Maintaining Quality Family Time for Children’s Social Intelligence: Public Educators’ Beliefs and Practices in the Pandemic Age
ISBN: 978-1-80117-645-3, eISBN: 978-1-80117-644-6
Publication date: 16 September 2022
The family time is being an important element in assisting to empower the mutual feeling in connecting both love and compassion among the family members. The copying initiative to spend the quality time with family is supposed to embed the feeling of security, the family values with confidence, in order to strengthen the social intelligence. However, due to the pandemic age with its outstanding challenges on being less socially connected, the more affection as the real impact toward the reduction on social interaction requires the attempts to restore the process with the sufficient link between emotional and social intelligence. The aim of this chapter attempts to examine the family quality time maintenance for children’s social intelligence in order to fully comprehend the strategic way of particular issue identification in affecting the children, by the suggested proper solution amidst the pandemic age. The empirical data from the qualitative interview among 12 public educators were employed by exploring their beliefs and practices in maintaining the family time quality for their children social intelligence support. The finding of this chapter reveals that there are three aspects of maintaining the family time for children’s social intelligence support, consisting of the technical skills to improve the family relationships, the communication on the feelings to care for being close relationships and emotional intimacy to advance the family contact in broadening the comfortable spend of time with emotional integrity and openness. The value of this chapter is to give an insightful value on the knowledge enrichment about the strategic maintenance of family time quality for children’s social intelligence. Offering the understandable suggestion together with an effective method to bring the family time into being closer is supposed to lead to the emotional intelligence among the peer-family members, mainly parent–children relationship amidst the pandemic age.
Huda, M. and Salem, S. (2022), "Maintaining Quality Family Time for Children’s Social Intelligence: Public Educators’ Beliefs and Practices in the Pandemic Age", Schutter, S., Harring, D. and Bass, L.E. (Ed.) Children, Youth and Time (Sociological Studies of Children and Youth, Vol. 30), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 69-90.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022 Miftachul Huda and Sultan Salem