(2000), "Mobile fume cupboard", Pigment & Resin Technology, Vol. 29 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2000, MCB UP Limited
Mobile fume cupboard
Keywords Semper Products, Fume extractors, Hazardous materials
Semper Products Limited has launched its new Arena filtration fume cupboard which it reports is completely self-contained and capable of being moved and used in different parts of a building.
The company states that the new unit will accommodate a full range of activated carbon filters which prevent the release of odours and harmful chemicals, and it therefore requires no fixed ducting or external extraction systems. As a result, it can be manoeuvred to different locations within the laboratory or shared between different rooms and departments.
The mobile fume cupboard features a variable position sliding sash and toughened safety viewing panels on all sides, which make it particularly suitable for applications where a high degree of visibility is required. With a wider design than conventional mobile fume cupboards, the unit has been engineered to offer maximum access for multiple viewers while still retaining a compact overall structure. (Its dimensions are 1,200mm x 700mm x 1,950mm high.)
The fume cupboard is fitted with two 12kg activated carbon filters - ensuring, it is said, safe containment and a long service life between filter changes - and it conforms to the requirements and specifications of BS 7258, Design Note 29 and Building Bulletin 88. Under normal operating conditions, it reportedly will maintain a constant face velocity of between 0.3 and 0.5 metres per second, and it features both audible and visual alarms which are activated in the event of air flow falling below 0.3m/s.
The Arena features a highly stable internal work surface made from cast epoxy resin, which is said to be highly resistant to staining and attack by aggressive chemicals. This hard wearing material is thought to tolerate high temperatures and will not suffer any loss of performance or exhibit unsightly marks if it comes into contact with hot items such as tongs and crucibles.
Supplied complete with integral lighting and a range of standard safety features such as pre-filters and automatic alarms, the new fume cupboard can also be fitted with special additional options including variable electronic airflow control and monitoring. This advanced, automated system produces a constant display of working aperture air velocity and adjusts the fan speed within the unit to ensure optimal airflow and maximum energy efficiency at all times.
Details available from: Semper Products, Tel: + 44 (0) 151 549 0777.