In Search of a Cure? Far-right Youth Activism and the Making of a New Europe
Drawing on ethnographic research among far-right youth movements, this chapter discusses the view of a “new Europe” as manifested in young activists' discourses and practices. In arguing that it is necessary to better understand local contexts of political mobilization, it simultaneously foregrounds the transnational orientation of young far-right militants and the interplay of local and translocal factors in shaping their activism. In so doing, this chapter seeks to shed light on the background and the main rationale for their alternative conceptualizing of Europe and to situate it in a long tradition of thinking about Europe, recognizing similarities with the developments in the early twentieth century.
Research for this chapter was carried out thanks to the FWF Elise Richter Fellowship (Project nr: V 669). I would like to thank for very helpful comments to Francesco Duina, Frédéric Mérand, John Hall, and other participants of the workshop “Europe: a world of yesterday?”. I would also like to thank Lukas Becht for his assistance and two anonymous reviewers for helping me to improve this chapter.
Pasieka, A. (2020), "In Search of a Cure? Far-right Youth Activism and the Making of a New Europe", Duina, F. and Merand, F. (Ed.) Europe's Malaise (Research in Political Sociology, Vol. 27), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 85-102.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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