Chapter 2 Human Resource Information Systems: An Integrated Research Agenda
Electronic HRM in Theory and Practice
ISBN: 978-0-85724-973-9, eISBN: 978-0-85724-974-6
Publication date: 8 June 2011
This chapter aims at setting an agenda for HRIS research from an integrative perspective. This perspective assumes that organization and information systems cannot be separated. By first elaborating on this integrated perspective in terms of a web of causes and consequences of the implementation of IT in organizations, a list of new organizational phenomena is presented. Subsequently, research on HRISs to date is summarized, resulting in the observation that HRIS research needs to be broadened and deepened. In the third section we combine the list of emerging phenomena with how HRISs are being implemented and used in mainly large global companies. We raise a number of critical questions for HRIS research per each emerging phenomena and suggest a number of appropriate research topics.
Ruël, H., Magalhães, R. and Chiemeke, C.C. (2011), "Chapter 2 Human Resource Information Systems: An Integrated Research Agenda", Bondarouk, T., Ruël, H. and Kees Looise, J. (Ed.) Electronic HRM in Theory and Practice (Advanced Series in Management, Vol. 8), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 21-39.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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