(2004), "Lead-Free Solder Reliability Conference", Soldering & Surface Mount Technology, Vol. 16 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Lead-Free Solder Reliability Conference
Lead-Free Solder Reliability Conference
Keywords: Lead-free soldering, Conferences
Over 90 delegates and six exhibitors gathered in NPL's auditorium for the Winter SSTC (Soldering Science and Technology Club) Lead-Free Solder Reliability Conference. There was a high technical level of presentations, mixed with practical contributions and clear legislative details with "state of play" information, including from DTI representative, Andrew Lunnon.
The situation remains fluid as the UK legislation dictating compliance with the already formalised EU directives moves ever closer toward the statute books.
Discussion in the intervals was lively giving a clear indication, if any was needed, of the realisation that lead-free compliance means action now for UK companies.
The reliability implications of using lead-free solders (for joints and laminates) prompted many questions from the audience.
Presentations were as follows:
"Update on implementation of WEEE and RoHS legislation"Andrew Lunnon, DTI
"Reliability issues due to Pb contamination during the transition to lead-free soldering"Martin Wickham, NPL
"Modelling materials behaviour in the transition to Pb free solder alloys and joint miniaturisation"Rachel Thomson, Loughborough University
"Secondary Reflow of Lead Free Joints with Tin/lead Terminations"Bob Willis, EPS
"Effect of thermocycling and thermal aging on lead-free solders"Milos Dusek, NPL
"Intermetallics and mechanical characteristics of Pb free micro-joints formed from flip-chip assemblies"Changqing Liu, Loughborough University
"Contribution of creep and stress relaxation tests to reliability assessment of lead-free solders"Milos Dusek, NPL
"Voiding: Occurrence and reliability issues with lead-free"Martin Wickham, NPL
"Can we measure tin whisker propensity?"Chris Hunt, NPL
"CAF Susceptibility of PWB Substrates"Alan Brewin, NPL
For more information contact: Dr Chris Hunt, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex TW11 0LW. Tel: +44(0)20 8943 6065; Fax: +44(0)20 8614 0429; E-mail: