GE introduces its phoenix nanotom m: nanoCT® system

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology

ISSN: 0954-0911

Article publication date: 12 April 2011



(2011), "GE introduces its phoenix nanotom m: nanoCT® system", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 23 No. 2.



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2011, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

GE introduces its phoenix nanotom m: nanoCT® system

GE introduces its phoenix nanotom m: nanoCT® system

Article Type: New products From: Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Volume 23, Issue 2

The phoenix nanotom m, from GE’s Inspection Technologies business, has been developed to fulfill the fast growing demand for high-resolution and high-precision X-ray computed tomography (CT) in non-destructive 3D analysis and 3D metrology. Featuring fully automated CT scan execution, volume reconstruction and the analysis process, it offers ease of use as well as fast and reproducible CT results, in applications ranging from small biological and geological samples to medium-sized industrial components such as injection nozzles or injection molded plastic parts, even with metal inlays.

As Oliver Brunke, Product Manager for CT at GE’s Inspection Technologies business says, “Compared with current state-of-the-art phoenix|x-ray nanoCT equipment, the new phoenix system provides significantly better object penetration and image sharpness, as well fewer imaging artifacts and anomalies because of its extremely high long-term stability. Moreover, due to its excellent contrast-to-noise ratio, CT scans can be performed up to four times faster for the same resolution and image quality.”

The nanotom m incorporates a new phoenix 180 kV/15 W, high-power nanofocus X-ray tube, which is optimized for long-term stability and allows scanning of high-absorbing materials such as metals and ceramics. The internal cooling of the tube also significantly reduces thermal effects such as drift, to ensure even sharper imaging as well as allowing the long scanning times frequently required in scientific research.

The new CT system also features a very high-dynamic range, typically five times better than current state-of-the-art nanoCT equipment, because of its temperature stabilized, 3,072×2,400 pixel DXR 500L detector from GE. With such a large detector area, this allows sample sizes of up to 250 × 240 mm and the combination of proprietary GE technology in terms of X-ray tube, detector, generator and CT software ensures that a vowel size of down to 300 nm (0.3 μm) can be achieved.

Comprehensive automatic 3D metrology package available

The phoenix nanotom m can also be supplied with a comprehensive 3D metrology package. This is optimized for stable and reproducible environmental and acquisition conditions and provides fast reconstruction and precise measurement results within minutes. It comprises an air-conditioned cabinet and a high-accuracy direct measuring system as well as vibration insulation of the manipulator. It also includes a calibration object and GE’s phoenix datos|x 2.0 CT software packages “click & measure|CT” and “metrology”. With datos|x 2.0, the entire CT process chain can be fully automated, reducing operator time by a factor of up to five. Once the appropriate setup is programmed, the whole scan and reconstruction process including volume optimization features or surface extraction, runs without any operator interaction. Furthermore, 3D metrology or failure analysis tasks performed with third-party programs can be executed automatically. Once programmed, under normal circumstances, automatic creation of a first article inspection report even with complex internal geometries can be provided within an hour.

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