Todd, S. (2000), "Structural Survey and the Internet", Structural Survey, Vol. 18 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Structural Survey and the Internet
Keywords: Construction industry, WWW
The Web site information in this volume includes some key sites and other new resources. If there are any other sites that you find particularly useful, please e-mail me at
The Building Research Establishment
The BRE Web site was completely redesigned in January 2000 and the main menu now displays as follows:
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About BRE - describes the BRE as the UK's leading centre for research into all aspects of buildings and construction, and the prevention and control of fire.
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Centres of excellence - to provide logical customer-focused groups of the services offered.
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Capabilities - provides an alphabetical listing of the services that the BRE can offer.
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What's new - details the new Web site structure and gives information on a new report on crime.
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Search BRE.
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Other BRE Web sites.
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
This redesigned site is now structured into the following categories:
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About RICS - from worldwide to branch level.
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What's new - includes material posted within the last month.
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Discussion forums - allows the user to share ideas with like-minded professionals.
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RICS research - the RICS Research Foundation funds, promotes and encourages world-class research into the built environment.
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Training and careers - this section also gives CPD guidance.
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RICS Information Services - includes information on dispute resolution services, market information, standards, conduct guidance and IT in surveying. This section also includes the RICS directory of firms database.
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RICS events - includes CPD events, seminars, conferences, branch and market events.
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Government and media affairs - advice to government, comment to media, information to the public, briefings, policy statements, press releases and surveys on the economy, the environment, land use and property and construction.
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The bookshop - includes the RICS book catalogue, guidance notes, surveys, handbooks, information papers, conditions of engagement, research, legislation guidelines and current industry developments.
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CSM - Chartered Surveyor Monthly online back to March 1997.
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RICS Library - includes access to the library's database and online ordering system.
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The New RICS - gives details of The Agenda for Change consultation process, the March 2000 EGM and the new RICS.
This Web site is intended to provide specificers, builders, contractors and builders' merchants with information for the correct use of Celcon blocks. The main menu of the site includes the following categories:
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Celcon blocks.
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Site practice.
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Index, help.
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U-value tables.
The Chartered Institute of Taxation
This site aims to provide comprehensive, current tax information to members, students, tax professionals and those seeking advice. The site includes sections on:
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Latest information - press releases and submissions.
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Technical information - aimed at the tax professional.
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Links to other useful sites.
Construction Best Practice Programme
The Construction Best Practice Programme raises awareness of the benefits of best practice and provides guidance and advice to UK construction and client organisations. The site includes information on:
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Briefing the team.
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Choice of procurement route.
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Culture and people.
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Health and safety.
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Information technology.
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Integrating design and construction.
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Lean construction.
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Partnering and team development.
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Risk management.
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Standardisation and pre-assembly.
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Supply chain management.
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Sustainable construction.
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Value management.
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Whole life costing.
It also includes information on best practice activities and events, a discussion forum and news and topics of the day. There is also a large amount of information that can be downloaded.
The Construction Industry Computing Association
This association was established to promote the effective use of information technology in design, construction and property. It provides impartial advice, information and consultancy to those in all parts of the construction industry, its clients and those supplying systems to it.
The site includes information on:
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Publications on software strategy.
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Future events.
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Comment from CICC on current industry initiatives.
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Terms of reference of new CICA major clients IT group.
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CICA consultancy services.
The Construction Industry Board (CIB)
This site was redesigned on 7 January 2000 and provides information on all CIB activities as well as other industry improvement initiatives e.g. Movement for Innovation and the Construction Best Practice Programme. The CIB provides strategic leadership and guidance to improve the performance and efficiency of UK construction.
Interbuild 2000
This Interbuild site gives details of the next exhibition which takes place from 21-25 May 2000. Over 1,500 exhibitors will display the latest innovations and new products.
Building Conservation
This site includes building conservation information, articles, contact details for companies, organisations and products and materials information.
Action towards Local Sustainability
his is a European project helping local authorities to improve quality of life in their communities through sustainable development. The site contains policy guidance, case studies and examples of tools and techniques.
The Georgian Group
The Georgian group exists to save Georgian buildings, monuments, parks and gardens from destruction or disfigurement and where necessary to encourage their appropriate repair or restoration and the protection and improvement of their setting.
British Urban Regeneration Association (BURA)
BURA is one of the leading independent organisations concerned with the renewal of towns and cities. The Association promotes an integrated approach to improving the quality of life in urban areas, taking fully into account the interdependence of the social, economic and environmental issues. The site includes access to a research paper index, newsletters and event report index.
This site provides easily accessible and constantly updated system information on passive fire protection and technical assistance, allowing users to keep abreast of new developments.
This roof tile manufacturer offers a range of clay, concrete and slate roofing materials. The main menu includes:
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Clay tiles.
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Concrete tiles.
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Reconstructed slates.
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Hand-made tiles.
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Laybond's business activity is divided into three main divisions: contract roofing, contract flooring and general building. Case studies are also included which highlight some of the company's more interesting contracts. Technical support is also provided on-line.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology
This Web site lists more than 100 environmentally preferable products and practices and "sets the standard for sustainable goods and services". Each product listed must either meet the criteria of showing significant environmental improvement at its most important life cycle stages or show evidence of rethinking the product as a service.