New merger will benefit Tahya Tounes in Tunisian polls
Friday, June 14, 2019
In May, Tahya merged with Al Moubadra, a centrist party created by Kamel Morjane, a senior official under ousted President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali. In the coming weeks, Tahya and Al Moubadra are expected to join their regional structures, which will further bolster Tahya’s presence on the ground. The merger illustrates the wide support base Tahya already draws, and that the party is likely to emerge as the main rival to the Islamist Ennahda party.
- Persistent frictions between secular parties risks a further decrease in public trust in politics.
- As political pressure mounts, Nidaa Tounes officials will likely adopt an increasingly populist discourse.
- A future coalition between Ennahda and Tahya Tounes is likely.
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