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Carbon offset payment intentions in aviation industry: Altruism vs. Egoism and airline sustainability

Pengfei Deng (School of Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China)
Peng Zheng (School of Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China)
Dan Xie (School of Education Training, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou, China)

Tourism Review

ISSN: 1660-5373

Article publication date: 31 October 2024




The issue of excessive carbon emissions continues to be a critical global challenge. As a prominent mode of transportation for long-distance travel, aircraft is widely acknowledged as a significant source of these emissions. Carbon offset initiatives function as ecological measures, helping to reduce the negative environmental impact. This study aims to explore how benefit appeals (BA) within the aviation industry impact tourists’ carbon offset payment intentions (COPIt).


In Studies 1 and 2, scenario-based experiments were conducted to explore how goal framing (GF) and (BA) interact to influence COPIt. Study 2 further investigated the mediating roles of moral responsibility and trust in airlines within this interaction. Study 3 used real-world surveys to examine the moderating influence of moral elevation, thereby supporting the interactive effects and mediation mechanisms identified in the earlier studies.


Across three studies, the authors consistently identified pivotal factors shaping COPIt in the context of air travel. Study 1 revealed that the combination of BA and GF significantly impacts COPIt, with egoistic appeals linked to loss framing and altruistic appeals connected to gain framing being particularly effective in encouraging COPIt. Study 2 extended these insights by showing that moral responsibility and trust in airlines serve as mediators between BA, GF and COPIt. In Study 3, moral elevation was found to moderate the influence of BA and GF on both moral responsibility and COPIt, deepening the understanding of these dynamics.


This study expands the range of factors affecting COPIt and delves into the underlying mechanisms through which BA and GF shape COPIt. Additionally, it advances current understanding by revealing the intricate processes influenced by moral elevation. The findings not only contribute to the existing knowledge on COPIt determinants but also offer practical guidance for the aviation industry and related sectors in promoting tourists’ participation in carbon offset programs.


本研究探讨航空业中不同利益诉求(利他 vs. 利己)和目标框架(收益 vs. 损失)如何影响游客的碳补偿支付意向, 以应对航空业作为主要碳排放源的环境挑战。


通过三项实验分析利益诉求与目标框架对碳补偿支付意向的影响, 前两项研究探讨利益诉求与目标框架的交互作用以及道德责任感和信任的中介作用, 第三项在机场调研中考察道德提升感的调节作用。


结果显示, 利他诉求与收益框架、利己诉求与损失框架的匹配显著提高游客的支付意向, 道德责任感和信任为中介, 且道德提升感调节了这一影响。


本研究丰富了碳补偿支付意向的理论, 揭示利益诉求与目标框架的交互作用机制, 并为航空业提供了有效推动碳补偿项目的实践建议。

Objetivo del studio

Este estudio analiza cómo los intereses (altruismo vs. egoísmo) y el marco objetivo (ganancia vs. pérdida) influyen en la intención de pago de compensación de carbono de los turistas en la industria aérea.


Se emplearon métodos experimentales en dos estudios iniciales para explorar la interacción entre intereses y marco objetivo, y el papel mediador de la responsabilidad moral y la confianza en la aerolínea. Un tercer estudio en un aeropuerto evaluó el efecto moderador de la elevación moral.


Los intereses y el marco objetivo influyen conjuntamente en la intención de pago de compensación de carbono. La combinación de altruismo con un marco de ganancia y egoísmo con un marco de pérdida aumenta esta intención. La responsabilidad moral y la confianza en la aerolínea median estos efectos, mientras que la elevación moral modera su impacto.


Este estudio amplía la investigación sobre la compensación de carbono, revelando cómo la interacción entre intereses y marco objetivo afecta la intención de pago, ofreciendo recomendaciones prácticas para la industria aérea.



National Social Science Foundation of China 21BGL260; Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China 19YJCZH158.


Deng, P., Zheng, P. and Xie, D. (2024), "Carbon offset payment intentions in aviation industry: Altruism vs. Egoism and airline sustainability", Tourism Review, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.



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