Demanding video

Work Study

ISSN: 0043-8022

Article publication date: 1 June 2000



(2000), "Demanding video", Work Study, Vol. 49 No. 3.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited

Demanding video

Demanding video

Axcent Media AG presented its powerful INSERT\MediaAccess mini server for the first time at CeBIT 2000. This is a lean-format digital video server system which enables sophisticated video-on-demand applications to be implemented in the network at far less cost than to date. INSERT\MediaAccess is the "younger brother" of their INSERT\MediaServer. This innovative technology, which was developed at Axcent, not only delivers videos of maximum quality in real time, but also opens up any number of parallel streams giving users interactive access to the audio-visual data stored on the server. Anywhere where broadband, audio-visual media need delivering over an extensive network it is cheaper to store the data temporarily on local INSERT\MediaAccess mini-server systems distributed throughout the network than to keep network bandwidth constantly available for the lengthy journey from the information centre. In line with this principle INSERT\MediaAccess ensures that valuable network resources are optimally utilised. For example, the intelligent systems create local user profiles and utilise them up front to compile content that they expect users to call up in the future. INSERT\MediaAccess stores this content locally, enabling it to be delivered without delay when it is needed. Since this not only minimises the load on the network but also means that very lean servers can be used, large branch solutions for banks, retail chains or insurance companies can be realised more cost-effectively.

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