(2000), "Frontiers in Biosensorics I: Fundamental Aspects, Frontiers in Biosensorics II: Practical Applications", Sensor Review, Vol. 20 No. 2.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Frontiers in Biosensorics I: Fundamental Aspects, Frontiers in Biosensorics II: Practical Applications
Frontiers in Biosensorics I: Fundamental AspectsFrontiers in Biosensorics II: Practical Applications
F. W. Scheller, F. Schubert & J. Fedrowitz (Eds)Birkhäuser Verlag1997287 pp. and 200 pp.ISBN 3-7643-5475-5 (Volume I)3-7643-5479-8 (Volume II)3-7643-5481-X (Volumes I & II Set)£74.00, £49.00 and £99.00
Keywords: Biosensors
These two volumes are superbly written and contain diagrams which are both relevant to the text and comprehensible. The material covered makes them suitable for scholars and practitioners in the relevant fields of chemistry, biology, electronic and environmental engineering. Frontiers in Biosensors will also be of use to those who use biosensors or produce analytical instruments.
Volume I provides an indication of the frontiers in biosensorics, providing discussion on the most recent developments in thin layers and interfaces, and summarises new recognition elements.
After introductory sections, eight topics addressing new recognition elements are discussed. These include "Biometric recognition elements for sensor applications", "Screening and characterization of new enzymes for biosensing and analytics", "Nucleic acid based sensors" and "Receptor bases chemical sensors". The subsequent seven sections of this volume address thin layers and interfaces. Topics covered include: "Polyelectrolyte layer systems", "Electrochemistry of heme proteins on organic molecule modified electrodes" and "Microbiosensors using electrodes made in Si-technology".
Volume II gives examples of recent applications of biosensors and presents various new sensor technologies. The practical use and marketability of different analyzers and their operational parameters are also discussed.
Twelve subjects are covered in this volume and include: "Immunosensors for clinical diagnostics", "Enzymatic substrate recycling electrodes" and "Thermistor based biosensing". There are also sections discussing biosensors for environmental analysis food analysis and for medical applications.