A Critically Compassionate Vision of Accountability: Discipline-Based Art Education, Purposeful Dialogue, and Financial Literacy
The notion of accountability carries with it an implicit sense of objectification, in which schools, teachers, and students represent the objects of measure by which policy makers judge schools. Reframing the notions of accountability requires a critical interpretation of the accountability system that challenges competitive notions of achievement while cultivating compassionate views of student performance. Drawing from the principles of critically compassionate financial literacy, this chapter discusses how discipline-based art education may provide an instructional vehicle for facilitating dialogues that reframe notions of accountability in education.
Lucey, T.A., Laney, J.D. and Agnello, M.F. (2018), "A Critically Compassionate Vision of Accountability: Discipline-Based Art Education, Purposeful Dialogue, and Financial Literacy", Schwartz, M., Harris, H. and Comer, D.R. (Ed.) Visual Ethics (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, Vol. 19), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 91-103. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1529-209620180000019006
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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