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Why Austrians should quit worrying and learn to love the lab

What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics?

ISBN: 978-0-85724-261-7, eISBN: 978-0-85724-262-4

Publication date: 10 August 2010


Experimental economics has been treated with skepticism by some Austrian economists. We argue that experimental methods are consistent with strong versions of praxeology, and are therefore not methodologically problematic for Austrians. We further argue that experimental research methods have illustrated many uniquely Austrian themes and provide a fruitful method for future Austrian-inspired research.


Oprea, R. and Powell, B. (2010), "Why Austrians should quit worrying and learn to love the lab", Koppl, R., Horwitz, S. and Desrochers, P. (Ed.) What is so Austrian about Austrian Economics? (Advances in Austrian Economics, Vol. 14), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-163.



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