
Sensor Review

ISSN: 0260-2288

Article publication date: 27 June 2008



(2008), "Diary", Sensor Review, Vol. 28 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/sr.2008.08728cac.001



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2008, Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Article Type: Diary From: Sensor Review, Volume 28, Issue 3

Key: C=Conference, E=Exhibition, S=Seminar, W=Workshop


ROMANSY’ 08The 17th CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Robot Design, Dynamics, and Control

5-9 July

Tokyo, Japan

The First CISM-IFToMM Symposium on Theory and Practice of Robots and Manipulators was held on September 5-8, 1973, in Udine, Italy, not long after IFToMM had been founded in 1969. The first ROMANSY, or Ro.Man.Sy., as the Symposium used to be referred to, marks the beginning of a long-lasting partnership between two international institutions, CISM, the Centre International des Sciences Mécaniques and IFToMM, the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science.

Keywords Robot design, Service, Education, Medical, Welfare and rescue robots, Humanoid robots, Bio-robotics, Multi-robot systems, Embodied multi-agent systems, Sensor systems for robots, Space robots

Contact: Waseda University. Contact: E-mail: contact@romansy2008.org; web sites: www.romansy2008.org/; www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

ARCS-08The International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Control Systems (C)

7-10 July

Florida, USA

Keywords Robotics, Tele-robotics, Adaptive control, CAD/CAM/CIM, Fuzzy systems, Intelligent automation, MEMS/NEMS, Micro robots and micro-manipulation, Nano-scale automation and assembly, Sensors, Actuators and transducers

Contact: Florida A&M University. E-mail: contact@promoteresearch.org; web sites: www.promoteresearch.org/2008/arcs/; www.ifr.org/events/calendar.asp

RO-MAN 2008IEEE International Symposium on Robot an Human Interactive Communication

1-3 August

Muenchen, Germany

RO-MAN addresses fundamental issues in coexistence of robots and humans from psychological and philosophical aspects over interaction and communication mechanisms to technological systems and architectures. Manifold real-world application areas such as rescue, assistance, care, education, or entertainment require cognitive and social skills in order to provide safe, intuitive, and efficient interaction and goal-directed proactive behavior.

Keywords Multi-modal communication, Human-robot interactions, Collaborative robotics in manufacturing environments, Robot assistants for housekeeping and care, Situation recognition, Socially interactive robots, Entertainment and education robots

Contact: Technische Universität München. E-mail: sec@ro-man2008.org; web site: www.lsr.ei.tum.de/ro-man2008/

ICMA 2008IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation (C)

5-8 August

Takamatsu, Japan

The objective of ICMA 2008 is to provide a forum for researchers, educators, engineers, and government officials involved in the general areas of mechatronics, robotics, automation and sensors to disseminate their latest research results and exchange views on the future research directions of these fields.

Keywords Intelligent mechatronics, Robotics, Biomimetics, Automation, and control systems, Teleoperation, Telerobotics, Haptics, and teleoperated semi-autonomous systems, Sensor design, Multi-sensor data fusion algorithms and wireless sensor networks, AI, Intelligent control, Neuro-control, Fuzzy control, Industrial automation, Process control, Manufacturing process

Contact: E-mail: ishihara@eng.kagawau.ac.jp; web site: www.icma2008.org/

MFI 2008IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (C)

20-22 August

Seoul, South Korea

Contact: Korea University. E-mail: info@mfi2008.org; web sites: www.mfi2008.org/; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

SICE 2008SICE (Society for Instrumentation and Control Engineering) Annual Conference (C)

20-22 August

Chofu, Japan

The conference in UEC will provide a forum for researchers, professionals and manufacturers to exchange up-to-date technical knowledge and experience.

Keywords Sensors and Transducers, Opto-electronic measurement, Intelligent control, Computer-aided design, Systems theory and engineering, Robotics and mechatronics systems, Industrial applications, Fuzzy systems, Neural networks

Contact: SICE. Web site: www.sice.or.jp/sice2008/

ARSO 2008The IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (C)

23-25 August

Taipei, Taiwan

ARSO’08 aims at discussing advanced robotics R&D and its implications to economic and social systems. Participants will be world class robotic research scientists, investors and economists, as well as representatives of industry and government. The conference is scheduled to consist of single sessions with ample discussions on cutting edge technologies, business opportunities and the social impact to economies and strategic investment.

Keywords Humanoid robot, Security robot, Indoor and outdoor service robot, home robot and service robots for elder and children, Medical robot, Rehabilitation robot and care robot, Wheel chair robot, Inspection robot, Entertainment and amusement robot, Education robot, Rescue and hazardous duty robot, Mining Robot

Contact: National Taiwan University. Tel.: +886 233 669 825; Fax: +886 233 669 823; E-mail: jchang@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw; web sites: http://arso2008.ntu.edu.tw/; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

IEEE-CASE 20084th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (C)

23-26 August

Washington, DC, USA

This conference provides a forum for researchers, academicians, and industry practitioners to discuss, provide broad coverage, and disseminate foundational research on automation.

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

COMS 2008COMS – Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference (C)

31 August-4 September

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Commercialization of Micro and Nano Systems Conference (COMS) is the world’s most important meeting place for all those bringing emerging small technologies from concept to the marketplace.

It addresses issues on an international front, gathering input from MNT leaders representing regions all over the globe.

COMS is connecting the international Micro-Nano marketplace!

Keyword Micro and nano-science and engineering

Contact: MANCEF. E-mail: info@mancef-coms.org; web site: www.mancef-coms2008.org

IEEE-CYBERIEEE International Conference on Cyber Technology in Automation, Control, and intelligent Systems (C)

16-17 September

Shengyang, China

IROS 2008IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C)

22-26 September

Nice, France

Contact: LAAS CNRS. E-mail: Raja.Chatila@laas.fr; web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

Automation 2008

25-28 September

Mumbai, India

Automation 2008, India’s No. 1 Automation Exhibition showcases new innovations and solutions for vast industry segment comprising of refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, polyester, power, life sciences, food & pharmaceutical, oil & gas businesses, steel and mining and other process industries, terminal automation, tank farm automation, retail outlet automation.

Keywords Automation, Manufacturing, Industry

Contact: IED Communications Ltd Tel.: +91 222 207 9567; Fax: +91 222 207 4516; web site: www.automation2008.com/

WAC2008ISOMA – World Automation 2008

28 September-2 October

Texas, USA

WAC is an international non-profit technical meeting dedicated to the dissemination of latest information among all nations of the world.

It has always prided itself on helping scientists and professionals from economically disadvantaged nations to the meeting to help pave the road between the North and the South. Some of the proceeds of WAC meetings go to the World Students Scholarship Fund, Inc. – a non-profit New Mexico Corporation. This corporation has already raised close to $40K for needy students.

Contact: TSI Enterprises Inc. Tel.: +1 210 479 1022; Fax: +1 210 479 1048; E-mail: wac@wacong.org; web site: www.wacong.org/

China Robot Expo – Robotics & Automatic Manufacturing Equipments Exhibition (E)

1 October

Beijing, China

Contact: CEIEAC. Tel.: +86 108 838 2251; Fax: +86 108 838 2248; E-mail: eaciecco@mx.cei.gov.cn; web site: www.ceieac.net

International Conference for Vision Guided Robotics (C)

1-2 October

Michigan, USA

The International Conference for Vision Guided Robotics brings together global leaders in this rapidly advancing area. Vision guided robots enable a host of new applications in just about every industry.

Keywords Vision Guidance, 2D, 3D, Sensors, Object tracking, Applications, Error proofing

Contact: web sites: www.machinevisiononline.org/public/calendar/details.cfm?id=63; www.machinevisiononline.org/public/calendar/

Robotworld 2008

15-19 October

Seoul, South Korea

BioRob 2008International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (C)

19-22 October

Arizona, USA

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

TePRA 2008IEEE International Conference on Technologies for Practical Robot Applications (C)

10-12 November

Massachusetts, USA

TePRA is a new conference aimed at catalyzing the development of enabling technologies and encouraging their adoption by robot designers. TePRA is positioned mid-way between an academic conference and a trade show. More so than academic conferences, TePRA emphasizes practical applications and industrial participation. More so than trade shows, TePRA has a serious review process, and is targeted at future applications.

Contact: E-mail: abstractsubmit@ieeerobot-tepra.org; web site: www.ieeerobot-tepra.org/

DARS20089th International Symposium on Distributed Autonomous Robotics Systems

17-19 November

Tsukuba, Japan

SI International 2008IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration

4 December

Nagoya, Japan

2008 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SI International 2008) will be held as the first symposium on system integration. This symposium will provide science and technology for integrating systems concerning artifacts, human and society in order to solve global problems of complex systems.

Keywords Mechatronics systems, Robotics, Automation systems, Virtual reality systems, Entertainment systems, Micro-nano systems, Welfare systems, Environment/ecological systems, Bio systems, Rescue systems, Security systems, Enterprise resource planning systems, Supply chain management systems, Intelligent transportation systems, Logistics systems, Large-scale system simulation, Software systems, Networking systems, Decision making systems

Contact: web site: www.rm.is.tohoku.ac.jp/SIInt08/

ROBIO’08IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (C)

14-17 December

Bangkok, Thailand

The theme of Robio 2008 is “Information Technology Enabled Robotics and Biomimetics,” reflecting the ever growing interests in research, development and applications in the dynamic and exciting areas of robotics and biomimetics. Bangkok is an exciting and fast growing city will business, entertainment and shopping areas. ROBIO 2008 promises to be a great event for researchers and scholars in robotics and biomimetics areas, with attractive technical and social programs. The ROBIO 2008 conference invites high-quality original research and development papers in all areas related to robotics, biomimetics and related topics.

Contact: IEEE. Web site: www.ee.cuhk.edu.hk/ ∼ qhmeng/robio/ROBIO2008-CFP.pdf

ICARCV 0810th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (C)

17-20 December

Hanoi, Viet Nam

ICARCV focuses on both theory and applications mainly covering the topics of control, automation, robotics and vision. In addition to the technical sessions, there will be invited sessions, tutorials and keynote addresses.

Keywords Adaptive control, Robust control, Intelligent systems, Sensor network systems, Neural networks, Fuzzy systems, Precision motion control, Man-machine interactions, Process automation, Intelligent automation, Factory modeling and simulation, Network-based systems, Nano-scale automation and assembly, Robot control, Mobile robotics, Mobile sensor networks, Micro robots and micro-manipulation, Search, rescue and field robotics, Robot sensing and data fusion, Localization, navigation and mapping, Dexterous manipulation, Medical robots and bio-robotics, Human centered systems, Space and underwater robots, Tele-robotics, Image/video analysis, Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation, Pattern recognition, Learning in vision, Human-computer interaction, Tracking and surveillance, Biometrics, Biomedical image analysis, Activity/behaviour recognition

Contact: Nanyang Technological University of Singapore and Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology. E-mail: secretariat@icarcv.org; web site: www.icarcv.org/2008/

200917th AIA Annual Business Conference (C)

4-6 February

California, USA

Contact: web site: www.machinevisiononline.org/public/calendar/

HRI 2009Human-Robot Interaction 2009

11-13 March

California, USA

The Fourth Annual Conference on Human-Robot Interaction is dedicated to the advancement of natural human-robot interaction, which highlights the importance of the technical and social issues underlying future long-term human-robot interaction, in the context of companion and assistive robots for long-term use in everyday life and work activities. HRI is a single-track, highly selective annual international conference that seeks to showcase the very best interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in human-robot interaction with roots in social psychology, cognitive science, HCI, human factors, artificial intelligence, robotics, organizational behavior, anthropology and many more, and we invite broad participation.

Keywords Robot companions, Lifelike robots, Assistive (health and personal care) robotics, Remote robots, Mixed initiative interaction, Multi-modal interaction, Task allocation and coordination, Autonomy and trust, Robot-team learning, HRI

Contact: web sites: http://hri2009.org/; www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

MV ChinaMachine Vision China

18-20 March

Shanghai, China

Contact: web site: www.machinevision online.org/public/calendar/

ICRA 2009IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (C)

13-17 May

Kobe, Japan

Keywords Robotics, Manufacturing, Simulation, Micro-machines, Automation, CAD, CAM, CAE, Sensors

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

2009 International Robots and Vision Show and Conference (C)

9-11 June

Illinois, USA

Contact: Automation Technologies Council. Tel.: +1 734 994 6088; Fax: +1 734 994 3338; web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

AIM 09IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (C)

7-10 July


Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

SYROCCO 099th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control

10-12 September

Gifu, Japan

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

IROS 2009IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (C)

10-15 October

Missouri, USA

Contact: web site: www.ieee-ras.org/calendar/calendartec.php

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