(2000), "Software for analytical chemists", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Software for analytical chemists
Keywords LabSystems, Software, Analysis
LabSystems (Thermo LabSystems) a supplier of laboratory automation solutions recently launched what it believes to be the ultimate new software products for the analytical chemist.
Its LIMS and chromatography data systems from the 2000 range of products suited to the production and enterprise environment, were introduced at Achema 2000 (Plate 3).
Plate 3 LabSystems
introduced new products at Achema 2000
On show was the new SampleManager 2000 LIMS for enterprise manufacturing laboratories. SampleManager 2000 includes new functionality that has been developed to suit larger corporate users. Features claimed for this product include: sample planning, incident management, lot management and statistical sampling.
For the first time at Achema 2000, LabSystems showed the links between its LIMS and chromatography data systems, with Atlas and SampleManager automatically integrated on the booth.
Details available from: LabSystems. Tel: +44 (0) 800 0185227; E-mail