Did you miss the IMI Europe 11th Annual Ink Jet Printing Conference or the 1st European UV Ink Jet Printing Conference?

Pigment & Resin Technology

ISSN: 0369-9420

Article publication date: 1 June 2004




(2004), "Did you miss the IMI Europe 11th Annual Ink Jet Printing Conference or the 1st European UV Ink Jet Printing Conference?", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 33 No. 3. https://doi.org/10.1108/prt.2004.12933cac.003



Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Did you miss the IMI Europe 11th Annual Ink Jet Printing Conference or the 1st European UV Ink Jet Printing Conference?

Did you miss the IMI Europe 11th Annual Ink Jet Printing Conference or the 1st European UV Ink Jet Printing Conference?

Keywords: Conferences, Printing industry, Europe

You missed two great events and a lot of new information, so why not order the proceedings? These include full copies of all presentations, plus a CD with colour presentations. For full details and online ordering please visit Web site: www.  imieurope.com

IMI Europe 11th annual Ink Jet Conference, Lisbon, November 2003

This year the conference was packed with the latest information and developments in the industry. There were presentations from drop-on-demand printhead suppliers Konica-Minolta, Hitachi, SII Printek, Spectra and Xaar. In addition, Kodak disclosed details of their new continuous ink jet technology and Epson, Xennia and iTi discussed electronic printing applications. Also included were presentations from Web Consulting and IT Strategies with market news and updates.

Proceedings Eur. 350, US $425, GBP 250.

First European UV Ink Jet Printing Conference, Lisbon, November 2003

The 1st IMI UV Ink Jet Conference to be held in Europe attracted a large crowd to Lisbon. The event provided a comprehensive overview of the basic capabilities of UV technology for ink jet printing applications. Not surprisingly the focus was primarily on UV ink jet flatbed printers with major industry players including Sericol, Avecia, Integration Technology, Sartomer & Inca Digital discussing UV chemistry, ink components, ink formulation issues, hardware development criteria and architecture.

Stewart Partridge of Web Consulting kicked off the conference with a look at the widespread adoption of UV ink jet printing today and future potential markets. With 35 vendors in the market he predicts strong growth in new machine placements worldwide, reaching over 1,000 units in 2005. The event also included presentations from Canon on UV inks for bubble jet printheads and from SunJet for food packaging applications.

Proceedings Eur. 350, US $425, GBP 250 or order both proceedings for Eur. 600, US $750 or GBP 425. Prices include shipping.

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