ISBN: 978-1-78635-550-8, eISBN: 978-1-78635-549-2
ISSN: 2051-2333
Publication date: 3 May 2017
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(2017), "Index", Management and Diversity (International Perspectives on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Vol. 3), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 315-323.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2017 Emerald Publishing Limited
Academic and professional inequalities
, 95
Action Plan for Valuing Diversity and Equality
, 146
Act Respecting Equal Access to Employment in Public Bodies
, 162
Affirmative Action (AA)
, 39–41, 117
Affordable Care Act (ACA)
, 47, 49
Africa, diversity management in. See Cameroon, diversity management in
African-Americans’ economic progress
, 37
Afro-descendants, in Brazil
, 125–128
example of the management of ethnic and religious diversity in
, 255
Anglo-Saxon managerial spirit
, 64, 67
“Anglo-Saxon” MD
, 92, 109
Arab countries
, 249
between homogeneity and diversity
, 250–251
challenges of diversity in
, 253
case of “confessions” of Lebanon
, 254–255
example of the management of ethnic and religious diversity in Algeria
, 255
low-skilled immigrants, discrimination of
, 254
Western influence on managerial practices
, 253–254
cultural and ethnic diversity of
, 253
religious diversity, current situation of
, 251
different Muslim currents
, 252
other religious minorities
, 252
religious diversity and Arab countries
, 251–252
toward more diversity in
, 256
disability-related diversity
, 257–258
gender diversity
, 256–257
Asian Business Council
, 297
, 11, 18
Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities
, 41–42
Black Business Council
, 297
Bouchard-Taylor Commission
, 185
Brazil, diversity management in
, 113
banking sector
, 145–146
black matrix
, 120
Constitution of
, 1988, 123, 124, 132, 133
context, legal mechanisms, and public policies in action
, 124
, 125–128
, 131–134
, 129–131
, 134–136
people with disabilities
, 141–143
, 136–141
cultural diffusion
, 115
diversity as a subject and as value
, 117–119
during the military period
, 122
FH Cardoso government
, 123
Law 6783/2013
, 127
market economy
, 115
peculiarities and contradictions
, 119–124
private companies, diversity management in
, 143–149
public policies
, 117, 118, 123, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 132, 144
religious diversity
, 121
salary differences between the sexes
, 138–139
slave-related practices
, 120
, 97
Caledonian context, issue of diversity in
, 94
academic and professional inequalities
, 95
commitments made under the Nouméa Accords
, 95–96
multicultural and divided society
, 96–97
weight of history
, 94
Cameroon, diversity management in
, 227
Cameroonian entrepreneur, testimony of
, 229–230
case of
, 227
challenge of legitimation heuristic
, 234–236
cultural context of
, 240
entrepreneur, testimony of
, 229–230
legal context of
, 236–237
cultural context of
, 240
ethnocentric rupture
, 241–243
question of ethnicity
, 240–241
emerging concept in analysis of organizations
in African context
, 232–234
in international context
, 230–232
historical context of
, 234–236
legal context of
, 236
institutional regulation in the electoral code
, 237–240
precursor elements of institutional regulation
, 236–237
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
, 161
CAPES, thesis database of
, 124
, 118, 120
Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
, 162
Circle of Economic Thought Inter-Managerial Association of Cameroon (GICAM)
, 227
Civil Rights Act
, 37, 38
Climate and culture
, 26–27
Communication, transparent
, 215
Community cooperation
, 82
Contemporary differences
French republic and French organizations to test
, 68–69
Context of equality and diversity in the United Kingdom
, 41
institutional response
, 42
Equality and Human Rights Act (EHRA)
, 43–44
Creating inclusion
, 16
Cultural and ethnic diversity of Arab countries
, 253
Cultural diversity, in Canada
, 167–169, 181
Cultural hybridism
, 116
Declaration of Human Rights
, 117
Denmark and Sweden, diversity management in
, 261
Danish diversity management and social responsibility
, 272
diversity as progressive concept
, 270
gender equality
, 266–267
adding diversity to
, 267–268
lessons learned from comparing the Danish and Swedish standpoints
, 275–276
migrants, diversity management and
, 269–270
putting migrants to work
, 270–272
radical agendas
, 268–269
Scandinavian context
recent demographic diversity
, 263–264
Scandinavian welfare model
, 264–266
and moral grounds
, 272
Swedish diversity management
, 273–274
Dewey, John
, 80
Disability, defined
, 141
Disability-related diversity, in Arab countries
, 257–258
Discrimination, defined
, 24
Discrimination testing
, 171
Diversity, defined
, 2, 66
Diversity and inclusion in organisations
, 197, 200, 202
Diversity and inclusion in South Africa
, 191, 194–195
Diversity and inclusion plan
, 195, 197
Diversity as a subject and as value
, 117–119
Diversity Charta in Germany
, 282–284
Diversity management (MD), defined
, 92, 93
Double inquiry of French conceptions of living together and rebalancing
, 102–106
Economically active population (EAP)
, 192
Elderly, in Brazil
, 131–134
Employment equity
, 192, 193, 199
in Québec and Canada
, 163–167
Employment Equity Act
, 162
Employment equity legislation
, 193
Enforcement of equal employment opportunity (EEO)
, 41
Equal access programmes (EAP)
, 163, 164–165
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
, 38–39
, 23–24
Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)
, 54
Equality Delivery System (EDS)
, 55
Equality/diversity tension in France
, 70–72
Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC)
, 43
Equal treatment
, 19–20
Ethnic and religious diversity, in Algeria
example of the management of
, 255
Ethnic diversity management
in German plants
, 295–301
Ethnocultural groups, in Québec and Canada
, 160, 170–181
Ethos Institute
, 144, 147, 149
FEBRABAN (Brazilian Federation of Banks) Program
, 145–146
Feeling valued
, 19, 26
, 63
diversity in
, 66–67
equality/diversity tension in
, 70–72
French republic and French organizations to test contemporary differences
, 68–69
management and diversity in
, 67–68
performance/diversity tension in
, 81–83
universal rights/diversity tension in
, 72–81
Francophone culture
, 161
, 71
French immigrants, in Québec job market
, 170–181
French notion of diversity management
, 91
double inquiry of French conceptions of living together and rebalancing
, 102
resistance to Pacific Islander conceptions of rebalance
, 104–106
role attributed to the profession and status
, 103–104
issue of diversity in the Caledonian context
, 94
academic and professional inequalities
, 95
commitments made under the Nouméa Accords
, 95–96
multicultural and divided society
, 96–97
weight of history
, 94
local adjustments
, 106
hybridization process of local forms of management
, 107–108
work context, importance of
, 106–107
Pacific Islander conceptions of coexistence rebalanced
, 97–102
FUNAI (National Indian Foundation)
, 134–135
Gaz Métro
, 163
Gender diversity, in Arab countries
, 256–257
Gender equality, in Denmark and Sweden
, 266–267
adding diversity to
, 267–268
radical agendas
, 268–269
Gender Pro-Equity Program
, 145
Germany, diversity management in
, 281, 282–284
company case study
, 284–289
Diversity Charta in
, 282–284
employee experience of diversity management
, 302–303
managing ethnic diversity in German plants
, 295–302
, 289–295
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
, 40
Global diversity Business Councils
, 287
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
, 139
, 114
Health care work
in United Kingdom
, 49–50
in United States
, 45–49
Health Research & Educational Trust (HRET)
, 55, 56
Health sector occupation
, 46
Highly qualified health care workers
, 34
Homogeneity and diversity
Arab countries between
, 250–251
, 129, 242
Homosexuals, in Brazil
, 129–131
Ibope Intelligence Institute
, 144
, 37, 42, 254
InclusionIndex™ survey data
, 198, 203–204
administration and analysis of semistructured interview
, 208
data analysis
, 209
instrument and data collection
, 208–209
, 209–210
, 208
diversity and inclusion within organisation
, 197
, 201–202
data analysis
, 199–200
factor analysis
, 202
focus groups
, 202, 204–205
instruments and data collection
, 198–199
mean score analysis
, 201
qualitative findings
, 205
, 198
semi-structured interview development
, 205, 208
validity and reliability
, 200–201
qualitative findings
, 205
quantitative findings
, 210
consolidation of model
, 210
diversity and inclusion management components
, 213
interpersonal components
, 215–217
organisational components
, 213–215
personal components
, 217–220
Inclusive leadership
, 22
Independent Steering Group (ISG)
, 43
Indians, in Brazil
, 134–136
, 101
Information technology
, 115
Institutional regulation in electoral code, in Cameroon
, 237
election of deputies to national assembly
, 238
election of municipal councillors
, 238
election of regional councillors
, 238–240
election of senators
, 238
vacancy and election to Presidency of Republic
, 237–238
Institutional responses in United Kingdom and United States
, 44–45
Integration-and-Learning organizational approach
, 11, 18
Intellectual capital
, 116
Interculturalism, in Québec
, 161
International Labor Organization (ILO)
, 144
International medical graduates (IMGs)
, 34
Interpersonal components
, 215
, 216
individuals engaged by immediate line manager
, 216
relationship with organisation’s strategy, vision and values
, 217
respect and acceptance
, 215–216
Job market, in Québec
, 172–173
Kanak identity
, 95
Kanak syndical delegate
, 98–99
Kanak syndicalism
, 94
“Kangaroo” generation
, 133
Kennedy, Anthony
, 40
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
, 202
Labor relations
, 94, 102
“Lacking professionalism”
, 104
Latin American perspective on diversity management
, 9
creating inclusion
, 20
climate and culture
, 26–27
, 23–24
feeling valued
, 26
, 20–22
positive relationships
, 22–23
positive work conditions
, 24–26
limitations and future research
, 28–29
, 13
data analysis
, 15
data collection
, 14–15
, 14
nature of inclusion
, 15
, 18
equal treatment
, 19–20
, 18–19
Peruvian context
, 12–13
, 16–17
Laïcite, principle of
, 78
case of “confessions” at the center of economic and political organization of
, 254–255
Les French réticence
, 105
LGBT community
, 54, 129–131, 146, 149, 151
Likert scale
, 198
Living together
, 66, 68, 71, 73, 78, 81, 84, 92–93, 100, 102–106
Local adjustments
, 106
hybridization process of local forms of management
, 107–108
work context, importance of
, 106–107
Low-skilled immigrants, discrimination of
in Arab countries
, 254
Maghrebian immigrants
, 170–181
, 267–269, 274
, 231
Maria da Penha Law
, 140
Michigan law
, 40
Middle and senior management positions, in Canada
, 169–170
, 34
, 176–177
Multicultural and divided society
, 96–97
Multiculturalism, in Canada
, 161
National Association of Post-graduate Programs in Administration
, 124
National Health Service (NHS)
, 49
National LGBT Plan
, 130
Nature of inclusion
, 16
New Caledonia
, 3, 93, 94, 95–96, 103, 105, 107, 108, 109
Nouméa Accords, commitments made under
, 95–96
Obama, Barack
, 34, 36–37, 49
Optimal Distinctiveness Theory (ODT)
, 11
Organisational belonging
, 201, 214
Organisational climate
, 214
Organizational diversity programs and practices
, 116, 150
Pacific Islander conceptions of coexistence rebalanced
, 97–102
resistance to
, 104–106
, 20–22
Pay Equity Act
, 181
People with disabilities, in Brazil
, 141–143
Perceived Organizational Support (POS)
, 22
Performance/diversity tension in France
, 81–83
Personal components
, 217
locus of control
, 218–219
, 217–218
, 219–220
, 219
, 219
, 3, 12–13
Pew Research Center (2013) study
, 37
, 78, 161, 186
Positive relationships
, 22–23
Positive work conditions
, 24–26
Private companies, diversity management in
, 143–149
Professional inequalities
, 95
Program for Fighting Poverty
, 125
Programme d’obligation contractuelle pour les enterprises privées
, 162
, 126, 127, 145
Public policies on diversity
, 117, 123, 125, 126, 129, 131, 140, 144, 150
Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED)
, 59
Quotas Law
, 142, 143
Québec and Canada, diversity management in
, 160
cultural diversity
, 167–169
diversity management in
, 161
employment equity
, 163–167
middle and senior management positions
, 169–170
real-life experiences of two ethnocultural groups in the job market
, 170–181
tensions specific to Western societies
, 181–185
Québec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms
, 161
The Race Equality Action Plan
, 54
Race equality
, 43, 302
Race Equality Foundation (REF)
, 44, 54
Race Equality Scheme
, 43
Race Relations Act (RRA)
, 43
Racial inequality and managing diversity
in United Kingdom
, 41
Equality and Human Rights Act (EHRA)
, 43–44
in United States
, 38
Affirmative Action (AA)
, 39–41
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
, 38–39
, 37, 38, 42, 127, 181–182
, 95, 102–106
Recruitment, promotion and development processes
, 215
Religious accommodations
, 182–183, 185
Religious diversity
in Algeria
, 255
in Arab countries
, 251–252
in Brazil
, 121
Representative diversity
, 213
Right-wing government
, 270, 271, 275
in Denmark and Sweden
, 277
The Scottsboro Boys
, 36
, 68–69, 74, 77–79
, 231
Senior leadership
, 213–214
SESAI (Special Indian Health Department)
, 119
, 101
Social cohesion
, 73, 74, 76, 82
Social identification, theories of
, 82
Social identity
, 82
South Africa, diversity management in
, 191
diversity and inclusion management models
, 194–195
economically active population (EAP)
, 192
employment equity legislation
, 193
inclusion elements
, 195–196
research methodology
, 197
InclusionIndex™ survey data
, 198, 203–204
, 1, 197–208
, 2, 208–210
, 3, 210–220
Special Policy Department for Women (SEPM)
, 140, 145
Stasi commission
, 68
Statute of People with a Disability
, 143
Symbolic violence
, 301–302
To Kill a Mocking Bird (Harper Lee)
, 36
, 18–19
United Kingdom
context of equality and diversity in
, 41
Equality and Human Rights Act (EHRA)
, 43–44
context of healthcare work in
, 49–50
diversity management initiatives in
, 50–56
institutional responses in
, 44–45
United States
context of equality and diversity in
, 36
context of equality and diversity in
, 38, 44–45
Affirmative Action (AA)
, 39–41
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
, 38–39
context of health care work in
, 45–49
diversity management initiatives in
, 50–56
institutional response in
, 38
Affirmative Action (AA)
, 39–41
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
, 38–39
institutional responses in
, 44–45
Universal rights/diversity tension in France
, 72–81
Valuing Diversity Program
, 145
Visible minorities, in Québec and Canada
, 169, 170, 180, 183
Weber, Max
, 80
Western business
, 100
Western influence on managerial practices in Arab countries
, 253–254
Western societies, tensions specific to
, 181–185
Window dressing
, 304
Women, Brazilian
, 136–141
Women, in management positions
, 166, 167
, 97
- Prelims
- Introduction
- A Latin American Perspective on Diversity Management: What Does “Inclusion” Mean in a Peruvian Context?
- Racial Inequality and Managing Diversity in the United Kingdom and United States
- Management, Diversity, Equal Opportunity, and Social Cohesion in France: The Republic Resistant to Differences
- The French Notion of Diversity Management to Test Against the Alterity of Pacific Island Cultures
- Managing Diversity in Brazil
- Diversity Management in Organizations in Québec and Canada: Facts, Figures and Real-Life Experiences
- Practical Considerations for the Management of Diversity and Inclusion in an Emerging Market Context: A South African Case Study
- The Challenges of Diversity Management in Africa: The Case of Cameroon
- Diversity in the Arab World: Challenges and Opportunities
- Diversity Management and the Scandinavian Model: Illustrations from Denmark and Sweden
- Diversity Management as Window Dressing? A Company Case Study of a Diversity Charta Member in Germany
- About the Editors
- About the Authors
- Index