control, verification, context, exchange, transference, echoing, timing and other loads. The rules equally operate with local and remote values, process both, matter and distributed networked knowledge, and can express active graph-based patterns navigating, matching, conquering and changing distributed environments. Elementary programming examples in SGL are also provided.
The chapter provides exemplary security-oriented applications in SGL, as follows: finding suspects with trying to discover detailed information of their whereabouts by checking different databases and tracing their spatial movement around the globe; controlling and impacting the distribution of a conflict evolving and spreading in some region where, beginning from some position inside it, parallel search and cover are organized to extinguish it; distributed simulation of complex territorial conquest with different (more than two) opposing forces, each having individual strength and trying to conquer the whole area itself, competing with other forces on the same territory; collective evacuation from a disaster zone, where in case of major disasters (like earthquakes, flooding, etc.) many people, especially elderly and handicapped may need a special help to relocate even escape.
In this chapter different network operations are described in SGL, which may be useful for security applications. Basic network management mechanisms are expressed, capable of working on their own even if traditional communications and internet includings are damaged. These include network creation from scratch, finding paths between nodes, and creating routing tables (RT) allowing for shortest path communications. Also is shown the use of SGT for analysing distributed networks with social flavour by finding strong and weak components in them and changing their topology in crisis situations. Another example is how to outline different communities in a distributed social network, find their topographical centres and evaluate physical distances between them for predicting possible social conflicts, while doing this repeatedly together with simulation of spatial mobility of individuals in time.
In this chapter, different security-related examples are shown in SGL dealing with discovery, tracing and analysis of multiple mobile objects, technical or human, in distributed environments. Starting from how overall command and control of a hypothetical missile defence can be automatically managed in SGL by following and supervising the movement of multiple ballistic missiles on their full path from discovery to elimination. Other case is dealing with fully distributed tracing of cruise missiles with complex and tricky routes, which can be effectively chased, analysed and controlled by mobile spatial intelligence spreading through intelligent sensor network. Another one is providing high-level simulation and tracing of multiple objects in outer space to avoid collisions for new vehicles launched, with engagement of scattered space observation sensors integrated under SGT. The chapter also shows how to organize distributed simulation, assistance and control of flow of refugees through international borders.
The chapter aims at finding in a multitude, diversity and high dynamics of international relations the worldwide appearance of particular spatial patterns that could potentially lead to a nuclear war. It demonstrates how complex international relations might be and how important is to predict and prevent global conflicts with nuclear weapons owned by different countries, also providing the latest data on worldwide distribution of nuclear weapons. The chapter demonstrates how different patterns of relations between countries, which can potentially lead to nuclear conflicts, can be converted into high-level active patterns-scenarios in SGL. These scenarios are then regularly self-spreading and self-matching in parallel and fully distributed mode with worldwide international structures, in order to find the related emerging threats. SGT can also be effectively used for distributed simulation of evolution and spreading of possible world conflicts, nuclear ones including.
The chapter relates to advanced management of large distributed dynamic systems in unpredictable and crisis situations. It briefs the DARPA Mosaic Warfare concept and shows its possible expression under SGT together with exemplary solutions for such tasks as grouping of scattered elements into more powerful forces with unified control, and observation and elimination of dangerous elements by collective operation of causal forces around them. Of practical importance may be mosaics-related approaches using massive robotics. It is shown in SGL how easy to assemble teams of UCAVs for intelligent swarming, self-restructuring and observing territory with collection, distribution and impacting of targets discovered. Another SGL scenario organizes automatic fight of aerial swarm with other group/swarm, autonomously and without external control. It is also shown how broken into pieces platoon of unmanned vehicles, due to situations on roads, is self-recomposing into normal platoon chain again, with vehicles symbolically considered as mosaic tiles.
The chapter concludes the book, summarizing the investigated main features of world security problems with explanation of their possible solutions under SGT. The developed ideology and technology allow us to convert the whole world into intelligent self-organized supercomputer constantly investigating and adequately reacting on numerous crises and security situations which may emerge any time and in/from any world points. Future plans of this work include: (1) international teaming on the described mosaic concept; (2) distributed interactive simulation of world security problems and situations; (3) reimplementation of SGT on modern platforms; (4) possible SGT embedment into existing and new world security organizations; (5) further investigation and development of distributed holistic management related to gestalt theory; and (6) new international publications and patenting.

- 10.1108/9781789737158
- Publication date
- 2019-11-08
- 978-1-78973-716-5
- 978-1-78973-715-8