Editorial Board
Mediations of Social Life in the 21st Century
ISBN: 978-1-78441-223-4, eISBN: 978-1-78441-222-7
ISSN: 0278-1204
Publication date: 31 October 2014
(2014), "Editorial Board", Mediations of Social Life in the 21st Century (Current Perspectives in Social Theory, Vol. 32), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. ix-x. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0278-120420140000032017
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Harry F. Dahms
University of Tennessee (Sociology)
Joel Crombez
Nicholas Hauman Rhiannon Leebick Steven Panageotou
Robert J. Antonio
University of Kansas (Sociology)
Lawrence Hazelrigg
Florida State University (Sociology)
Timothy Luke
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Political Science)
Ben Agger
University of Texas – Arlington (Sociology and Anthropology)
Sarah Amsler
University of Lincoln (Educational Research and Development)
Kevin B. Anderson
University of California, Santa Barbara (Sociology)
Stanley Aronowitz
City University of New York – Graduate Center (Sociology)
Molefi Kete Asante
Temple University (African-American Studies)
David Ashley
University of Wyoming (Sociology)
John Bradford
Mississippi Valley State University (Sociology)
Robin Celikates
University of Amsterdam (Philosophy)
Norman K. Denzin
University of Illinois at Urbana – Champaign (Sociology)
Arnold Farr
University of Kentucky (Philosophy)
Nancy Fraser
New School for Social Research (Political Science)
Martha Gimenez
University of Colorado – Boulder (Sociology)
Robert Goldman
Lewis and Clark College (Sociology and Anthropology)
Mark Gottdiener
State University of New York at Buffalo (Sociology)
Douglas Kellner
University of California – Los Angeles (Philosophy)
Lauren Langman
Loyola University (Sociology)
Eric R. Lybeck
Cambridge University (Sociology)
John O’Neill
York University (Sociology)
Paul Paolucci
Eastern Kentucky University (Sociology)
Moishe Postone
University of Chicago (History)
Lawrence Scaff
Wayne State University (Political Science)
Steven Seidman
State University of New York at Albany (Sociology)
Helmut Staubmann
Leopold Franzens University, Innsbruck (Sociology)
Alexander Stoner
Salisbury University (Sociology)
Stephen Turner
The University of South Florida (Philosophy)
Christine Williams
The University of Texas at Austin (Sociology)
- Mediations of Social Life in the 21st Century
- Current Perspectives in Social Theory
- Mediations of Social Life in the 21St Century
- Copyright Page
- List of Contributors
- Editorial Board
- Introduction
- Experience, Problems of Scale, and the Aesthetics of Perception
- Digital Fairground – The Virtualization of Health, Illness, and the Experience of “Becoming a Patient” as a Problem of Political Ontology and Social Justice
- Social Conservatism, Distractors, and Authoritarianism: Axiological Versus Instrumental Rationality
- Sociological Deconstruction and Reconstruction: Mediation of Opposites by Interpenetration
- The Base-Superstructure Hypothesis and the Foundations of Critical Theory
- Bringing the Critical Back in: Toward the Resurrection of the Frankfurt School
- Action and Reaction: Response to Bradford
- Explaining Social Action Revisited: A Reply to John Levi Martin