Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts
ISBN: 978-1-80455-471-5, eISBN: 978-1-80455-470-8
ISSN: 1479-3687
Publication date: 10 August 2023
(2023), "Prelims", Craig, C.J., Mena, J. and Kane, R.G. (Ed.) Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts (Advances in Research on Teaching, Vol. 42), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xix.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Cheryl J. Craig, Juanjo Mena and Ruth G. Kane. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts
Series Title Page
Advances in Research on Teaching
Series Editor: Cheryl J. Craig & Stefinee Pinnegar
Recent Volumes:
Volume 25: | Exploring Pedagogies for Diverse Learners Online |
Volume 26: | Knowing, Becoming, Doing as Teacher Educators: Identity, Intimate Scholarship, Inquiry |
Volume 27: | Innovations in English Language Arts Teacher Education |
Volume 28: | Crossroads of the Classroom: Narrative Intersections of Teacher Knowledge and Subject Matter |
Volume 29: | Culturally Sustaining and Revitalizing Pedagogies |
Volume 30: | Self-study of Language and Literacy Teacher Education Practices |
Volume 31: | Decentering the Researcher in Intimate Scholarship: Critical Posthuman Methodological Perspectives in Education |
Volume 32: | Essays on Teaching Education and the Inner Drama of Teaching: Where Biography and History Meet |
Volume 33: | Landscapes, Edges, and Identity-Making |
Volume 34: | Exploring Self Toward Expanding Teaching, Teacher Education and Practitioner Research |
Volume 35: | Preparing Teachers to Teach the STEM Disciplines in America's Urban Schools |
Volume 36: | Luminous Literacies: Localized Teaching and Teacher Education |
Volume 37: | Developing Knowledge Communities Through Partnerships for Literacy |
Volume 38: | Understanding Excessive Teacher and Faculty Entitlement: Digging at the Roots |
Volume 39: | Global Meaning Making: Disrupting and Interrogating International Language and Literacy Research and Teaching |
Volume 40: | Making Meaning With Readers and Texts: Beginning Teachers' Meaning-Making From Classroom Events |
Volume 41: | Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook |
“Tilburg Dawn,” a photo by Christopher Clark, was taken in 1984 at the second conference of the International Study Association on Teacher Thinking. ∗
Title Page
Advances in Research on Teaching Volume 42
Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts: ISATT 40th Anniversary Yearbook
Edited by
Cheryl J. Craig
Texas A&M University, USA
Juanjo Mena
University of Salamanca, Spain
Ruth G. Kane
University of Ottawa, Canada
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2023
Editorial Matter and Selection © 2023 Cheryl J. Craig, Juanjo Mena and Ruth G. Kane.
Individual chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13–20 and 22–27 © 2023 the respective Author/s.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
Individual chapters 2, 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 © 2023 Emerald Publishing Limited.
Copyright © 2023 Emerald Publishing Limited, with the exception of Tensions and Paradoxes in Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education © Taylor & Francis, InFo-TED: Bringing Policy, Research, and Practice Together Around Teacher Educator Development © Emerald Publishing, “Data is [G]od”: The influence of cumulative policy reforms on teachers' knowledge in an urban middle school in the United States © Elsevier.
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
ISBN: 978-1-80455-471-5 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-80455-470-8 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-80455-472-2 (Epub)
ISSN: 1479-3687 (Series)
List of Figures and Tables
Chapter 12 | |
Figure 1. | Research Process Outlined in the TRAILS Erasmus+ Grant Award. |
Figure 2. | Mind Map Commented on Collectively. |
Chapter 16 | |
Figure 1. | Literacy Meeting Agenda and Truncated Notes-to-File (Craig, 2014). |
Chapter 20 | |
Figure 1. | The InFo-TED Conceptual Model of Teacher Educators’ Professional Development. |
Chapter 21 | |
Figure 1. | The InFo-TED Conceptual Model of Teacher Educator Professional Development (e.g., Kelchtermans et al., 2015). |
Chapter 24 | |
Figure 1. | Qualities of Knowledge Communities. |
Chapter 25 | |
Figure 1. | A Comparative Study of Four Nations in 2018–2019 (Craig et al., 2020). |
Figure 2. | Three Data Points for Comparative Purposes. |
Chapter 10 | |
Table 1. | GTCS Professional Standards and Relevant Career Stage. |
Chapter 11 | |
Table 1. | NAPDS Nine Essentials (2021). |
Table 2. | Blue Ribbon Report Ten Design Principles for Clinically Based Preparation. |
Chapter 12 | |
Table 1. | Self-Assessment Grid. |
Chapter 15 | |
Table 1. | National Poverty Distribution Table (2017). |
Table 2. | Percentage of Schools in Each Quintile by Province (2017). |
Table 3. | National Monthly Allocation for Individual Pupils (Q1–5). |
Table 4. | Number of Learners (Ls), Educators (Es), Schools (Ss) in School Sector by Province in 2021. |
Chapter 16 | |
Table 1. | Reforms, Metaphors, Aberrant Attributions. |
Chapter 17 | |
Table 1. | Principals' Biographical Data. |
Chapter 23 | |
Table 1. | Visiting Scholar Demographics. |
Table 2. | A Crosswalk of Communities of Practice and Emergent Themes in the Interviews. |
Chapter 27 | |
Table 1. | Emergent Themes and Subthemes. |
About the Authors
Tatiana Baklashova is the International Relations Deputy Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education at Kazan Federal University and an Associate Professor in the Higher Education Department, Karan Federal University, Russian Republic. She is a coordinator of student teachers' practicum training and a member of the IPE KFU Academic Council.
Miriam Ben-Peretz, PhD (deceased), was a Professor Emeritus, former Head of the Department of Teacher Education, and former Dean of the School of Education at University of Haifa. In 1997, she received the Division B (Curriculum) Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Educational Research Association. In 2006, she received the Israel award for Excellence in Education Research.
Amanda Berry, PhD, is a Professor in STEM Education in the Faculty of Education at Monash University. Amanda has a distinguished international profile in science education research, particularly science teacher knowledge. Alongside her STEM education research, Amanda has a strong research interest in Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (SSTEP).
Steven Carber, PhD, has prepared international school teachers for almost two decades, within the context of several higher-education degree programs for the international education community. He is the author of three books on international education, and has published three IB inquiry-box curriculum guides.
Marie-Anne Châteaureynaud, PhD, is a Senior Lecturer of Applied Linguistics in the Teacher Education School at the University of Bordeaux. She is involved in several European projects having to do with language teaching and LSP teaching. Her research involves sociolinguistics, language teaching, Occitan, Minority languages, multilingualism, and inclusion.
Paul F. Conway, PhD, is a Deputy Head of School at the University of Limerick, Ireland. His research interests are learning and development, teacher education, educational policy as it relates to e-learning teacher education, psychology and pedagogy of literacy and mathematics, and cognitive and sociocultural perspectives on learning. He is a joint General Editor of Irish Educational Studies.
Gayle A. Curtis, EdD, is a Program Manager with Asian American Studies at University of Houston and a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Texas A&M University. Her research delves into the lives of teachers, reflective practice, teacher collaboration, culture, and racialized experiences. Gayle is a member of the Portfolio Group (1998–present) and Faculty Academy (2017–present).
Marie-Christine Deyrich, PhD, is Professor Emerita of Applied Linguistics at the University of Bordeaux. She has been involved in several European projects involving language learning for active social inclusion. Her research deals with ethical language teaching in intercultural issues, linguistic policy, LSP learning, and teaching in higher education.
Maria Assunção Flores, PhD, works at the University of Minho, Portugal. Her research interests include teacher professionalism and identity, teacher education and professional development, curriculum, assessment and leadership. She is past Chair of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching and is currently coeditor of the European Journal of Teacher Education.
Serra Gürün is a high school senior student at ENKA Schools in Istanbul, Türkiye. As a future psychology student, she has taken part in various research studies, including one about adult ADHD with the University of Massachusetts.
Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu, PhD, is currently a visiting professor at UC Berkeley School of Education. She has served as a professor at Hasan Kalyoncu University in Turkey. She holds a doctorate in Educational Administration and pursued her postdoctorate education at Arizona State University. She has been the “outreach coordinator” on ISATT Executive Committee since 2017.
Francis Chisikwa Indoshi, PhD, is a Professor of Curriculum and Instruction. He was the Chair of the Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Curriculum Studies, School of Education, Maseno University, Kenya. He has expertise in leading major reforms in teacher education policies and the coordination of Teaching Practice component of initial teacher education.
Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Elementary and Teacher Education programs at the University of South Florida. Her research is situated within the context of teacher education and focuses on teacher learning centered on equity. Central to her work is developing high-quality teacher education programs within partnerships between schools and universities.
Aydar M. Kalimullin is a Professor of the Higher Education Department and Historical Sciences Department and Head of the Institute of Psychology and Education at Kazan Federal University. He serves as the Codirector of the Volga region Center of the Russian Academy of Education. He is also Chief Executive Officer of the Annual International Forum on Teacher Education Conference.
Bilge Kalkavan, PhD, is Assistant Professor at Hasan Kalyoncu University. She completed her PhD in Applied Linguistics at Hellenic American University and holds a doctoral degree in Communication Studies at Hasan Kalyoncu University. Her research interests include interaction studies, intercultural communication, and teacher training.
Maurine Kang’ahi, PhD, is the current Chair of the Department of Educational Communication, Technology and Curriculum Studies. The department serves as the centre for pedagogical and professional training of teachers in Kenya at the School of Education, Maseno University, Kenya.
Michaelann Kelley, EdD, is Assistant Professor and Chair of the Department of Art & Design at Mount St. Joseph University. Her awards include the 2013 Stanford University Outstanding Teaching Award and 2021 Texas Art Education Association Distinguished Fellows honor. Kelley is a founding member of the Portfolio Group (1998–present) and a teacher member in the Faculty Academy (2003–2006).
Paul J. Magnuson, PhD, has worked in professional development in the United States and Switzerland for over 25 years. He also has over 20 years of experience in running summer campus. He works at Leysin American School and teaches online for Moreland University. His hobbies include languages and writing children's books.
Maria Inês Marcondes, PhD, is a full Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro PUC/RIO and Scientist of Our State Foundation of Rio de Janeiro State/FAPERJ and the Brazilian National Research Council/CNPq Researcher. She is Brazil's National Representative of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT).
Margery A. McMahon, PhD, is Head of the School of Education at the University of Glasgow and Professor of Educational Leadership. She is currently Chair of the Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE). She has been involved in teacher education, career-long professional learning, and leadership education and is the author/coauthor of a books and articles focusing on professional learning and leadership.
Maropeng Modiba, DPhil, is Emeritus professor of Education and Curriculum Studies at the University of Johannesburg. Her research focuses on two related areas, teacher education and curriculum literacy, which she captures by studying instructional practices and their significance for teachers’ professional development. She is currently engaged in various research projects and writing, focusing in particular, on issues related to knowledge democracy.
Rae Newman, PhD, majors in educational leadership. She earned the doctoral distinction award for social justice impact by exploring the intersection of youth migration, identity, and international travel. Rae is an influencer, a leader, and a travel enthusiast.
Maureen Atieno Olel, PhD, is an Educationist, a DAAD Scholar and an associate professor of Educational Management, Planning and Economics of Education. She is the current Dean of the School of Education, Maseno University, Kenya. Among her research areas are efficiency and equity in education, accountability, and development issues in education.
Samuel Ouma Oyoo, PhD, is currently affiliated with Maseno University and the University of South Africa. A member of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) since 2004, he has been the ISATT National Representative for South Africa (2011 to 2017) and for Kenya (since 2019 to date).
Darlene Ciuffetelli Parker, PhD, is a Professor in the Faculty of Education and Director of Teacher Education at Brock University in Ontario, Canada. Her narrative inquiry research focuses on social justice, poverty, equity, and well-being in secondary school systems and postsecondary teacher education.
Frances Rust, PhD, is Professor Emeritus at New York University's Steinhardt School of Education where she taught between 1991 and 2007. She has directed teacher education programs at Teachers College Columbia, Manhattanville College, Hofstra University, NYU, and University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are teacher's and teacher educators' professional learning.
Eisuke Saito, PhD, is a Lecturer for the Faculty of Education, Monash University, Australia. Eisuke has been researching school reform and teacher professional development and learning, mainly in South-East Asia, such as Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, and Singapore, based on the approach called ‘lesson study as a learning community’ or ‘school as learning community.’
Kari Smith, PhD, is a Professor Emerita of Education at the Department of Teacher Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Among her research interests are teacher education, mentoring novice teachers, and assessment for and of learning. She was the Head of the Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education (NAFOL), and a founder of the International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (InFo-TED).
Sandra Stewart, PhD, was a Research Associate in the Department of Education and Curriculum at the University of Johannesburg between 2017 and 2021. Her research focuses on teaching English as a second language, curriculum policy and teachers’ professional development. She is currently involved in a literacy intervention that focuses on improving the teaching of English reading in a rural primary school.
Hanne Tack, PhD, is a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University, Belgium. Her research interests focus on teacher education in general, with a particular emphasis on teacher educators' professional development.
Madalina Tanase, PhD, is an Associate Professor at the University of North Florida, USA. She is originally from Romania. Her research areas are culturally responsive classroom management and pedagogy, teacher self-efficacy, and epistemological beliefs.
Gökçe Ünlü is a PhD student at the University of Nevada, Reno, in Education with the focus of “Equity, Diversity and Language” and is a member of ISATT as an experienced international teacher at the higher education level. Having received her BA degree in English Language Teaching at Istanbul University, Gokce completed her MSc in Education at the University of Edinburgh.
Roza A. Valeeva is a Professor and Head of the Pedagogy Department in the Institute of Psychology and Education at Kazan Federal University. She is the Chairman of the Dissertation Council in Kazan Federal University and President of the Janusz Korczak Society in Russia. She is also the Secretary General of the International Korczak Association (IKA). She is Editor in Chief of Education and Self Development.
Eline Vanassche, PhD, is a Professor at the University of Leuven. She is a former Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at the University of East London. Her research interests includes the nature of teacher educators' professionalism and its development throughout their careers. Her more recent work seeks to understand what teacher educators “may do and not do” in complex relationships.
Ruben Vanderlinde, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Educational Studies at Ghent University, the Coordinator of the Research Group, ‘Teacher Education & Professional Development,’ and is responsible for Teacher Education at Ghent University. Among his research interests are in the educational innovation, teacher induction, teacher education, and professional development.
Chunyan Yang, PhD, is an Associate Professor in the Berkeley School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Her research interests focus on understanding how school members interact with their living contexts to find their resilience in the face of a variety of risk factors in school settings, such as bullying, teacher-targeted violence, and mental health challenges.
Diane Yendol-Hoppey, PhD, is a Professor at the University of North Florida. Her research focuses on facilitating teacher learning, the development of school–university partnerships, enhanced job-embedded professional development, and teacher leadership. Diane has coauthored/edited 14 books, acquired over $20 million in external funding, and published over 50 articles in peer-reviewed journals.
The International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching, which started the International Study Association on Teacher Thinking, celebrates/ed its 40th anniversary in 2023, the publication year of its four-volume Anniversary Yearbook. The study association became a full-blown organization not only with a biennial international conference and a regional conference in the in-between years, but with an awards program, a small grant program, and a graduate student preconference as well. Further to this, a special kind of kinship developed, which made ISATT a beloved organization in the hearts and minds of its members.
Several features distinguish the Yearbook's four volumes. These features include tributes in each book, sections outlining distinct lines of ISATT research, and reprint articles by selected authors. The four volumes also share the same frontispiece, a photo taken by Christopher Clark at the second ISATT Meeting in Tilburg, The Netherlands. Further to this, internationalism is a powerful strength streaming naturally across all four books, not as an intermittent cover story.
The titles of the four volumes are:
Volume 1: Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19
Volume 2: Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts
Volume 3: Approaches to Teaching and Teacher Education
Volume 4: Studying Teaching and Teacher Education
This volume (Volume 2), Teaching and Teacher Education in International Contexts, follows closely in the footsteps of Teacher Education in the Wake of Covid-19 (Volume 1). A sincere thank you is extended to this book's section editors, Diane Yendol-Hoppey (US), Maria Assunção Flores (Portugal), Amanda Berry (Australia), and Özge Hacıfazlıoğlu (Türkiye). Thanks also goes out to Daniela Hotolean (UK) and Wendy Moran (Australia) who assembled and edited the Tributes honoring past and present ISATT members. In addition, we recognize Xiao Han (US) who coordinated the technical details of all the manuscripts and Hulya Avci (Türkiye) who prepared Volume 2's Index. Without the diligence of all these people, this volume would have been near-impossible to complete, given how short our publication window was. Lastly, we are grateful to our members who authored chapters amid significant time constraints to ensure that ISATT would have a 40th Anniversary Yearbook ready to celebrate at our 20th Biennial Conference in Bari, Italy, in 2023.
For additional details, see A History of ISATT 2013-2023: Internationalization, by Frances O'Connell Rust & Christopher M. Clark in Volume I of this series.
- Prelims
- Section 1 Tributes
- Tribute to John Loughran
- Tribute to Jean Clandinin
- Tribute to Geert Kelchtermans
- Tribute to Theo Wubbels
- Tribute to Christopher Day
- Tribute to Judith Warren Little
- Section 2 Teacher Education Reform
- Introduction
- Tensions and Paradoxes in Teaching: Implications for Teacher Education
- Teacher Education Reforms in Kenya: The Past, the Present, and Mapping the Future
- Teacher Education Reform in Scotland
- Teacher Education Reform in the United States: Colliding Forces?
- Innovative Research Training in Higher Education for LSP Teachers: From Institutional Policy to the Development of Custom-Made Projects
- Section 3 School Reform Section
- Introduction
- Listening as a Basis of Reforming Schools in Asia: From Hostility to Trust
- School Reform in South Africa: A Struggle for Mobility
- “Data Is [G]od”: The Influence of Cumulative Policy Reforms on Teachers' Knowledge in an Urban Middle School in the United States
- Principals' Views in a Context of Reform: The Case of School Curriculum Policy in Portugal
- Section 4 Preparing Teacher Educators (InFo-TED) SECTION
- Introduction
- Looking Back and Looking Forward at InFo-TED—Reflecting on Purpose, Progress, and Challenges
- InFo-TED, North America: Addressing a Problem of Practice
- InFo-TED: Bringing Policy, Research, and Practice Together Around Teacher Educator Development
- Section 5 Partnerships
- Introduction
- Communities of Practice With Visiting Scholars
- Collaborative Reflection, Knowledge, and Growth: Exploring Ongoing Teacher Learning Within Knowledge Communities
- Multinational Policy Analyses: Third Time Around
- International Forum on Teacher Education as an Educational Research Partnership
- Cultivating Teacher Resilience Through Intercultural Interaction and Collaboration
- Afterword
- Index