(2000), "Fast flight", Work Study, Vol. 49 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Fast flight
The Preston Group (TPG), a wholly owned subsidiary of The Boeing Company, has delivered a Total Airspace & Airport Modeller (TAAM) for long-term lease to the Civil Aviation Administration of Finland. TAAM is a fast-time gate-to-gate simulation tool used by civil aviation authorities, aviation research establishments, airlines and airports worldwide to analyse operations, redesign airspace, optimise the use of existing facilities, and plan for the future. "Fast-time" means modelling certain activities, like an airport's daily traffic, at many times the speed they happen naturally. The 12-month TAAM lease with the option to purchase includes TPG support and the commissioning of TPG to perform a study of Helsinki Vantaa airport. Various studies regarding the airport would include a gate study to evaluate new parking area placement for midfield or in the terminal area, the usage of a new third runway, and possibly airspace studies relating to different procedures for departures, arrivals, and the third runway.