Do Customers’ Intrinsic Characteristics Matter in their Evaluations of a Restaurant Service?
As the hospitality industry is shifting its focus from service to experience, customers are becoming co-creators of the perceived value of a hospitality service because experiences customers obtained when consuming a hospitality service involve the participation of the customers. Thus, more research is needed to examine the relationships among consumer’s personal factors and their evaluations of hospitality services. This study developed and tested hypotheses that examined the effects of customers’ intrinsic characteristics on their evaluations of a restaurant service. Data were collected from college students in the United States (n = 220) and China (n = 254) using a scenario approach. Findings reveal that customers’ gender, personality, and cultural background had significant effects on their evaluations of a restaurant service. Specifically, female customers rated the same service higher than male customers on the reliability dimension of service quality and overall service quality; customers with personalities of extroversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and openness rated the service higher than customers with neuroticism personality on the responsiveness dimension; and customers in individualistic cultures rated the service higher than those in collectivistic cultures on most of the service evaluation measures. Implications of the study’s findings are discussed.
Zhang, H., Cole, S., Fan, X. and Cho, M. (2014), "Do Customers’ Intrinsic Characteristics Matter in their Evaluations of a Restaurant Service?", Advances in Hospitality and Leisure (Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, Vol. 10), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 173-197.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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