Discrete Fourier Transforms of Fractional Processes with Econometric Applications*

Peter C. B. Phillips (Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand; Singapore Management University, Singapore; and University of Southampton, Southampton, UK)

Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Theory

ISBN: 978-1-83753-209-4, eISBN: 978-1-83753-208-7

ISSN: 0731-9053

Publication date: 24 April 2023


The discrete Fourier transform (dft) of a fractional process is studied. An exact representation of the dft is given in terms of the component data, leading to the frequency domain form of the model for a fractional process. This representation is particularly useful in analyzing the asymptotic behavior of the dft and periodogram in the nonstationary case when the memory parameter d12. Various asymptotic approximations are established including some new hypergeometric function representations that are of independent interest. It is shown that smoothed periodogram spectral estimates remain consistent for frequencies away from the origin in the nonstationary case provided the memory parameter d < 1. When d = 1, the spectral estimates are inconsistent and converge weakly to random variates. Applications of the theory to log periodogram regression and local Whittle estimation of the memory parameter are discussed and some modified versions of these procedures are suggested for nonstationary cases.



Phillips, P.C.B. (2023), "Discrete Fourier Transforms of Fractional Processes with Econometric Applications*", Chang, Y., Lee, S. and Miller, J.I. (Ed.) Essays in Honor of Joon Y. Park: Econometric Theory (Advances in Econometrics, Vol. 45A), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 3-71. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0731-90532023000045A001



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023 Peter C. B. Phillips

1. Introduction

Studies of nonstationary time series over the last four decades have produced a vast body of knowledge that has transformed the conduct of empirical research in economics. The impact of this research is now manifest in empirical work throughout the social and business sciences. A catalyst supporting these developments was the widespread recognition that real world processes in society, economics, and politics are influenced in fundamental ways by advances in technology, firm investments, and individual human decision-making. These processes are rarely, if ever, stationary. Inevitably they evolve in uncertain ways over time, reflecting the arrival of new shocks to the system, some of which have persistent effects. Recognizing this reality led to an understanding that methods of data analysis need to account for the fact that the way in which memory is carried in the data differs in a fundamental manner among stationary, near-stationary, and nonstationary processes.

Acknowledgment of the importance of this distinction is evident in early researches of statisticians and economists at the turn of the twentieth century (Hooker, 1901; Pearson & Elderton, 1923; Yule, 1926) on nonsense correlations1 and the work of the mathematician Bachelier (1900) on speculative prices, which introduced the notion of a stochastic process. Methods began to emerge later that provided probabilistic underpinnings and foundations for statistical inference with data that demonstrated long range memory or dependence (Granger & Joyeux, 1980; Hosking, 1981; Hurst, 1951; 1956; Mandelbrot & Van Ness, 1968) and various types of random wandering behavior over time. In economics in the 1980s, advances in the use of function space limit theory were made that enabled the full trajectory features of nonstationary data to be reflected in regression asymptotics, leading to new understanding of such regressions, including both cointegrating and spurious regressions, and new methods of testing and inference for analyzing nonstationary data (Durlauf & Phillips, 1988; Phillips, 1986b; 1987; 1988; Phillips & Durlauf, 1986).

Joon Park played a big part in these developments, starting with his doctoral dissertation research and early research at Yale (Park & Phillips, 1988; 1989) and a sustained series of subsequent works that have helped to push out the envelope of econometric methodology for linear, nonlinear, and continuous time methods of analysis with nonstationary data. Many of these works have been jointly conducted with the present author in a longstanding collaboration that has been as pleasurable and special an academic fellowship as much as it has enriched this field of research.

My contribution to this symposium of works honoring Joon Park relates to his research on nonstationary processes and focuses on some of the defining properties of long range-dependent time series. The present work has a history reaching back more than two decades and it is hoped that a good part of its value is retained amidst the considerable body of work that has emerged since the original version of the paper (Phillips, 1999a) was written. The first contribution of this chapter is to provide an exact representation of the dft of a fractional process, which enables asymptotic analysis of its behavior and various functionals such as the periodogram in the nonstationary case when the memory parameter d12. The methods reveal that smoothed periodogram spectral estimates remain consistent for frequencies away from the origin in the nonstationary case provided the memory parameter d < 1. When d = 1, the spectral estimates are inconsistent and converge weakly to random variates. Some useful applications of this theory are given for log periodogram regression and local Whittle estimation of the memory parameter in nonstationary cases. For an advanced textbook treatment of long memory processes, readers are referred to Surgailis et al. (2012).

The plan of this chapter is as follows. Various preliminaries are given in the following Section 2. Some useful new decompositions and representations in the frequency domain are developed in Section 3 that extend related decompositions in the time domain. Section 4 develops asymptotic approximations for dfts involving special functions that help to simplify representations and enable development of limit theory for dfts of fractional processes in nonstationary cases. These results extend earlier work on the limit theory of dfts of stationary processes to the fractional case. For higher levels of dependence, when d = 1, the leakage from the zero frequency becomes dominant and affects the limit theory at all frequencies, so that dfts are spatially correlated across frequency asymptotically, quite unlike the stationary case. Section 5 provides some applications of the results to spectral estimation and to semiparametric estimation of the memory parameter. Particular attention in the latter case is given to log periodogram regression and local Whittle estimation. Some modified versions of these procedures are suggested which conveniently extend their range of applicability to the nonstationary case. Final remarks on long memory and autoregressive approaches to nonstationarity close out Section 5. Proofs and technical results are in the Appendix in Section 6. A notational summary is given at the end of this chapter in Section 7.

A final word of introduction. While our focus is on the case where d12,1, the methods introduced here are applicable when d>1, and in modified form when |d|<12. A particularly useful approach is to combine the exact representation (3.7) that applies when d = 1 with results for fractional d to produce valid representations for the d>1 case. The remarks and results in paragraphs 3.6–3.8 indicate some of these possibilities.

2. Preliminaries

We consider the fractional process Xt generated by the model


Our interest is primarily in the case where Xt is nonstationary and d12, so in (2.1) we work from a given initial date t = 0, set uj = 0 for all j ≤ 0, and assume that ut(t > 0) is stationary with 0 mean and continuous spectrum fu(λ)>0. This formulation corresponds to a Type II fractional process (Davidson & Hashimzade, 2009; Marinucci & Robinson, 1999). Expanding the binomial in (2.1) gives the form




is Pochhammer’s symbol for the forward factorial function and Γ(·) is the gamma function. When d is a positive integer, the series in (2.2) terminates, giving the usual formulae for the model (2.1) in terms of differences and higher order differences of Xt. An alternate form for Xt is obtained by inversion of (2.1), giving


Throughout this chapter it will be convenient to assume that the stationary component ut in (2.1) is a linear process of the form


for all t and with εt=iid0,σ2 with finite fourth moments. The summability condition in (2.4) is satisfied by a wide class of parametric and nonparametric models for ut, enables the use of the techniques in Phillips and Solo (1992), and ensures that partial sums of ut satisfy a functional central limit theorem, which will be needed later.

Under (2.4), the spectrum is fu(λ)=σ22πj=0cjeijλ2 and fu(0)=σ22πC(1)2>0.2 In view of (2.1), it is natural to define


The function fx(λ) gives the spectrum of Xt when it exists and Xt is stationary (i.e., for d<12 and under infinite past initialization of Xt in (2.3)) and is the analog of the spectrum in the nonstationary case when d12 even though it is not integrable. In that case, Solo (1992) gave a formal justification of fx(λ) as a spectrum in terms of the limit of the expectation of the periodogram. Taking logarithms of (2.5) produces the equation


which motivates a linear log periodogram regression for the estimation of d, in which fx(λ) is replaced by periodogram ordinates Ix(λ) evaluated at the fundamental frequencies λs=2πsn,s=0,1,,n1 Here, Ia(λs)=wa(λs)wa(λs)*, wa(λs) is the dft, wa(λs)=12πnt=1nateitλs of a time series at, and w* is the complex conjugate of w. With this substitution (2.6) becomes


where Uλs=lnIxλs/fxλs. By virtue of the continuity of fu, fuλs is effectively constant for frequencies in a shrinking band around the origin, suggesting a linear least squares regression of lnIxλs on ln1eiλs over frequencies s=1,,m (with m a truncation number). The method has undoubted appeal, is easy to perform in practice and has been commonly employed in applications. However, (2.6) is a moment condition, not a data generating mechanism, and the analysis of this regression estimator is complicated by the difficulty of characterizing the asymptotic behavior of the dft wx(λs), which is the central element in determining the properties of the regression residual Uλs in (2.7).

An important contribution by Künsch (1986) showed that, for fractional processes like (2.1), wx(λs) has quite different statistical properties from the corresponding dft, wu(λs), of the stationary process ut for frequencies in the immediate neighborhood of the origin. In particular, for λs=2πsn0, with s fixed as n the dft ordinates are asymptotically correlated, not uncorrelated. Analyses by Robinson (1995b) and Hurvich et al. (1998) for Gaussian ut have provided an asymptotic theory in the stationary case, thereby placing log periodogram regression on a rigorous footing. More recent work has dealt with nonstationary cases where d12 (Kim & Phillips, 2006; Phillips, 2007; Velasco, 1999). Another semiparametric estimation procedure, suggested by Künsch (1987), is the Gaussian estimator which maximizes a local version of the Whittle likelihood, which is known to have a smaller variance than log periodogram regression in the stationary case (Robinson, 1995a). This estimator also relies on the behavior of wx(λs) for frequencies in the vicinity of the origin. More recent work on Whittle estimation has focused on nonstationary cases where d12 (Abadir et al., 2007; Phillips, 2014; Phillips & Shimotsu, 2004; Shao, 2010; Shimotsu & Phillips, 2005; 2006; Velasco & Robinson, 2000) and cases of noise contaminated data (Sun & Phillips, 2003) such as in the estimation of the Fisher equation (Sun & Phillips, 2004).

This chapter provides new methods for studying the asymptotic behavior of wx(λs) for nonstationary values of d. The approach relies on an exact representation of wx(λs) in terms of the dft wu(λs) and certain residual components. This representation aids in the analysis of the properties of wx(λs) and, thereby, in the study of log periodogram regression and local Whittle estimation. The representation also provides a frequency domain version of the data generating mechanism (2.1) above. As such, it is useful in motivating some alternative approaches to inference about d that are proposed here and which have been explored in subsequent work that has appeared since the first version of this chapter circulated in 1999.

3. Frequency Domain Decompositions

It is convenient to manipulate the operator 1Ld in (2.1), with its polynomial expansion (2.2), in a form that more readily accommodates dfts. This can be done algebraically, as in Phillips and Solo (1992), by expanding the polynomial operator about its value at the complex exponential eiλ, leading to the following decomposition.

3.1. Lemma

Define the fractional operator expansion DnL;d=k=0ndkk!Lk. Then


where D˜nλeiλL;d=p=0n1d˜λpeipλLp and d˜λp=k=p+1ndkk!eikλ.

The representation (3.1) is an immediate consequence of formula (32) in Phillips and Solo (1992) and can be obtained by straightforward algebraic manipulation. No summability conditions are required here for its validity since it is a finite sum. However, the value of d does affect the order of the terms in this expansion and, consequently, the order of magnitude of these terms when n, a fact that does affect subsequent theory. Additionally, when λ depends on n, the order of these terms is affected and this too needs to be accounted for in the asymptotic theory. Much of this chapter is devoted to this accounting to assist in characterizing the limit behavior of the dft wxλ=12πnt=1nXteitλ.

Using the operator (3.1), we may write the model (2.1) in the following form for all tn


Taking dfts of the left and right sides of (3.2) now yields an exact expression for wxλ in terms of wuλ. The result is stated as follows.

3.2. Theorem


where Dneiλ;d=k=0ndkk!eikλ,




3.3. Remark

Equation (3.3) provides an exact representation of wxλ in terms of wuλ and a residual component involving n12X˜λn(d). Explicitly,


In fact, (3.3) or (3.5) may be interpreted as a frequency domain version of the original model (2.1). In terms of periodogram ordinates, we have the corresponding equation


which may be interpreted as the data generating mechanism for the ordinates Ixλs that are used in a log periodogram regression. Equation (3.6) reveals the model that is implicit in (2.7). To the extent that Dneiλs;d2 can be replaced by 1eiλs2d and the component n12X˜λsn(d) is small enough to be neglected, (3.6) and (2.5) might seem to suggest that Uλs=lnIxλs/fxλs will behave like the corresponding functional, logIuλs/fuλs, of the errors in (2.1). However, as will become apparent in our analysis, the residual component n12X˜λsn(d) in (3.5) and (3.6) cannot be neglected, in general, and its importance grows as d increases.

3.4. Remark

When d=1, the forward factorial (d)k=0 for all k>1, so that series involving these coefficients terminate at k = 1. In this case Dneiλ;1=1eiλ, d˜λ0=eiλ, X˜λ0(1)=eiλX0, and X˜λn(1)=eiλXn. Equation (3.3) then reduces to the simple form


an expression obtained by the author in earlier work and used in Corbae et al. (2002, Lemma B). In this case, it is apparent that n12X˜λsn(d)=eiλsn12Xn=Op(1) for all λs. Thus, in the unit root case, the residual correction term n12X˜λsn(d) definitely matters, plays a role in the asymptotic behavior of wxλs at all frequencies and thereby affects the asymptotic theory of estimators of d like those arising from log periodogram regression and local Whittle estimation. Indeed, in those cases the author has shown in other works (Phillips, 2007; Phillips & Shimotsu, 2004) that these estimators have limiting mixed normal distributions rather than normal distributions when d = 1.

3.5. Remark

When ut = 0 for t0, in (2.1), it follows that Xt = 0 for t0 and hence X˜λ0(d)=0. In this event, expression (3.3) becomes


or, in the unit root case,


in place of (3.7). Since these initial conditions are assumed in (2.1), and since the effect of relaxing them will usually be apparent, we will henceforth use (3.8) in place of (3.3).

3.6. Remark

Another useful representation for the dft of Xt can be obtained by combining the representation (3.8) with the unit root decomposition (3.9). It is especially useful when d>1. Write (2.1) as


so that Xt=j=1tzj+X0. Then, taking dfts in (3.10), we first apply (3.9) to write wxλs in terms of wzλs and then use (3.8) to reduce wzλs in terms of wuλs and a correction term. The outcome is formalized in the following theorem.

3.7. Theorem

If Xt follows (2.1), then


where f=1d,

(3.13)U˜λnf=D˜nλeiλL;fun=p=0n1f˜λpeipλunp,and f˜λp=k=p+1nfkk!eikλ.

3.8. Remark

Some further decomposition beyond (3.11) and (3.12) is possible. As in Phillips and Solo (1992), we can decompose the operator CL that appears in ut=C(L)εt as


where j=0|c˜jλ|< in view of the summability condition on cj in (2.4). Then,


is a valid decomposition of ut into the iid component Ceiλεt and a stationary error that telescopes under the dft operation, with ελt=C˜λeiλLεt=j=0c˜jλeiλjεtj. In particular,


Using this representation in (3.12) we get


Additionally, zt in (3.10) can be written as


Set ηt=1Lfεt, ηλt=1Lfελt in (3.16) and take dfts, giving


since ηλt is stationary with finite variance for all d12,32 because then f<12. (Note that ηλt=ελt when d=1). Next write




and note that


Applying (3.3) to the dft wηλ calculated from (3.18) we have



(3.20)ε˜λn(f)=p=0n1f˜λpeipλεnp, f˜λp=k=p+1nfkk!eikλ,



Now wnελ=Opnf because


Using (3.19) and (3.21) in (3.17) we get


Then, combining (3.22) with the unit root decomposition (3.11) leads to the representation


This representation holds uniformly over λ and is likely to be most useful when λ=λs=2πsn0 and s.

3.9. Remark

The representations (3.8), (3.11), and (3.12) hold for all fundamental frequencies λs=2πsn. They are helpful in providing asymptotic representations of wxλs. In such expansions, it is useful to allow for situations where s as well as n. In some cases, as in spectral density estimation at some frequency ϕ0, we want the expansion rate of s to be the same as n, so that we can accommodate λsϕ as n. In other cases, as in log periodogram and Gaussian semiparametric regression, interest centers on frequencies λs in the vicinity of the origin, so then we consider cases where s is fixed or s and sn0 as n.. The following section gives results that are helpful in the determination of the asymptotic form of these representations as n under these various conditions.

4. Asymptotic Approximations

4.1. Component Approximations

We start with the sinusoidal polynomial Dneiλ;d=k=0ndkk!eikλ that appears in the decomposition (3.1) and Theorems 3.2 and 3.7. The series can be summed in terms of hypergeometric functions and the asymptotic form taken as n depends on λ. The behavior is described in the following lemma.

4.2. Lemma3

Suppose d > 0 and is noninteger. Then

(4.1)Dneiλ;d=1eiλdei(n+1)λdn+1n+1! 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλ,

and, for cos(λ)<12,

(4.2)Dneiλ;d=1eiλd+ei(n+1)λeiλ1dn+1n+1! 2F11+d,1;n+2;eiλeiλ1.

The following asymptotic representations hold:

  • (a)

    For fixed λ0


  • (b)

    For λ=λs=2πisn0 and s as n


  • (c)

    For λ=λs=2πisn0 and s fixed as n

    Dneiλs;d=1Γ1dnd 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d.

  • (d)

    For λ = 0


In the above formulae,  1F1a,b;z and  2F1a,b,c;z denote the confluent hypergeometric function and the hypergeometric function, respectively.

From part (d), it follows that Dn1;d differs from 0 by a term of Ond. From part (c), the same also applies to Dneiλs;d when s is fixed and λs=2πisn0. Of course, in the event that d is a positive integer, we have the following terminating polynomials




in this case.

Our next focus of interest is the correction term in (3.8) that involves X˜λn(d). We are especially interested in deriving an asymptotic approximation to X˜λn(d) at the fundamental frequencies λs. As in Lemma 3.1, the asymptotic behavior of X˜λs,n(d) is sensitive to the value of s in λs=2πsn. In particular, when d12,1, the asymptotic form of X˜λs,n(d) differs, depending on whether s is fixed or whether s as n. In the latter case, n12X˜λs,n(d)=op1, while in the former n12X˜λs,n(d)=Op1. On the other hand, when d=1 n12X˜λs,n(d)=Op1 for all s0. The results are given in the following theorem.

4.3. Theorem

Suppose d12,1. Then

  • (a)

    For fixed λ0 as n,


  • (b)

    For λ=λs=2πsn0 and snα, as n, for some α12,1


  • (c)

    For λ=λs=2πsn and s fixed, as n,

    X˜λsn(d)n= 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrXn,d(r)dr1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1d=Op1,

    where Xn,d(r)=Xnrnd12.

  • (d)

    When d=1, the equation


    holds for λ fixed, or λ=λs=2πsn0 with s or λs=2πsn0 with s fixed.

In parts (a) and (b) of Theorem 4.3 the leading term in the asymptotic approximation of n12X˜λ,n(d) is the same and so, although the error order of magnitude differs, we may write


for both these cases. Further, the leading term of n12X˜λ,n(d) is Op1n1d for fixed λ0, is Op1s1d for λs=2πsn0 and snα, and is Op(1) for λs=2πsn0 with s fixed. Thus, the correction term n12X˜λ,n(d) is nonnegligible in a region around the origin when d12,1. The asymptotic form of n12X˜λ,n(d) in that case (i.e., case (c), with λs=2πsn, and s fixed) is more complicated than the other cases and it involves hypergeometric series. The representation given in case (c) actually includes s=0, for which we have the simpler form


When d=1, the formula given in (d) is exact, as follows directly from (3.9).

Finally, we look at the correction term U˜λnf that appears in (3.12). We concentrate on the interesting case where λ is in the vicinity of the origin and give the result corresponding to part (c) of Theorem 4.3.

4.4. Theorem

Suppose d12,32 and f=1d. Then, for λ=λs=2πsn and s fixed, as n

(4.4)U˜λsn(f)2πn=12π1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis01e2πisrdXn1r01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r+Op1n,

where Xn(r)=n12t=0nrut. When f=0, U˜λsn(0)=0.

4.5. Approximations for wx(λ)

Evaluating (3.8) at λs, we have


We use Lemma 4.2 and Theorem 4.3 to obtain explicit expressions for wxλs in terms of wuλs and a correction term. When d=1, the following exact form comes directly from (3.9)


and holds for all s=1,2,. When d12,1, it is convenient to separate the following three cases:

  • (a)

    Case λsϕ0

Here, from Lemma 4.2 we have


uniformly for λsBϕ=ϕπM,ϕ+πM where M as n. Similarly, from Theorem 4.3,


uniformly for λsBϕ. It follows that


uniformly for λsBϕ.

  • (b)

    Case λs=2πisn0 and s

From Lemma 4.2 (b) when s as n


And from Theorem 4.3 (b) with snα for some α12,1, as n,


It follows that if sn+nαs0 as n, for some α12,1, then


Observe that the first two terms of (4.6) and (4.7) are the same. Although the order of magnitude of the error differs in the two cases, we may write


for both these cases, and (4.8) is valid for all λs=2πsn with nαs0.

  • (c)

    Case λs=2πisn0 and s fixed

From Lemma 4.2 (c) when s is fixed as n, we have

(4.9)Dneiλs;d=1Γ1dnd 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d,

and it follows that

1ndwxλs=1nd1Γ1dnd 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d1×wuλs+12πnX˜λsn(d),


(4.10)wxλsnd=Γ1d 1F11,1d;2πiswuλs+12πnX˜λsn(d)+Op1n.

Further, from Theorem 4.3 (c),

X˜λsn(d)n= 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrXn,d(r)dr1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1d,

so that

(4.11)1ndwxλs=Γ1d 1F11,1d;2πiswuλs+12π01e2πisrXn,d(r)dr2π12 1F11,1d;2πis01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1d.

Unlike (4.6) and (4.8), the term


does not figure directly in (4.11). In fact, as the alternate representation in the next section shows, the term (4.12) is absorbed into the series expression in (4.11), so it is still present and figures in the leading term of the dft wxλs when s is fixed.

  • (c)

    Case λs=2πisn0 and s fixed: alternate form.

Theorem 3.7 gives


with f=1d, Lemma 4.2 (c) gives

Dneiλs;f=1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis+O1n1+f,

and Theorem 4.4 gives

U˜λsn(f)2πn=12π1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis01e2πisrdXn1r01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r+Op1n.



Combining these last three representations in (4.13), we get

wxλs1eiλs=1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis12π01e2πisrdXn1r+Op1n12π1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis01e2πisrdXn1r+12π1Γ1fnf01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1reiλsXn2πn+Op1n=12π1Γ1fnf01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1reiλsXn2πn+Op1n,

leading to

(4.14)1ndwxλs=12π1Γ1fn1eiλs01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r12πeiλsn1eiλsXnnd12+Op1nd12,

which shows how (4.12) continues to play a role in the leading term of wxλs.

4.6. Limit Theory

Under (2.4), partial sums of ut satisfy the functional law


where B is Brownian motion with variance ω2=σ2C(1)2, for example, Phillips and Solo (1992). There is a corresponding functional law for suitably standardized elements of the time series Xt.. Akonom and Gouriéroux (1987) showed such a functional law for n12dXt when the components ut follow a stationary ARMA process and the following simply extends their result to the linear process ut.

4.7. Lemma

For ut satisfying (2.4) and with εt iid 0,σ2 and Eεtp< for p>max1d12,2,,


a fractional Brownian motion where B(s) is Brownian motion with variance ω2.

Like Xt, the fractional Brownian motion Bd1(r) is initialized at the origin, and therefore has nonstationary increments, in contrast to the other fractional process


introduced by Mandelbrot and Van Ness (1968) and studied by Samorodnitsky and Taqqu (2017) in this form. Both processes reduce to Brownian motion for special cases of the parameters, viz., d = 1 for (4.16), and H=12 for (4.17).

These functional laws enable us to get limit representations of the correction term n12X˜λsn(d). The case where s is fixed as n is especially interesting, the other two cases following immediately from (4.16) and the respective expressions (4.6) and (4.7).

4.8. Lemma

For λs=2πisn0 and s fixed


The next result gives formulae for the stochastic Fourier integral 0re2πsiqdB(q) that appears in (4.18) and (when s = 0) for the constituent Brownian motion B in terms of the fractional Brownian motion Bd1.

4.9. Theorem

For fixed integer s

(4.19)0re2πsi(rq)dB(q)=1Γ1d0r 1F11,1d;2πis(rq)rqdBd1(q)dq,

and, in the special case where s=0,


The equality (4.20) is the inverse (integral) transform of the fractional Brownian motion Bd1(r). In effect, the right side of (4.20) is the (1d)’th fractional integral of the d1’th fractional derivative of Brownian motion. Formula (4.19) extends this representation to the case s0. When r=1, (4.19) becomes

01e2πsiqdB(q)=1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πis(1q)1qdBd1(q)dq.

4.10. Theorem

Suppose d12,1. The following limit results apply.

  • (a)

    Let ϕ>0 and suppose λsjBϕ=ϕπ2M,ϕ+π2M for a finite set of distinct integers sj (j=1,,J). When M as n, the family {wx(λsj)}j=1J are asymptotically independently distributed as complex normal Nc0,fxϕ, where fxϕ=1eiϕ2dfuϕ.

  • (b)

    Let {sj}j=1J be distinct integers with 0<l<sj<L for each j and with Ln+nαl0 as n, for some α12,1. The family {(λsj)dwx(λsj)}j=1J are asymptotically independently distributed as Nc0,fu0.

  • (c)

    Let {sj}j=1J be a finite set of distinct positive integers which are fixed as n. Then, for each j


    where Bd1 is the fractional Brownian motion given in (4.16). Joint convergence also applies.

    When d=1, the following limits apply.

  • (d)

    Let ϕ>0 and suppose λsjBϕ=ϕπM,ϕ+πM for a finite set of distinct integers sj (j=1,,J). When M as n, the family {wx(λsj)}j=1J are asymptotically distributed as


    where the {ξj}j=1J are iid Nc0,fuϕ and are independent of


    where B is Brownian motion with variance ω2.

  • (e)

    Let {sj}j=1J be a finite set of distinct positive integers for which sjn0 as n. The family {λsjwx(λsj)}j=1J are asymptotically distributed as


    where ξj and η are as in (4.22) and (4.23).

  • (f)

    When sj is fixed as n, the ξj in (e) have the representation




    which also holds for sj=0.

Parts (a) and (d) show that Hannan (1973) result for the limit theory of dfts of stationary processes extends to fractional processes at frequencies removed from the origin when d12,1 but not when d=1. In the latter case, the leakage from the zero frequency is so substantial that it affects the limit theory of the dft at all frequencies, although the limit distribution is still normal. Moreover, as is apparent from the form of (4.22), the limit variates are spatially correlated across frequency by virtue of the presence of the random component η, through which the leakage is transmitted.

Part (b) shows that, when d12,1, a version of Hannan’s result applies to the scaled transforms sjndwxλsj in a (distant) vicinity of the origin where λsj=2πsjin0 but nαsj0 as n, for some α12,1. However, when d=1, the scaled transforms sjnwxλsj are asymptotically dependent across frequency.

Part (c) shows that in the immediate vicinity of the origin (i.e., for λsj=2πsjin0 with sj fixed), the ndwx(λsj) are asymptotically dependent for d12,1 and each converges weakly to an integral functional of fractional Brownian motion that involves the integer sj. In earlier work, Akonom and Gouriéroux (1987) gave (4.21) in the case of ARMA ut. An alternate expression for (4.21), which relates to (4.14) is

1ndwxλsjd12πΓ1+d01 1F11,1+d;2πisjrrddB1r

and can be obtained from the formula

01e2πisrBd1rdr=1Γ1+d01 1F11,1+d;2πisrrddB1r,

which is proved in Lemma E in the Technical Appendix and Proofs.

The methods in the proof of Theorem 4.10 are used in (Phillips, 2007, Theorem 3.2) to extend existing theory showing the asymptotic independence of a finite collection of dfts of stationary time series (Hannan, 1973) to collections of a small (i.e., with less than sample size) infinity of dfts at Fourier frequencies.

5. Statistical Applications

5.1. Spectrum Estimation for Fractional Processes

The limit theory in Section 4.6 is useful in obtaining the asymptotic behavior of spectral estimates for fractional processes. We give some results for smoothed periodogram estimates for frequencies at the origin and away from the origin. The former are of interest in procedures that are used to estimate the memory parameter d. The latter reveal any leakage from low to high frequencies that occurs in spectrum estimation.

For frequencies away from the origin such as ϕ0, the usual smoothed periodogram estimator of fxϕ is given by


where Bmϕ=ϕπ2M,ϕ+π2M and M is the bandwidth parameter that determines the number of frequencies m=#λsBmϕ=[n/2M] used in the smoothing. At the zero frequency ϕ=0, we consider a one-sided average of m periodogram ordinates at the origin


The following theorem gives the asymptotic behavior of f^xxϕ for these two cases and for d(12,1) and d=1.

5.2. Theorem

  • (a)

    For ϕ0 and 12<d<1

    f^xxϕp fxϕ=fuϕ1eiϕ2d.

  • (b)

    For ϕ0 and d = 1

    f^xxϕd fxϕ+12π1eiϕ2B12.

  • (c)

    For 12<d<1 and m such that mnα with α12d

    mn2df^xx0d 12π01Bd1r2dr.

  • (d)

    For d = 1 and m such that mn

    mn2f^xx0d 12π01Br2dr.

According to part (a), spectral estimates like f^xxϕ at frequencies removed from the origin are consistent for fxϕ=1eiϕ2dfuϕ provided d<1. When d=1, the estimate is inconsistent and converges weakly to a random quantity. In this case, the leakage from low frequency behavior is strong enough to persist in the limit at all frequencies ϕ>0. Part (d) was given in earlier work by Phillips (1991), where it was shown to be useful in analyzing regression in the frequency domain with integrated time series. A new and simpler derivation is given here based on the decomposition (3.9). Part (c) can be expected to be useful in similar regression contexts with fractional processes.

5.3. Semiparametric Estimation of d

We indicate some potential applications of the above theory for the estimation of the memory parameter d in (2.1). This is a large subject which goes beyond the scope of this chapter and for which theoretical development was undertaken after the original version of this chapter was completed in 1999. The main references will be reported in the following discussion. The presentation here focuses on the new ideas that led into these developments and not the technical details.

Concordant with the nonparametric approach, our concern is with the case where little is known about the short memory component ut of (2.1) and its spectrum fu(λ) is treated nonparametrically. In both log periodogram estimation and local Whittle estimation, this is accomplished by working with the dft wxλs of the data Xt over a set of m Fourier frequencies λs=2πsn:s=1,,m that shrink slowly to origin as the sample size n by virtue of a condition on m of the type mn0. It has been suggested that, in view of the asymptotic correlation of the ordinates in the vicinity of the origin (Künsch, 1986), it may be useful to trim this set of frequencies away from the origin and restrict attention to λs=2πsn:s=l,,m where l is a trimming number that satisfies l and mlogml0 (Robinson, 1995b), although it is now known that this trimming is not necessary (Hurvich et al., 1998).

From (4.7) we know that for d12,1 the dft wxλs


when sn+nαs0 as n, for some α12,1. The asymptotic behavior of wxλs is dominated by the first two terms of (5.3), and as d1 the importance of the second term in (5.3), which is Op(nd/s), rivals that of the first term, which is Op(nd/sd). Apparently, therefore, it would seem desirable to correct the dft wxλs for the effects of leakage in semiparametric estimation of d simply by adding the correction term supplied by the known form of the expansion (5.3). For log periodogram regression this amounts to using the quantity


in place of wxλs in the regression. Thus, in place of the usual least squares regression (over s=1,,m)


that is inspired by the form of the moment relation (2.6) in the frequency domain, the argument above suggests the linear least squares regression


in which the periodogram ordinates, Ixλs, are replaced by Ivλs=vxλsvxλs*. We call this procedure modified log periodogram regression. This replacement is inspired by (5.3), which approximates the data generating process of the dft wxλs over the relevant set of frequencies as m in the regression. In place of the “regression model”:


with c=lnfu0 and


as in (2.7), we now have from (5.3)


which leads to the new regression model




This relationship holds for frequencies λs satisfying sn+nαs0 as n, in view of (5.3).

The new regression (5.5) seems likely to be most useful in cases where nonstationarity is suspected. Note, however, that when d<12, the correction term in (5.4) is op(1) when ns0, so that use of (5.5) can also be expected to be satisfactory in the stationary case. When d=1, the correction is exact for all frequencies, as is clear from (3.9). In that case, therefore, (5.6) is an exact regression relation whose error is given by


It is then a relatively straightforward matter to show that the modified log periodogram estimator has the following limit theory


that is the same limit distribution as the log periodogram estimator in the stationary case (Hurvich et al., 1998; Robinson, 1995b). By contrast, the usual log periodogram estimator d^ has a mixed normal limit theory when d=1,, as shown in Phillips (1999b, 2007). The mixed normal limit arises in this case because of the presence of the term (2π)12eiλsn12Xn in (3.9) which is Op(1) and does not vanish as n. Moreover, the usual log periodogram estimator d^ is inconsistent and converges in probability to unity when d(1,2) as shown in Kim and Phillips (2006), which makes use of some of the present methods.

The modified regression (5.5) appears to be even more useful in the nonstationary case when d>1. In that case, the usual estimator d^ is inconsistent, and d^p1,, a fact that can be established using the expansions obtained in Sections 2 and 3, whereas d˜ is consistent and has the same limit distribution as that shown in (5.9). Further analysis of this modified log periodogram estimator, together with an empirical application to the Nelson-Plosser data (Nelson & Plosser, 1982), was given in Kim and Phillips (2003).

The intuition leading to the modified regression (5.5) can also be employed in the case of the local Whittle estimator Künsch (1987) and Robinson (1995a). We will not go into details here. Suffice to remark that we would simply replace Iv(λs;d) in the extremum estimation problem (5.16)–(5.18) given below by Iv(λs), which can be computed from vx(λs) as in (5.4). The resulting estimator is a modified local Whittle estimator, and, like the modified log periodogram regression estimator in (5.5), its asymptotic properties can be expected to be the same for stationary and nonstationary values of the memory parameter, including those for which d>1.

Our theory also suggests some other possibilities. In particular, we may build on the idea noted above that (5.6) gives an exact relationship when d = 1 with error (5.8). Indeed, the decomposition (3.8) implies the following exact relation between the transforms wxλs and wuλs


Define the new transform


which is dependent on the memory parameter d and for which the equation


holds exactly. Extending the ideas that led to (5.6) above, we have the exact periodogram relation


with Ivλs;d=vxλs;dvxλs;d*, and


just as in (5.8). In place of linear least squares regression, it is now possible to apply nonlinear regression directly to the regression model (5.12). Let Ysd=lnIvλs;d, and As=lnDneiλs;d2. Then, nonlinear regression leads to the following extremum estimator

d#=argmin dQmd,



and As¯=m1s=1mAs, Ys(d)¯=m1s=1mYs(d). The advantage of d# is that it is the natural estimator of d that emerges from the exact formulation of the regression model in the frequency domain, that is, (5.12). Its disadvantage is that it is more complicated to compute than the conventional log periodogram regression estimator d^ and the modified estimator d˜, neither of which require numerical methods. Some simplifications in computation can be obtained by using some of the approximations developed in Sections 3 and 4.

Finally, we remark that the exact relationship (5.11) can be used to obtain an exact form of local Whittle estimator under Gaussian assumptions about ut. The local Whittle likelihood suggested by Künsch (1987) and studied by Robinson (1995a) has the form


and is minimized jointly with respect to the parameters (G,d), where G0=fu(0) is the true value of G. The (negative) Whittle likelihood (e.g., Hannan & Deistler, 2012, pp. 224–225) based on frequencies up to λm and up to scale multiplication is


The objective function (5.13) is derived from (5.14) by using the approximate relationship




to transform (5.14) to be data dependent, in conjunction with the local approximation fuλsG0. We may now proceed to transform (5.14) using the exact relationship between wuλs and wxλs that is given by (5.11) and (5.10). We get


and this leads directly to the following “exact” version of the local Whittle likelihood


The new estimates are obtained from the joint minimization

G**,d**=argmin d,GLmG,d.

Concentrating out G, we find that d** satisfies

(5.16)d**=argmin dRmd,





The estimator d** would seem to offer an attractive semiparametric procedure because it is based on likelihood principles and involves the exact data generating mechanism for the dft. This procedure is more computationally intensive than the usual Whittle estimator but no impediment to practical use. A full analytic investigation of the exact local Whittle estimator was conducted and reported in Shimotsu and Phillips (2005) showing that the same asymptotic properties of the local Whittle estimator apply to the exact local Whittle estimator over a full range of stationary and nonstationary values of the memory parameter d. This approach enables consistent estimation of d and the construction of valid confidence intervals for d for both stationary and nonstationary long memory time series. The procedure has proved popular in empirical research. Further work on nonstationarity-extended Whittle estimation has been done by Abadir et al. (2007) and Shao (2010).

5.4. Final Remarks

Fractional processes conveniently embody in a single memory parameter d an index that measures the extent of long range dependence in an observed time series. When a nonparametric formulation is employed for the innovations that drive the observed process, a great deal of model generality is achieved. Integer values of d include integrated processes and the special value d=12 provides a simple boundary between stationary and nonstationary cases. This flexibility has enabled a fundamental extension of the simple ARIMA models popularized in the 1970s wherein variate differencing became a common method of dealing with nonstationarity. The flexibility of long memory also enriched the concept of cointegration by allowing for fractional possibilities in long run equilibrium errors, thereby narrowing the differential (between variables and errors) that distinguishes a cointegrating relationship among observable integrated time series. In view of this generality, semiparametric methods and frequency domain methods such as those used in the present work have been found to be very useful in estimation, inference, and asymptotic analysis of long memory systems.

In spite of the generality that long range dependence brings to empirical analysis, it is worth remembering that some important cases are not included in its orbit. Explosive and mildly explosive time series are prime examples that have particular relevance in economics and finance where exuberance and speculation are not uncommon in real estate and financial asset markets. A simple autoregressive time series with an explosive root is not rendered stationary by differencing or fractional differencing, just as differentiating an exponential function produces a derivative that simply reproduces the exponential. Parameterizations of nonstationarity using simple autoregressive coefficients and the tests that are so enabled by such formulations therefore offer possibilities that are not encompassed in the notion of long range dependence. While autoregressions and long memory systems provide a dual parametric source of unit root dynamics, these parameterizations deliver alternative departures from unit roots that help enrich our capacity to model different types of nonstationary time series behavior and evolution.

6. Technical Appendix and Proofs

6.1. Preliminary Results

We provide some technical lemmas that are useful throughout this chapter. Lemmas A and B provide results on binomial coefficients and hypergeometric functions that are either standard (e.g., Erdélyi, 1953) or follow from standard results. We give them here to facilitate our own derivations and to make this chapter more accessible. Lemmas C and D provide some more specific results on sinusoidal polynomials and hypergeometric functions of sinusoids that are immediately relevant to formulae in this chapter. Lemma E gives a useful inverse transform of fractional Brownian motion, an inverse transform for a hypergeometric series of fractional Brownian motion and some useful relationships between certain integral functionals of fractional Brownian motion and Brownian motion. Lemma F provides a new asymptotic expansion for hypergeometric series that allows for increasing coefficients as well as an argument that tends to unity. The expansion should be useful in other work with hypergeometric series.

6.1.1. Lemma A

  • (a)


  • (b)

    p+aj=j+apajap, aj+k=(a)j(a+j)k.

  • (c)


  • (d)



Part (a) is immediate from the definition


The second formula in Part (b) is immediate from the definition of the forward factorial. The first formula in Part (b) follows from


For part (c), we write the sum as a terminating hypergeometric function, and use Lemma B (a) and (c) to obtain

k=0ndkk!=dnn! 2F1n,1;dn+1;1=dnn!ΓdΓdn+1Γd+1Γdn=Γd+nΓdn!dnd=Γd+n+1Γd+1n!=1dnn!,

for d0,1,2,.., while for d=0,1,.. the sum k=0ndkk! simply terminates at k=d.

Part (d) is a standard result that follows from the Stirling approximation, for example, Erdélyi (1953, p. 47).

6.1.2. Lemma B

In the following formulae,  2F1(a,b,c;z)=k=0akbkk!ckzk is the hypergeometric function.

  • (a)

    k=0ndkk!zk=dnn!zn 2F1n,1;dn+1;z11d0,1,..+k=0ddkzkk!1(d=0,1,..)

  • (b)

    t=m+1dtt!zt=zm+1dm+1m+1! 2F1m+1d,1;m+2;z.

  • (c)

     2F1(a,b,c;1)=ΓcΓcab/ΓcaΓcb for Recab>0 and c0,1,2,…..

  • (d)

    If |z|<1 and |z/(z1)|<1

    (6.1) 2F1(a,b;c;z)=(1z)a 2F1(a,cb;c;z/(z1)),

    the right hand side giving an analytic continuation of the hypergeometric function to the half-plane Re(z)<12.

  • (e)

    k=0ndkeiλkk!=1dneiλnn! 2F1(n,1;1d;1eiλ)1d0,1,..+k=0ddkeiλkk!1(d=0,1,..)

  • (f)

    If Re(c)>Re(b)>0

    (6.2) 2F1(a,b;c;z)=ΓcΓbΓcb01tb11tcb11tzadt,

    which gives an analytic continuation of  2F1(a,b;c;z) to the entire z plane cut along 1,, that is, to all z for which arg(1z)<π.


Part (a) is given in Erdélyi (1953, pp. 87 and 101) in terms of binomial coefficients. Using the form given there and Lemma A (a), we have for d0,1,

k=0ndkk!zk=k=0ndkzk=dnzn 2F1n,1;dn+1;z1=dnn!zn 2F1n,1;dn+1;z1.

When d=0,1,.. the sum simply terminates at k = d and the stated result follows.

For part (b) we have

(6.3)k=m+1dkk!xk=xm+1k=0dm+1+km+1+k!xk=xm+1k=0Γm+1+kdΓdΓm+2+kxk=xm+1k=0m+1dkm+2kΓm+1dΓdΓm+2xk=xm+1Γm+1dΓdΓm+2k=0m+1dkm+2kk!xk=xm+1Γm+1dΓdΓm+2 2F1m+1d,1;m+2;x=xm+1dm+1m+1! 2F1m+1d,1;m+2;x.

The hypergeometric function  2F1(a,b,c;z)=k=0akbkk!ckzk is absolutely convergent for all z1 when Rea+bc<0 (Erdélyi, 1953, p. 57). Hence, the series in (6.3) converges absolutely for all z1 when d>0.

Part (c) is a well-known summation formula (Erdélyi, 1953, p. 61). Part (d) is Euler’s formula (Erdélyi, 1953, pp. 64 & 105). The series for  2F1(a,b,c;z) converges absolutely for all |z|<1 and converges absolutely for |z|=1 when Recab>0 Erdélyi, 1953, p. 57). The series for  2F1(a,cb;c;z/(z1)) converges for |z/(z1)|<1. Since the latter inequality holds for all z for which  Re(z)<12, it follows that the right side of (6.1) gives the analytic continuation of  2F1(a,b;c;z) to the half-plane Re(z)<12 (Erdélyi, 1953, p. 64).

Part (e) is obtained by direct calculation. Using (a), we proceed as follows for the case d0,1,:

(6.4)(6.5)k=0ndkeiλkk!=dnn!eiλn 2F1n,1;dn+1;eiλ=dneiλnn!j=0nnj1j1+eiλ1jj!dn+1j=dneiλnn!j=0nnjdn+1jq=0jjqeiλ1q=dneiλnn!j=0nnjdn+1jq=0jj!jq!q!eiλ1q=dneiλnn!q=0n1q!eiλ1qj=qnnjj!dn+1jjq!=dneiλnn!q=0n1q!eiλ1qs=0nqns+qs+q!dn+1s+qs!

Since nq+s=nqn+qs, and dn+1s+q=dn+1qdn+1+qs from Lemma A (b), (6.5) becomes

(6.6)dneiλnn!q=0nnqdn+1qeiλ1qs=0nqqnsq+1sdn+1+qss!=dneiλnn!q=0nnqdn+1qeiλ1q 2F1qn,q+1;qn+d+1;1.

In this expression, the  2F1 series terminates, so Lemma B (c) holds and (6.6) sums to

dneiλnn!q=0nnqdn+1qeiλ1qΓqn+d+1ΓdqΓd+1Γdn=dneiλnn!q=0nnq1qq!eiλ1qΓdn+1ΓdqΓd+1Γn+d=dnddneiλnn!q=0nnq1qq!eiλ1qΓdqΓd=1dneiλnn!q=0nnq1qq!eiλ1q1d1d2(dq)=1dneiλnn!q=0nnq1qq!eiλ1q1q1dq=1dneiλnn! 2F1(n,1,1d;1eiλ),

giving the stated result for the case d0,1,. The result for d=0,1,.. follows immediately because the series terminates at k=d. An alternative and more direct proof of the result makes use in (6.4) of the fact that

(6.7) 2F1n,1;dn+1;eiλ=(dn)n(dn+1)n 2F1n,1;1d;1eiλ

employing the linear transformation formula  2F1m,b;c;z=(cb)m(c)m 2F1m,b;bcm;1z for terminating hypergeometric series – see Olver et al. (2010, Formula 15.8.7, p. 390).

Part (f) is a standard result (Erdélyi, 1953, p. 59).

6.1.3. Lemma C

Assume d0,1,... Then:

  • (a)

    For fixed λ0 as n


  • (b)

    For λs=2πsn0 and s as n


  • (c)

    For λs=2πsn0 and s fixed as n



Using Lemma B (b), Lemma A (d), and Lemma F (b), given below, we get

(6.8)k=n+1dkk!eiλk=eiλn+1Γn+1dΓdΓn+2 2F1n+1d,1;n+2,eiλ=eiλ(n+1)1Γdn1+d1+O1n11eiλ1+O1n=O1n1+d,

giving part (a). For λ=λs=2πsn0 and s as n we have, using Lemma F (a),

(6.9)eiλsn+1Γn+1dΓdΓn+2 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλs=eiλsΓdn1+d1+O1n 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλs=eiλsΓdn1+d11eiλsj=0k11+dj1jj!12πis1+Osnj+O12πis1+Osnk1+O1n=1Γdn1+deiλs1eiλs1+O1s+O1n=1Γdn1+deiλs1eiλs1+O1s+O1n1+d=1Γdnd1+Osn2πsi1+O1s+O1n1+d=12πi1Γdnds1+O1s+O1n1+d,

giving part (b). Finally, for s fixed as n, we have


giving part (c).

6.1.4. Lemma D

Assume d1,2,, let r0,1 and let λs=2πsn0 with s fixed as n. Then:

(6.10) 2F1(nr,1,1d;1eiλs)= 1F11,1d;2πisr+On1,
(6.11) 2F1(nr,1,1d;eiλs1)= 1F11,1d;2πisr+On1,

and for nonnegative integer pn

(6.12) 2F1(p,1,1d;1eiλs)= 1F11,1d;2πispn+Op1.


The same argument gives both results (6.10) and (6.11). We prove (6.10).

(6.13) 2F1(nr,1,1d;1eiλs)=j=0nrnrj1dj2πisn+On2j=j=0nr1jnrjnrj1djj!2πisr+On1j=j=01j1djj!2πisrj+On1j=nr+11j1djj!2πisrj= 1F11,1d;2πisr+On1,



for all δ>0 and all finite x. Line (6.13) above follows because, for 1jnr,



(6.14)1nj=0nr1jj21djj!2πisrj=O1nj=0nr3j1djj!2πisrj=O1n 1F13,1d,2πisr=O1n,

since the  1F1 function is everywhere convergent.

Next, for (6.12) we have

(6.15) 2F1p,1,1d;1eiλs=j=0ppj1dj2πisn+On2j=1+p1d2πisn+On2+pp+11d22πisn+On22++pp1dp2πisn+On2p=1+11d2πisr+On1+11+Op11d22πispn+On12++1+Op1p1dp2πispn+On1p=j=0p1j1+Ojpj1djj!2πispn+On1j=j=01j1djj!2πispnj+Op1++On1j=p+11j1djj!2πispnj= 1F11,1d;2πispn+On1+Op1,

giving (6.12). Again, line (6.15) above follows because


6.1.5. Lemma E

  • (a)

    For j=1,2,


    and for j=0,1,2,


  • (b)

    Γ1d10r 1F11,1d;2πisrqrqdBd1qdq=q=0re2πisrqdBq.

  • (c)

    1Γ1+d01 1F11,1+d;2πisrrddB1r=1Γ1f2πsi01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdB1r+12πsiBd11.

  • (d)

    1Γ1+d01 1F11,1+d;2πisrrddB1r=01e2πisrBd1rdr.

In the above formulae, B is Brownian motion with variance ω2 and Bd1(r)=1Γd0rrsd1dB(s) is a fractional Brownian motion initialized at the origin, as in Lemma 3.4.


To prove part (a) we use an operator approach with D=ddx and allow for fractional powers of D with a Weyl integral interpretation (see Lovoie et al., 1976; Phillips et al., 1986a) for the approach used here). The operator eqD is treated at the translation operator, so that eqDf(x)=f(x+q). Setting Bd1s=0 for all s0 we have


giving the first of the stated results and, consequently,


To obtain the second form of the result we use integration by parts to give


Combining (6.16) and (6.17), we have


which holds also when j=0 giving the inverse relation


(see Theorem 4.9). An alternate weak convergence proof of (6.18) is given in the proof of Theorem 4.9 below and, from this result, (6.17) can alternatively be obtained by subsequent integration.

To prove part (b) we proceed as follows:

1Γ1d0r 1F11,1d;2πisrqrqdBd1qdq=1Γ1dj=01j1j1djj!0r2πisrqjrqdBd1qdq=1Γ1dj=02πisj1dj0rrqjdBd1qdq=j=02πisj1dj1djΓjq=0rrqj1Bqdq=j=02πisjΓjq=0rrqj1Bqdq=j=02πisjj!q=0rrqjdBq=q=0re2πisrqdBq,

using (6.17) in the penultimate line. This proves part (b).

To prove part (c), we expand the  1F1 function on the right side of the formula and use


to get

1Γ1f2πsi01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdB1r+12πsiBd11=1Γ1f2πsij=01j2πsijj!1fj01rjfdB1r12πsi1Γ1f01rfdB(1r)=1Γ1f2πsij=11j2πsijj!1fj01rjfdB1r=j=12πsij1Γj+1f01rjfdB1r=k=02πsikΓk+1+d01rk+ddB1r=1Γ1+dk=01k2πsikk!1+dk01rk+ddB1r=1Γ1+d01 1F11,1+d;2πisrrddB1r,

giving the stated result.

To prove part (d) we use the exponential expansion for e2πisr in the integral on the right side, giving


From part (a) we have


and setting k=jd and r = 1 gives the formula




Using (6.20) in (6.19) we get

01e2πisrBd1rdr=j=02πsijj!01rjBd11rdr=j=02πsijj!Γj+1Γj+d+101qj+ddB(1q)=j=02πsijj!1jΓj+d+101qj+ddB(1q)=1Γd+101j=02πsiqjj!1j1+djqddB(1q)=1Γd+101 1F11,1+d;2πisqqddB(1q),

giving the stated result.

6.1.6. Lemma F

Let α and β be constants for which Re(β),Re(βα)>0. The following asymptotic expansions to some given order k hold

  • (a)

    Let λs=2πsn. If sn0 as n and s, then


  • (b)

    Let λ0 be fixed as n. Then


  • (c)

    Let λs=2πsn. If sn+nsp0 as n,s,p, then



Since Re(βα)>0 the series for  2F1α,nβ;n;eiλs converges absolutely for all λs. Using (6.1) from Lemma B (d), we write

(6.21) 2F1α,nβ;n;eiλs=(1eiλs)α 2F1α,β;n;eiλseiλs1,

where the right side has a convergent series representation for suitable λs, viz., when |eiλs/(eiλs1)|<1, or cos(λs)<12. Although the domain of convergence of the series on the right side series is restricted, the right hand side has a valid asymptotic expansion for large n that applies to all λs as we shall now show.

First observe that as n,s with sn0, the complex quantity


lies inside the plane cut along 1,, that is, |arg(1Zns)|<π. Hence, we may use the analytic continuation of the right hand side of (6.21) based on the following integral representation (Erdélyi, 1953, p. 59; Lemma B(f)):

(6.23) 2F1β,α;n;Zns=ΓnΓαΓnα01tα11tnα11tZnsβdt.

An asymptotic series that is valid even for |Zns|>1 for large n may now be obtained using a method due to MacRobert (see Erdélyi, 1953, p. 76) as follows. Expand the last binomial factor in (6.23) in MacLaurin’s expansion up to k terms with remainder as


Now scale this expansion by ΓnΓαΓnαtα11tnα1 and integrate term by term, using the formula


This leads to

(6.24) 2F1β,α;n;Zns=j=0k1(α)j(β)j(n)jj!Znsj+Rkn=j=0k1(α)j(β)j(n)jj!n2πis1+Osnj+Rkn=j=0k1(α)j(β)jj!12πis1+Osn1+On1j+Rkn=j=0k1(α)j(β)jj!12πis1+Osnj+Rkn,



since the beta function factors as follows


In view of (6.22) there exists a constant c > 0 for which  Im(Zns)c. Then, for any given β and k, there exists an M, independent of n and s, such that




so that Rkn has the same order of magnitude as the first neglected term in the expansion (6.24). Thus, (6.24) is a valid asymptotic expansion of the form


giving the required result for part (a). Part (b) follows in an identical manner using


in place of Zns.

To prove part (c) we proceed as in the proof of part (a), setting Zns=eiλseiλs1 as in (6.22). Then


since psn. The remainder is


As in the case of Rkn, we have


again since psn. Thus, Rknp has the same order as the first neglected term in the series and we get the asymptotic expansion


which leads to the stated result.

6.2. Proofs of Main Lemmas and Theorems

6.2.1. Proof of Lemma 3.1

See Phillips and Solo (1992, formula (32)).

6.2.2. Proof of Theorem 3.2

From (3.2) we have the following alternate form for the model (2.1) for all tn


Observe that


where X˜λt(d)=D˜nλeiλL;dXt=p=0n1d˜λpeipλXtp. Since the right side of (6.26) is a telescoping Fourier sum, taking dfts of (6.26) leaves us with 12πnX˜λ0(d)einλX˜λn(d). It follows that when we take dfts of expression (6.25) we have


giving the required formula (3.3).

6.2.3. Proof of Theorem 3.7

Equation (3.11) follows immediately from the definition 1LXt=zt and (3.9). Equation (3.12) follows by applying (3.8) to zt=1L1dut.

6.2.4. Proof of Lemma 4.2

Using the hypergeometric series representation from Lemma B (b), and the asymptotic expansion in Lemma A (d), we have for d > 0

(6.28)Dneiλ;d=k=0ndkk!eikλ=k=0k=n+1dkk!eikλ=1eiλdei(n+1)λΓn+1dΓdn+1! 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλ=1eiλdei(n+1)λΓdn1+d1+O1n 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλ,

giving (4.1). Formula (4.2) follows immediately from Lemma B (d), noting that |eiλ/(eiλ1)|<1 when 2cos(λ)<1.

Next, using Lemma F (b), we have for fixed λ0,

(6.29) 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλ=(1eiλ)11+O1n.

It follows from (6.28) and (6.29) that as n and for fixed λ0


giving part (a).

When λs=2πisn0 as n and s,, we proceed as follows. Using Lemma F (a) in the hypergeometric factor in the second term of (6.28), we have

(6.30) 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλs=11eiλsj=0k11+dj1jj!12πis1+Osnj+O12πis1+Osnk.

Then, as in the argument leading to (6.9), the second term of (6.28) admits the following valid asymptotic expansion for λ=λs0 as n and s:

(6.31)eiλsΓdn1+d1+O1n 2F1n+1d,1;n+2;eiλs=12πi1Γdnds1+O1s+O1n1+d,

and so from (6.28) and (6.31) we get


giving part (b). The result can also be shown directly by noting from Lemma C (b) that


For part (c), we start by using the following summation formula from Lemma B (e)

k=0ndkeiλskk!=1dneiλsnn! 2F1(n,1,1d;1eiλs).

Since s is fixed, we have from Lemma D (6.12) with p = n

 2F1(n,1,1d;1eiλs)= 1F11,1d;2πis+On1.

It follows that

(6.32)k=0ndkeiλskk!=1dneiλsnn! 1F11,1d;2πis+On1=1dnn! 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d,

and, then, for fixed s as n, we have

(6.33)Dneiλs;d=k=0ndkeiλskk!=1Γ1dnd 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d,

as required for part (c).

Part (d) follows as a special case of formula (6.33) with s=0. We also get the result directly from Lemma A (c), viz.,


It follows that Dn1;d differs from zero by a term of Ond.

6.2.5. Proof of Theorem 4.3

Parts (a) and (b). We write X˜λn(d) as the sum of two components, the first involving L + 1 components, with 1<L<n and where the choice of L will be discussed below. We have:




Next, look at the sinusoidal sum k=p+1ndkk!eikλ that appears in (6.34). We use the truncated binomial series formula from Lemma B (b) in this sum, giving

(6.35)k=p+1ndkk!eiλk=k=p+1dkk!eiλkk=n+1dkk!eiλk=eiλp+1dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλeiλn+1dn+1n+1! 2F1n+1d,1;n+2,eiλ.

For large n and fixed λ0, we have, using Lemma C (a),


while for λ=λs=2πisn0 and s as n we have from Lemma C (b)


So, neglecting the second term of (6.35) in view of (6.37), we get

(6.38)t=p+1ndtt!eiλst=eiλsp+1Γp+1dΓdp+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs+O1nds

for all s, as n. Finally, for s fixed as n, we have from Lemma C (c)


so that (6.38) also holds with s fixed.

Using (6.38), we deduce that

(6.39)1n1dp=0Lk=p+1ndkk!eikλseipλs=eiλs1n1dp=0Ldp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs+OLns=eiλs1n1dp=0dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλseiλs1n1dp=L+1dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs+OLns.


(6.40)p=0dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλ=p=0dp+1p+1!k=01+pdk1kk!p+2keiλk=k=0p=0dp+1p+1!1+pdkp+2keiλk=k=0p=0dp+1p+1!1d+kp2p1dpk+2p1dk2keiλk=k=0p=0dp+1p+1!1d+kp2p1dpk+2p1dk2keiλk.

Next, since 2p=(p+1)! and


we have

(6.41)p=0dp+1p+1!1d+kp2p1dpk+2p=dp=01d+kpk+2p=dp=01d+kp1pk+2pp!=d 2F1k+1d,1;k+2;1=dΓk+2ΓdΓk+1Γ1+d=k+1,

where the explicit representation in the last line follows by the summation formula of Lemma B (c). Using (6.41) in (6.40) we get



(6.43)p=0dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs=k=0p=0dp+1p+1!1d+kp2p1dpk+2p1dk2keiλsk=11eiλs1d.

Next, using Lemma F (c) we find that for sn+nLs0 (which holds under the conditions on s and L that are given below),

(6.44)p=L+1dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs=Op=L+1dp+1p+1!11eiλs1+Onsp=O11eiλsp=L+11p1+d1+Op11+Onsp=O1Ld11eiλs.

It follows from (6.39), (6.43), and (6.44) that

(6.45)1n1dp=0Lk=p+1ndkk!eikλeipλs=1n1deiλs1eiλs1d+OLns+1n1dp=L+1dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs=1n1deiλs1eiλs1d+OLns+OndLd1s.

The first term in (6.45) is O1s1d and dominates the second term. The first term also dominates the third term when nLs0, which will be the case when snα, as n, for some α0,1 and L=n1α and when d<1. (Note that for s fixed the last term of (6.45) does matter, and this distinguishes the s fixed case, which will be considered below in the proof of part (c).) Hence, when n, λs0, and snα (with L chosen as L=n1α), we have


Line (6.46) above is justified by a separate argument, which we now develop. We use the fact, from Lemma 4.7, that n12dXnp=Op(1) and pL=n1α. We proceed as follows. Select K=n1η with 0<η<α (we will place a further condition on η below). Then, LK+Kn0 and we may write (for large n)


Observe that for any δ>0, k=11k1+δunk converges almost surely since k=11k1+δE|unk|<. Then,


and so


It follows that


uniformly for pL. For K=n1η and with η satisfying


and choosing δ such that 0<δ<α12, we have


uniformly for pL.

Using (6.49), we find that (6.48) can be written as


uniformly for pL=n1α with α>12, thereby establishing (6.46).

When n with fixed λ0, we have, in view of the use of (6.36) rather than (6.37) in the above arguments, the same expression but with an opn(1d) error. Specifically,


In both cases the dominant approximation is given by the first term and we can write


It remains to show that we may neglect the second term of (6.34). Using Lemma C (b), Lemma 4.7, (6.38), and Lemma F (c), we have, when n, λs0, snα, and L=n1α

(6.51)1n1dp=L+1n1k=p+1ndkk!eikλseipλsXnpnd12=1n1dp=L+1n1eiλs(p+1)dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλs+O1ndseipλsXnpnd12=eiλsn1dp=L+1n1dp+1p+1! 2F11+pd,1;p+2,eiλsXnpnd12+Op1s=Oeiλs1eiλs1n1dp=L+1n1dp+1p+1!1+OnspXnpnd12+Op1s=OpndLds+Op1s,

which is op1s1d since nLs0.

For the case of fixed λ0 and with L=n1α we get


In both cases (6.51) and (6.52), the order is smaller than the leading term of (6.47) and (6.50), respectively. Hence, for both fixed λ0 and λs0 and snα as n, we have


giving the required results.

Part (c). Our interest is in


From Lemma B (e) we have

(6.53)k=0mdkeiλskk!=1dmeiλsmm! 2F1(m,1,1d;1eiλs).

Since s is fixed, 1eiλs=2πisn+On2 and using Lemma D and (6.53) we get

(6.54)k=0ndkeiλskk!=1dnn! 1F11,1d;2πis+O1n1+d.

Using (6.53) with m = p and Lemma D again we obtain

(6.55)k=0pdkeiλskk!=1dpeiλspp! 2F1(p,1,1d;1eiλs)=1dpeiλspp! 1F11,1d;2πispn+O1p1+d.

Now n12dXnp=Op1, uniformly in pn, so that


Using (6.54) and (6.55) and noting that p=0np1d=O1, we have

1n1dp=0nk=p+1ndkk!eikλseipλsXnpnd12=1n1dp=0n1dn 1F11,1d;2πisn!1dpeiλsp 1F11,1d;2πispnp!eipλsXnpnd12+Op1n1d.

Next observe that, since s is fixed as n,



1n1dp=0n1dp 1F11,1d;2πispnp!Xnpnd12=1Γ1d1n1dp=1n 1F11,1d;2πispnpdXnpnd12+Op1n1d=1Γ1d1np=1n 1F11,1d;2πispnpndXnpnd12+Op1n1d=1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d1rdr+Op1n1d.

We deduce that

1n1dp=0nk=p+1ndkk!eikλseipλsXnpnd12=1n1dp=0n1dn 1F11,1d;2πisn!1dpeiλsp 1F11,1d;2πisrp!eipλsXnpnd12+Op1n1d=1Γ1d01e2πisr1F11,1d;2πisXn,d(1r)dr01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1d= 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrXn,d(r)dr1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1d,

giving the stated result.

Part (d). When d = 1 the series expression for n12X˜λn(d) terminates because dk=0 for all k>1, so that only the term involving p = 0 is retained. We then have


which holds for all λ.

6.2.6. Proof of Theorem 4.4

By definition, zt=1L1dut=1Lfut , and from Theorem 3.7 we have



U˜λnf=D˜nλeiλL;fun=p=0n1f˜λpeipλunp,and f˜λp=k=p+1nfkk!eikλ.

Now, as in Lemma B (e), we have

U˜λsn(f)2πn=12πnp=0n1f˜λspeipλsunp=12πp=0n1k=p+1nfkk!eikλseipλsunpn=12πp=0n1fneiλsnn! 2F1n,1,1f;1eiλs1fpeiλspp! 2F1(p,1,1f;1eiλs)eipλsunpn.

As in the proof of Theorem 4.3 and using the fact that p=1np1funp=Op1 as n, we proceed as follows

U˜λsn(f)2πn=12πp=0n1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!1fpeiλsp 1F11,1f;2πispnp!+O1p1+feipλsunpn=12πp=0n1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!1fpeiλsp 1F11,1f;2πispnp!eipλsunpn+Op1n=12π1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!p=0neipλsunpn12πp=0n1fp 1F11,1f;2πispnp!unpn+Op1n=12π1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!01e2πisrdXn1r12π1Γ1fp=0n1pf1+O1p 1F11,1f;2πispnunpn+Op1n=12π1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!01e2πisrdXn1r12π1Γ1fnfp=0n1pnf 1F11,1f;2πispnunpn+Op1n=12π1fn 1F11,1f;2πisn!01e2πisrdXn1r12π1Γ1fnf01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r+Op1n=12π1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis01e2πisrdXn1r01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r+Op1n.

So we have

U˜λsn(f)2πn=12π1Γ1fnf 1F11,1f;2πis01e2πisrdXn1r01rf 1F11,1f;2πisrdXn1r+Op1n,

as required. Note that when f=0, we get

 1F11,1;2πis=e2πsi=1, 1F11,1;2πisr=e2πisr,

and U˜λsn(0)=0.

6.2.7. Proof of Lemma 4.7

Akonom and Gouriéroux (1987) prove the result when ut follows a stationary and invertible ARMA process. Using the device in Phillips and Solo (1992), we write


where ε˜t=C˜Lεt=j=0c˜jεtj and c˜j=k=j+1ck. Under (2.4), ε˜t is stationary with mean zero and finite variance σ2j=0c˜j2. Then


Now for 12<d1, ξt=1L1dε˜t is stationary with mean zero and finite variance, so that n12dξnrp0.. On the other hand, Xtε=1Ldεt is a fractional process constructed from iid0,σ2 innovations with E|εt|p<, and so from Akonom and Gouriéroux (1987)


It follows that


as stated.

6.2.8. Proof of Lemma 4.8

By Theorem 4.3 (c), Lemma 4.7 and the continuous mapping theorem we have

(6.56)X˜λn(d)n= 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrXn,d(r)dr1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdXn,d(1r)dr+Op1n1dd 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrBd1(1r)dr1Γ1d01 1F11,1d;2πisrrdBd1(1r)dr.

In the above, we can replace Xn,d(r) by a continuous polygonal version up to an op(1) error uniformly over r[0,1]. The continuous mapping theorem then applies since the mapping f01 rdf(1r)dr is continuous when d < 1 for all continuous functions f, and since the confluent hypergeometric function  1F1a,c;x is an entire function of x.

Now observe from Lemma E that

Γ1d101 1F11,1d;2πis1q1qdBd1qdq=q=01e2πis1qdBq.

It follows that (6.56) is

(6.57) 1F11,1d;2πisΓ1d01e2πisrB