“I Am because We Are…” Not Just Mentoring but a Collaborative Approach to Faculty and Student Development
The Beauty and the Burden of Being a Black Professor
ISBN: 978-1-83867-268-3, eISBN: 978-1-83867-267-6
Publication date: 18 January 2021
Black faculty members navigating the tenure process in higher educational settings, especially historically Black colleges or universities (HBCU), quickly learn within their careers that the job at hand requires a lot of time, energy, and persistence. Extant literature highlights the difficulties Black scholars face in such settings; however, it is vital to shedding light on the positive aspects that occur daily. This chapter highlights a component of collaboration that is often under shadowed in the educational setting, the faculty–graduate student partnership. Given the lack of resources and infrastructural elements that often plague HBCUs, in comparison to other institutions, faculty members inadvertently and unconsciously establish partnerships with advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Without the assistance of young, emerging scholars, tenure-earning faculty may struggle with maintaining a healthy work–life balance. Moreover, forging strong partnerships with mentees aids in faculty and student development alike. This narrative encompasses the views, experiences, and perceptions of a young, tenure-earning faculty member. Additionally, past and present graduate students provide insight on perceptions of faculty–student interactions and their subsequent development as scholars, researchers, and clinicians.
Tani, N.E., Williams, S.C., Parrish, R., Ferguson, C., Burrows, D. and Reed, A. (2021), "“I Am because We Are…” Not Just Mentoring but a Collaborative Approach to Faculty and Student Development", Davis, C.H., Hilton, A., Hamrick, R. and Brooks, F.E. (Ed.) The Beauty and the Burden of Being a Black Professor (Diversity in Higher Education, Vol. 24), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 145-164. https://doi.org/10.1108/S1479-364420210000024013
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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