Introducing New Parameter in Green Building Incentives to Enhance Sustainable Development Paradigm in Malaysia
Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries
ISBN: 978-1-80262-450-2, eISBN: 978-1-80262-449-6
Publication date: 25 April 2022
Green building is an outcome of a design that focuses on increasing the efficiency of resources use energy and national environment. A variety of assessment programmes were developed, such as green building incentive (GBI) had been implemented in Malaysia as a strong indication for the key player in the construction industry to use the opportunity for their companies by embracing the idea of green building focussing on renewable energies, energy conservation, green building, waste management, and support service. However, the current situation reveals that the incentives were not effective enough to encourage the key players to apply the green building concept in their development. The purpose of this research is to produce a new parameter of GBIs for construction key players in Malaysia. The participants of this research were among the implementer and policy maker in helping to produce new parameter on green building incentives in Malaysia. The significant of this new parameter is to provide some guidance to the government in improving and strengthen the prior incentive, hence increase the participation of key building players in green building development in Malaysia. Apart from that, the green incentives are considered to be valuable tools in generating interest, in creating a motive for the adoption of green building practices over conventional practices and in eliminating knowledge gaps.
Hashim, S.Z.B., Ahzahar, N.B., Zakaria, I.B.B. and Noor, N.N.M. (2022), "Introducing New Parameter in Green Building Incentives to Enhance Sustainable Development Paradigm in Malaysia", Din, M.F.M., Alias, N.E., Hussein, N. and Zaidi, N.S. (Ed.) Sustainability Management Strategies and Impact in Developing Countries (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Vol. 26), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 37-44.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Siti Zubaidah Binti Hashim, Nadira Binti Ahzahar, Intan Bayani Bin Zakaria and Norehan Norlida Mohd Noor