Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes
ISBN: 978-1-83867-564-6, eISBN: 978-1-83867-563-9
ISSN: 1548-6435
Publication date: 27 September 2021
(2021), "Prelims", Kumar, V. and Stewart, D.W. (Ed.) Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes (Review of Marketing Research, Vol. 18), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxiii.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes
Series Title Page
Review of Marketing Research
Editor-in-Chief: Naresh K. Malhotra
Editorial Advisory Board
Rick P. Bagozzi University of Michigan, USA |
Nelson Ndubisi King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia |
Russell Belk York University, Canada |
A. Parasuraman University of Miami, USA |
Ruth Bolton Arizona State University, USA |
William Perreault University of North Carolina, USA |
George Day University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Robert A. Peterson University of Texas, USA |
Dhruv Grewal Babson College, USA |
Jagmohan S. Raju University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Michael Houston University of Minnesota, USA |
Vithala Rao Cornell University, USA |
Shelby Hunt Texas Tech University, USA |
Aric Rindfleisch University of Illinois, USA |
Dawn Iacobucci Vanderbilt University, USA |
Jagdish N. Sheth Emory University, USA |
Barbara Kahn University of Pennsylvania, USA |
Itamar Simonson Stanford University, USA |
Wagner Kamakura Rice University, USA |
David Stewart Loyola Marymount University, USA |
V. Kumar Indian School of Business, India |
Rajan Varadarajan Texas A&M University, USA |
Donald Lehmann Columbia University, USA |
Stephen L. Vargo University of Hawaii, USA |
Debbie MacInnis University of Southern California, USA |
Michel Wedel University of Maryland, USA |
Kent B. Monroe University of Illinois, USA |
Manjit Yadav Texas A&M University, USA |
Title Page
Review of Marketing Research Volume 18
Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes
Edited by
V. Kumar
Indian School of Business, India
David W. Stewart
Loyola Marymount University, USA
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2021
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-83867-564-6 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-563-9 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-565-3 (Epub)
ISSN: 1548-6435
About the Volume Editors
V. Kumar (VK) is a Distinguished Term Professor, and Senior Fellow, Indian School of Business, India; Distinguished Fellow, MICA, India; HUL Visiting Chair Professor, IIM Ahmedabad, India; and Distinguished Professor of Research, Welingkar, India.
David W. Stewart is President's Professor of Marketing and Business Law at Loyola Marymount University, California, USA.
About the Editor-in-Chief
Dr Naresh K. Malhotra was selected as a Marketing Legend in 2010, and his refereed journal articles were published in nine volumes by Sage with tributes by other leading scholars in the field. He is listed in Marquis Who's Who in America continuously since 1997, and in Who's Who in the World since 2000. In 2017, he received the Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award from Marquis Who's Who. In 2020, Dr Malhotra is listed in the published list of the World's Top 2% Most-Cited Researchers across all disciplines, according to research conducted by the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford University. He has several top (number one) research rankings that have been published in the literature.
List of Contributors
Lerzan Aksoy | Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, USA |
Anirban Adhikary | Indian Institute of Management Udaipur, India |
Neil Thomas Bendle | Terry College of Business, University of Georgia, USA |
Ben B. Beck | Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Sourav Bikash Borah | Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India |
Moeen Naseer Butt | SKK Graduate School of Business, Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea |
Karoline U. D. Dahr | Norwegian School of Economics, Norway |
Frank Germann | Mendoza College of Business, University of Notre Dame, USA |
Thomas S. Gruca | Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa, USA |
Aditya Gupta | McCoy College of Business, Texas State University, USA |
Evert de Haan | University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Tanjum Haque | Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad, India |
Ronald L. Hess, Jr | Mason School of Business, The College of William & Mary, USA |
Timothy L. Keiningham | Tobin College of Business, St. John’s University, USA |
V. Kumar (VK) | Georgia State University, USA |
Jonathan Knowles | Type 2 Consulting, New York, USA |
C. Jay Lambe | Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University, USA |
Bart Larivière | Ghent University, Belgium |
Margaret G. Meloy | Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
J. Andrew Petersen | Smeal College of Business, The Pennsylvania State University, USA |
Lopo L. Rego | Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA |
Werner J. Reinartz | University of Cologne, Germany |
Roland T. Rust | Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA |
Kåre Sandvik | School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway, Norway |
Thomas P. Scholdra | University of Cologne, Germany |
Amalesh Sharma | Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA |
Alok R. Saboo | J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, USA |
David W. Stewart | Loyola Marymount University, USA |
Rajkumar Venkatesan | Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, USA |
Peter C. Verhoef | Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen, The Netherlands |
Thorsten Wiesel | Department of Marketing, Marketing Center Münster, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany |
Julian R. K. Wichmann | University of Cologne, Germany |
Luke Williams | Qualtrics, New Jersey, USA |
Jianjun (John) Zhu | College of Business, New Mexico State University, USA |
About the Contributors
Anirban Adhikary is Assistant Professor of Operations Management, Quantitative Methods, and Information Systems Area at Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur, India. His research interest includes operational issues in firms' supply chain management and firm performance. He has published papers in multiple top-tier academic journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Operations Management, and Journal of Business Research.
Lerzan Aksoy is Associate Dean of Strategic Initiatives and Professor of Marketing at the Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University. She received the 10 Outstanding Young Persons Award for Scientific Leadership by the Junior Chamber International in Turkey, and best article awards from the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Service Management (three times), Journal of Service Theory and Practice (two times), and the Citations of Excellence “Top 50” Award.
Ben B. Beck is a PhD Candidate in Marketing at The Pennsylvania State University. He has his MBA from Brigham Young University and his BA in Business Information Systems from the University of Utah. His research interests focus on helping firms improve marketing strategy through higher-clarity attribution, natural language processing, and enhancing trust with their consumers.
Neil Thomas Bendle is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Georgia and the Chair of the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB) Advisors. He previously managed the finances of the Labour Party in the United Kingdom and is a Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. He gained a PhD at the University of Minnesota and an MBA from the University of Virginia. Neil coauthored Marketing Metrics: The Manager's Guide to Measuring Marketing Performance. He runs the Marketing Thought website (
Sourav Bikash Borah is Assistant Professor of Marketing at Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Ahmedabad, India. Sourav is interested in firm-level strategy research where he is interested in investigating service management strategy, supplier relationships, and business strategies in emerging markets. He has published papers in multiple top-tier academic journals such as Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Operations Management, and Journal of Academy of Marketing Science.
Moeen Naseer Butt is Assistant Professor of Marketing, SKK GSB, Sungkyunkwan University (email: His current research projects include assessing the impact of growth, governance, and geography on franchise businesses' performance. Additionally, he works in the marketing–finance interface and is interested in the appropriate use of firm performance metrics by marketing scholars and practitioners. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing and Marketing Science.
Karoline U. D. Dahr is a Doctoral Candidate in Marketing at the Norwegian School of Economics. In addition to her academic career, she worked in the private industry. She was employed in the brand portfolio and category management at Coca-Cola Enterprises, L’Oréal Luxe division, Coty brands (EMH), and Orkla – the leading Norwegian FMCG brand corporation. Her primary interests focus on product and marketing innovations and return on marketing.
Frank Germann (PhD, The Pennsylvania State University) is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. Frank's research interests are in the area of marketing strategy. More specifically, he is interested in how marketing actions (e.g., the use of marketing analytics), marketing personnel (e.g., the chief marketing officer), and marketing assets (e.g., brands) influence firm performance. His research has been published in leading marketing journals, including the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, and Journal of Retailing.
Thomas S. Gruca is the Henry B. Tippie Research Professor in Marketing at the Tippie College of Business, University of Iowa. His current research interests include marketing strategy, health care, and prediction markets. He has published more than 60 academic articles in marketing, health care, strategy, and operations research. He was named the Director of the Iowa Electronic Markets in 2020.
Aditya Gupta is an Assistant Professor of Marketing at McCoy College of Business, Texas State University. His research interests are in the area of interfirm relationships, sales management, business-to-business markets, and marketing strategy with special interest in application of social network analysis to marketing problems. Dr Gupta has published his research in numerous premier journals including Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management.
Evert de Haan is, since November 2019, Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. Before this he was Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. He has obtained his PhD in January 2016 at the University of Groningen. Evert's research addresses topics related to digital marketing and customer relationship management.
Tanjum Haque is a Doctoral Student in Marketing at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. She completed her Master of Technology (MTech) from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India. She worked as a Data Scientist in Iksula before joining the doctoral program. Her research interests include Luxury Marketing and Firm Decision Making, and Sustainability.
Ronald L. Hess (PhD, Virginia Tech) is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Raymond A. Mason School of Business at the College of William & Mary. Ron's research expertise and interest involves the customer satisfaction, customer experience, complaint handling, and customer loyalty and technology in the retailing and services industries. He has published his research in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Service Marketing, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Service Business, and Marketing Letters.
Timothy L. Keiningham is J. Donald Kennedy Endowed Chair in E-Commerce at the Tobin College of Business, St. John's University. He received the AMA's Christopher Lovelock Career Contributions to the Services Discipline Award, and best article awards from the Journal of Marketing (twice), Journal of Service Research, Journal of Service Management (twice), Journal of Service Theory and Practice (twice), and the Citations of Excellence “Top 50” Award from Emerald Management Reviews.
Jonathan Knowles is the Founder of the advisory firm Type 2 Consulting. He is the author of more than a dozen articles in the MIT Sloan Management Review and the Harvard Business Review about the contribution of marketing to business value. He can be reached at
C. Jay Lambe is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Albers School of Business and Economics, Seattle University. He is a graduate of the PhD program at Darden Graduate School of Business, University of Virginia. His primary research interests focus on developing and managing high-performing business-to-business relationships, such as those of strategic alliances and marketing channels.
Bart Larivière is Associate Professor of Marketing at KU Leuven, and Research Fellow at Center for Service Intelligence at Ghent University. He received the AMA's Emerging Scholar Award and cofounded BAQMaR (the Belgian community for marketing academicians and practitioners) and the Let's Talk About Service Conference. He was awarded finalist for best paper at the Journal of Service Research (twice) and best paper at the Journal of Service Management (twice).
Margaret G. Meloy (PhD, Cornell University) is the Zimmerman University Endowed Fellow, Department Chair and Professor of Marketing in the Smeal College of Business at The Pennsylvania State University. Meg's research focuses on consumer psychology and decision-making. Her work has been published broadly in journals from Journal of Consumer Research to Journal of Operations Management to Psychological Science to Organizational Behavioral and Human Decision Processes.
J. Andrew Petersen is an Associate Professor of Marketing at The Pennsylvania State University. He has a PhD in Business Administration from the University of Connecticut and a BA with Honors in Economics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research interests include measuring and maximizing customer lifetime value (CLV) and customer equity (CE), managing customer product return behavior, and linking marketing metrics to financial performance.
Werner J. Reinartz is Professor of Marketing at the University of Cologne, Germany, and Director of the Center for Research in Retailing (IFH). He serves as coeditor of the International Journal of Research in Marketing and is coauthor of the Springer text CRM – Concept, Strategy, and Tools. His research has been recognized with a number of key awards such as the Sheth Foundation/Journal of Marketing Award, the Varadarajan Award, and the MSI/H. Paul Root Award.
Lopo L. Rego is Associate Professor of Marketing and Fettig/Whirlpool Faculty Fellow at the Indiana University Kelley School of Business. His research focuses on understanding how marketing strategies, investments, and actions influence firm performance outcomes and contribute to shareholder wealth creation. His research has been published in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Marketing Science, and Harvard Business Review.
Roland T. Rust is Distinguished University Professor, David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing at the Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. He has received top academic honors from AMA, EMAC, and INFORMS Society for Marketing Science, the Converse Award, four Journal of Marketing best article awards, and the Berry/AMA Book Award. He is past editor of JM and founder of the Frontiers in Service Conference and Journal of Service Research.
Alok R. Saboo is Taylor E. Little Jr Associate Professor of Marketing at J. Mack Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University. Alok is primarily interested in investigating the effectiveness of firms' marketing actions. His research is published in premier journals including Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Management Information Systems Quarterly (MISQ), Production and Operations Management (POMS), International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), and Journal of Service Research (JSR).
Kåre Sandvik is a Professor of Marketing, School of Business, University of South-Eastern Norway. He is a graduate of the PhD program at the Norwegian School of Economics. Sandvik has an extensive record of strategy and marketing consulting with the major northern European travel and tourism corporations. His primary research interests are quantitative and focus on return on marketing, including the contribution of market capabilities, new product development, firm boundary decisions, and scenario development.
Thomas P. Scholdra is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Cologne, Germany. He obtained a doctoral degree from the University of Bremen, Germany, and received various awards for his dissertation on business cycles and consumer behavior. His research primarily focuses on recession marketing, retailing, and digital marketing.
Amalesh Sharma is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University. His substantive areas of interest include supply network, innovation, marketing-mix decisions, customer management, and international business. Amalesh's research has been published in top-tier journals (e.g., Journal of Operations Management, Marketing Science, Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Retailing).
Rajkumar Venkatesan is the Ronald Trzcinski Professor of Business Administration at Darden Business School. He received his PhD in Marketing from the University of Houston and his BE in Computer Engineering from the University of Madras. He was selected as a Top 20 Rising Young Scholar in Marketing by MSI and Top 40 Professors Under 40 by Poets & Quants.
Peter C. Verhoef is Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business since June 2019 and Professor of Marketing at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He obtained his PhD in 2001 at the School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. His research interests concern customer management, customer loyalty, multichannel issues, category management, and buying behavior of organic products. He has extensively published on these topics.
Julian R. K. Wichmann is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Cologne, Germany, from which he has also received his doctoral degree. His research covers quantitative as well as experimental methods on strategic marketing topics relating to business cycles, digital platforms, new advertising technologies, and city center composition.
Thorsten Wiesel is Professor of Marketing at the Marketing Center Münster/University of Münster, Germany. Before this Thorsten was Associate Professor at the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and Assistant Professor at the Free University Amsterdam (the Netherlands). Thorsten Wiesel wrote his dissertation at the Goethe University Frankfurt (Germany). His research interests are strategic marketing, the interface between marketing and finance, marketing performance measurement and management, and digital marketing.
Luke Williams is Senior Vice President and Global Head of Customer Experience (CX) Strategy and Thought Leadership at Qualtrics. He has significant experience in research design, analytics design, interpretive diagnostics, consumer insights, and customer experience research and strategy. He is coauthor of the NY Times and USA Today's bestselling book, The Wallet Allocation Rule, and the Nielsen BookScan's bestselling book, Why Loyalty Matters.
Jianjun (John) Zhu is Assistant Professor of Marketing at New Mexico State University. His research interests include brand and service management, innovation, social media, digital marketing, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, sharing economy, alliances, etc. His research has been published in Production and Operations Management, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product Innovation Management, and Journal of Interactive Marketing among others.
Editor-in-Chief Introduction
Naresh K. Malhotra, Editor-in-Chief
Review of Marketing Research, now in its 18th volume, is a publication covering the important areas of marketing research with a more comprehensive state-of-the-art orientation. The chapters in this publication review the literature in a particular area, offer a critical commentary, develop an innovative framework, and discuss future developments, as well as present specific empirical studies. The first 17 volumes have featured some of the top researchers and scholars in our discipline who have reviewed an array of important topics. The response to the first 17 volumes has been truly gratifying, and we look forward to the impact of the 18th volume with great anticipation.
Publication Mission
The purpose of this series is to provide current, comprehensive, state-of-the-art articles in review of marketing research. Wide-ranging paradigmatic or theoretical, or substantive agendas are appropriate for this publication. This includes a wide range of theoretical perspectives, paradigms, data (qualitative, survey, experimental, ethnographic, secondary, etc.), and topics related to the study and explanation of marketing-related phenomenon. We reflect an eclectic mixture of theory, data, and research methods that is indicative of a publication driven by important theoretical and substantive problems. We seek studies that make important theoretical, substantive, empirical, methodological, measurement, and modeling contributions. Any topic that fits under the broad area of “marketing research” is relevant. In short, our mission is to publish the best reviews in the discipline.
Thus, this publication bridges the gap left by current marketing research publications. Current marketing research publications such as the Journal of Marketing Research (USA), International Journal of Market Research (UK), and International Journal of Research in Marketing (Europe) publish academic articles with a major constraint on the length. In contrast, Review of Marketing Research can publish much longer articles that are not only theoretically rigorous but also more expository, with a focus on implementing new marketing research concepts and procedures.
Articles in Review of Marketing Research should address the following issues:
Critically review the existing literature;
Summarize what we know about the subject – key findings;
Present the main theories and frameworks;
Review and give an exposition of key methodologies;
Identify the gaps in literature;
Present empirical studies (for empirical papers only);
Discuss emerging trends and issues;
Focus on international developments;
Suggest directions for future theory development and testing;
Recommend guidelines for implementing new procedures and concepts.
A Focus on Special Issues
Since Volume 8 published in 2011, Review of Marketing Research has a focus on special issues realizing that this is one of the best ways to impact marketing scholarship in a specific area. The volume editors of all of the special issues have been top scholars. These special issues have focused on the following topics.
Volume, Year | Topic | Volume Editors |
8, 2011 | Marketing Legends | Naresh K. Malhotra |
9, 2012 | Toward a Better Understanding of the Role of Value in Markets and Marketing | Stephen L. Vargo and Robert F. Lusch |
10, 2013 | Regular Volume | Naresh K. Malhotra |
11, 2014 | Shopper Marketing and the Role of In-Store Marketing | Dhruv Grewal, Anne L. Roggeveen, and Jens NordfÄlt |
12, 2015 | Brand Meaning Management | Deborah J. Macinnis and C. Whan Park |
13, 2016 | Marketing in and for a Sustainable Society | Naresh K. Malhotra |
14, 2017 | Qualitative Consumer Research | Russell W. Belk |
15, 2018 | Innovation and Strategy | Rajan Varadarajan and Satish Jayachandran |
16, 2019 | Marketing in a Digital World | Aric Rindfleisch and Alan J. Malter |
17, 2020 | Continuing to Broaden the Marketing Concept: Making the World a Better Place | Dawn Iacobucci |
18, 2021 | Marketing Accountability for Marketing and Non-marketing Outcomes | V. Kumar and David W. Stewart |
This Volume
I normally provide an overview of the chapters in the current issue of Review of Marketing Research. However, since V. Kumar and David W. Stewart have done an excellent job of doing that, I will refer the reader to their introduction. As a discipline matures, it should not only deepen its roots but expand its outreach. It was this thinking that led to the issue you are holding in your hand. It contains a diverse set of thought-provoking articles related to marketing measures contributed by some of our leading scholars. The range of measures considered include not only those that focus on immediate marketing outcomes, such as attitude, preference, sales, and market share, but also those that focus on broader societal outcomes such as raising the standard of living.
Specifically, this volume is divided in three parts: (1) measures of firm performance, (2) measures of social interaction, and (3) measures related to broader societal outcomes such as sustainability and quality of life. Measures of firm performance covered include the marketing implications of financial accounting, customer feedback metrics, drivers of brand equity, brand failure, market orientation capabilities, and multichannel attributions. Measures of social interaction encompass environmental and social performance, social networks, and attitudinal word-of-mouth drivers. The final chapter is devoted to measures related to societal outcomes and focuses on attractiveness of inner city for society.
Together these chapters lead to new insights, approaches, domains, and directions for research on marketing. It is hoped that collectively the chapters in this volume will substantially aid our efforts to deepen our roots as well as expand our domain by providing innovative and creative perspectives. I thank V. Kumar and David W. Stewart for such an outstanding volume. The Review of Marketing Research continues its mission of systematically analyzing and presenting accumulated knowledge in the field of marketing as well as influencing future research by identifying areas that merit the attention of researchers.
- Prelims
- Part I Measures of Firm Performance
- An Integrative Framework for Marketing Accountability of Marketing and Nonmarketing Outcomes
- The Marketing Implications of Financial Accounting
- Customer Feedback Metrics for Marketing Accountability
- What Drives Brand Equity? A Comprehensive Study of Price and Volume Premiums
- Do Retailers Get Blamed When Manufacturer Brands Fail? Measurement of Multiloci Attributions and Spillover Effects
- Linking Market Orientation Capabilities to Organizational Performance: A Research Framework and Empirical Test
- Multichannel Data-Driven Attribution Models: A Review and Research Agenda
- Part II Measures of Social Interaction
- Accountability Beyond Profitability: Understanding the Impact of Marketing Actions on Environmental and Social Performance
- A Social Network Research Paradigm for Marketing: A Review and Research Agenda
- The Unintended Consequences of Attitudinal Word-of-Mouth Drivers
- Part III Measures Related to Social Outcomes
- What Drives Inner City Attractiveness for Society? The Role of Brick-and-mortar Stores
- Index